Thursday, December 12, 2013

What are the best and most popular school carnival games?

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Hi! I'm in charge of my school's carnival for the first time, and the games we've had in the past are growing a little old and tired. Does anyone have any ideas about new and exciting carnival games?

I really want to impress our community with a great selection of games and other activities.


There's an article titled 34 School Carnival Game Ideas that is really helpful.

Here are two from the article:

The Fortune Teller Booth
We had our school principal dress up as a fortune tellers with bright flowing clothing, a turban, several bandannas, scarves, and lots of jingling jewelry on him. We decorated his office to look like a real fortune tellerâs tent. There was a small table with bright table cloth on it and a couple of chairs. We placed a small lamp with a scarf over it to set the mood, and there was a CD player playing eerie music. On the table was a crystal ball, some playing cards, and a cup and sauce with tea leaves.

The principal read palms, gazed into the crystal ball, and turned playing cards. We had prepared a list of âfortunesâ ahead of time so he had some things ready that he could tell his customers. We made sure that all the fortunes were âgood newsâ.

The principal and the kids really enjoyed the âgame.â We gave (donated) fortune cookies as a treat, and the cookies had messages specially designed for kids. You can order cookies made with your own message(s) if you plan ahead.

Box Maze
We made a box maze and filled an entire classroom with it at our carnival. We collected refrigerator and stove boxes for months ahead of time. We opened several of the ends and then taped the boxes together to form âtunnels.â However, we did create a number of dead ends with boxes that only had one end open.

Keep in mind that very small children may become disturbed if they canât find the end of the maze very quickly, but older children will love crawling through several tunnels within the maze.

Here is the link:

How much jewelry will I sell at a craft fair?


I'm going to a well-established craft fair, but it is my first time selling. I have necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

Do you have any advice on how many items I should bring? Also, how much can I except to sell?
Specifically, what would be considered a lot of pieces to bring/sell?

bring ALL your stuff...a packed booth gives more choices (basically a numbers game) much u sell will depend on a few thing

materials used/quality
how much competition at the show
and your display

merchandising your jewelry:
you can use some heavy card stock and a hole punch to hold your jewelry
your name of course should be represented on the card....OR you can tie a ribbon or raffia around each piece with you name

make sure you are interactive with you potential customers (grab the hand with the clasps).....If you used sterling silver, swarovskis, semi-precious gems...make sure you state that...I have found that having kiddie stuff helps sales (the kids come in and mom follows)

as far as pricing:
bring some signs that say 25% off, and if things are not going well USE is not that much of a loss, and u will be a goddess for sale prices

general stuff for display:
first for YOU,...pack a lunch and beverages... and have shelter from the sun/wind/rain..make sure to have business cards or contact information and a email sign-up sheet with your future show dates...for your display...if a tent, make it so they have to walk in...i usually have a candy dish and fresh flowers for ambiance...your display is best if done vertically....there are many creative ways to display...even tree branches work...make sure you have a table cloth....i have also found that a HIGH directors chair is best AND elevate your table so people are not straining to see items....display your name big and bold!....and make sure you are wearing/using the products......bring a tote that has..pens staples..scissors...tape..hand bags...receipt book....calculator..glue... painted rocks or paper weights.....anything needed to fix anything last minute...and a change box WITH a waitress apron works intriguing booth will draw in the customers...

Any Q's feel free to contact me!
good luck

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