Friday, November 15, 2013

would you work as a prostitute if you dont have food or shelter for your kids?

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if you dont have no family or friends or family, and what about if you have 5 kids?

I have 5 kids and i have been in this position before. We lived at the lake granted we had only 1 at the time, in a tent. There are shelters for women and children and even families that will help. Here one of our top shelters is the salvation army, we also have the noah project which is for women and children in abusive situations. There are so many places to get help, there is HUD, foodstamps, TANF and so much more. If you are on TANF they will help with childcare while you work and search for a job. Prostituting brings so much more risk to your children than just being homeless. I would rather be without than become a prostitue, what if you get killed or contract aids, or get beaten up. Who will watch ur children while u r prostituting. It is not worth it. You could get caught and go to jail then your kids will be seperated and placed in foster homes without you and each other. Id have to say there are always other options, maybe not easy ones but life is rarely easy.

What do you think these kids punishments should be? Animal abuse and worse?

Heather R

We just had an awful thing happen in our community. It is 6 boys: two 17 year old boys and four 11 and 12 year olds. They poured gas on a dog and burned it alive. The tent they were in caught on fire as well. The cops had to shoot the dog as it was still alive, but almost dead and in tremendous pain. The courts are planning on sending the older boys to boot camp. The younger ones, I think were just there to look cool, Peer pressure and all. The younger boys are most likely scarred for life because of what the older boys made them witness. Apparently the older boys had it planned and were the ones to collect all the gas and lighters and they even set up the tent to burn the dog in. There's no word yet as to what they'll do with the younger boys.
I think they should get mental help for what they've seen.
But the older ones need to go to some kind of behavoirial (sp)? readjustment and hopefully jail.
Any comments will help, as I plan on writing to the newspaper and the judges.

well this is what they should do, one of these things. 1.send them all to me,1 at a time, i do stuff that i cant even speak of on the internet. 2.BURN THEM ALIVE 3.send them to dr.phil(theworst). no but serously dont send the young ones to boot camp that will make it worst, punish them have a talk with them, the older ones, show them the life they will end up living if they do this kinda stuff again/

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