Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I would love to start my dog in agility!?

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I would like to know where I can buy agility equipment or how to make some. I am not looking to get him into competition, just for fun. Any websites on where to buy for cheap or how to make them would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

My lil fella does agility for fun and Showjumping lol!

But here what I make.

Hurdles- Buckets with planks of wood on the top. The more buckets the bigger the jump!

Tunnels- I used a kids play tent tunnel but I bought a proper agailty one from here...

Pole work- I used sticks stuck in the ground but you can buy good one from here...

See-saw- A barrel with a big plank of wood on the top or a good kids see saw. Tesco do a good one.

Hoops- A tyre I got from a farm and a hula hoop.

Also I'm thinking of buying this agility set....

My Auntie has this for her collie but she died...(The collie not her)

Good Luck!

Oh also here's some treats that I find are very good. My lil terrier dog anything for them and they're are SO many in the tub!

I got the treats from an equestrian store.

Holiday in Wales - Treco Park Kiln Park?

Hi I have recently wanted to go to these two holiday parks in South Wales. They are called Trecco Park, Kiln Park if anybody can tell me some information about them such as, is the food good, good / bad swimming pool, cost of most things there is it a good place to stay. We will defiantly be going to stay in a stationary caravan not a tent or portable caravan, what is the accommodation like? I have a 13 / 14 year old daughter and a 10 year old daughter do you think they would enjoy the park. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Hope the hear from you!

Hi! I can't believe you asked. I went to Kiln Park years ago and it was GREAT! I know it was some time back but I had an amazing time. I can't say much about Trecco as I haven't been there but Kiln was excellent.

I remember Kiln as I was with my friends and we did all sorts. They have evening entertainment and a cabaret, loads to do (activities) and the beach is within walking distance. They do bar / nightclub nights almost every night and the crowd is generally quite friendly. They have a small convenience shop (which accepts credit cards) and though there are a few places to eat, the best and most economical food is to make your own. Every stationary caravan has a small kitchen. The convenience store can be a little pricier than your own regular convenience store or supermarket so you might find it better to take a trip down to Tescos or something before you get there.

The staff are friendly and if you go to the shows / cabarets and talent contests within the park, it's free of charge but if you want to do activities like hiring a surf board or quad bike, you'd have to speak to a local company who would then organise that for a charge. I'm not sure if your ten year old daughter is too old for this but they also have a guy dressed in a teddy bear costume (my friends terrorised him!). He was very friendly until my mate jumped him and then this angry bear started chasing my friend around the restaurant - it was hilarious (but I guess you had to be there).

I believe that both holiday parks are owned and operated by the same company. I won a talent contest at a different holiday park (called Pendine) and the prize was a short break at Kiln and a chance to take part in the grand final. If there is something your daughters (or indeed yourself or your wife) are brilliant at, take part in the contest. Even if nothing comes to mind, do it - it'll be a laugh!

Though you do get some kids that can be pests, I think you'd get them anywhere you go. My verdict: recommended!

I came across these sites on the net so you might want to do a little more research and even ring them and ask for brochures:

I hope you and your family have a good time.

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