Saturday, December 14, 2013

how do i get 5 year old to sleep in new bed?

kids tent loft bed on ... com maxtrix kids mid loft bed with slide and play tent under bed this
kids tent loft bed image

Melinda Su

shes had it over 6 months she has new dora blankets and a nightlight. she will play in her room in the day. but will sleep on couch or living room floor at night. hy wont she sleep in the new bed. what can i do to try to get her used to it

Help them overcome nighttime fears. Many children want to sleep with parents because they are afraid to sleep alone. They may be afraid of the dark. They may be afraid of "monsters." They may have real issues that are causing fear. Talk to your child to find out why she wants to sleep with you and then arm her with tools that will make her feel secure. This might mean giving her a flashlight, a bottle of monster spray or teaching her a saying that will make her less afraid.

Make his bed and bedroom more desirable than yours. Moms and dads tend to have great big beds that are soft and warm and fun to sleep in. Make your child's bed fun in a way that is unique for him. Put up a tent over his bed. Add a feather bed under the sheets (for kids over 5). Consider a loft bed or full-sized bed (based on age). Do a bit of decorating in exchange for a promise to sleep in his own bed.

Have snuggle time in the morning. If it is snuggle time your child does not want to give up, then give them snuggle time in the morning. After she has slept in her bed all night, allow her to come into your bed for a 15 minute snuggle time before you start your day.

Send her to the bathroom when she wakes up. Some kids get up because they have to go to the bedroom. Habit, however, brings them to mom's and dad's bed instead, where they may also have an accident. When they stand over you saying "I woke up," just answer, "because you have to go to the bathroom," and then direct them there.

Return them to their beds. Be persistent about bringing them to their beds every time they try to get into yours. Give in one time, and you have given them the idea that if they nag and whine, you will let them in.

Lock your door. Once the child reaches the age of 8 and 9 (and are of equal maturity), lock your door. This way, they cannot sneak into your bed on those times when you are sleeping too deeply to protest. This will also tell them that they need to be invited into the bed and are not allowed access to it whenever they want.

What ages are loft beds for?

jon jon's

What age group is best for loft beds? I have heard not to use top bunks before age 6. This loft bed seems to have high side rails:
What ages would you say this is for? Keep in mind the pink tent can be taken off for older kids and you could put a dresser, desk or bean bags or something underneath. Whats the youngest and oldest for something like this?
let me try that link again! hope it works this time...
Heather-they have them for boys, too! I want to get my son one, too! =0)
it's so cute!:

I would say that 5 seems like a good age, that way they wont have any problem climbing the ladder. It is a very cute bed, I wish I had a little girl, the bed could be for a little younger than 5 if you watch them climb up the ladder and pick it up during the day, any younger than 5 could easily fall of that ladder,

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