Friday, December 13, 2013

Why aren't Native Americans allowed to hunt and gather in the National parks?

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Half Dead

I think that would be awesome. Who cares if some kids get killed when they try to shoot buffalo? Instead of giving them casinos, why not give them what they really want which is their old way of life... living in tents exposed to the elements and such?
In addition, it would boost tourist photo opportunities. The Japanese would love it.

I seriously doubt that most of them want to live in tents and teepees. As much as we may glorify their way of life, their way of life back then was even harder because they lacked modern conveniences and medical knowledge. We may pretend that their herbs was far superior to our medicine today, but they weren't, and as with all medicines, herbal or not, there is a limitation. Eventually surgery and emergency first aid researched knowledge is needed.

Sure some may think that when they were ignorant to the world outside of their tribal way of life, they were happy, and maybe they were, but they are not ignorant, and being people, we should never ask them to remain ignorant to something better. In fact, we should tell them all, even those still living tribally that there are other resources, 18 years old does not have to be the avg lifespan. Yes, 18 was the avg for North American woodland Natives.

Now, that's avg, which means a good number of them lived longer, but an equally good number died while they were pretty much still children. Infant mortality rates were through the roof. I guarantee, it's only misguided spoiled white kids that think living in teepees and tents is actually a better way of life for a society of people. I think what they celebrate is their culture, their way of life so that they don't forget it. So that their religious and practical skills of how to use raw nature to survive don't all die out like so many of those skills already have. They were a people who had a deep respect for life and world of life that they lived in as a tribal society. They don't want their kids to lose that respect because a modern society that shelters people away from that kind of stuff can tend to cause us to become complacent about life and the life of nature.

But seriously, I don't think any of them would still today go out and live in teepees and tents. I think they've pretty much realized that they have to move on, and have decided that they must keep their culture alive in today's world because yesterday's world is done gone and that can't be changed.

How can my mother enjoy Heaven, knowing that her atheist son will be tortured forever in the fires of Hell?

Q. Does she forget I ever existed?
Does she cease to care about my welfare?
Are either of those acceptable alternatives?

First of all, thanks for posting such a poignant question. I guess I like this one because it draws attention to both a misconception (of Hell) and a piece of information (our post-Judgment memories) that is seldom taught from modern pulpits.

The popular Dantean images of a fiery Hell where souls are condemned to an eternity of burning torment is not what the scriptures tell us. This misconception originated centuries ago by clergy who found it beneficial to use fear as a device to insure services packed full of tithe-bearing church members, eager to support the church leaders who possessed the information that would help them get assigned "upstairs" rather than "downstairs". It's a very effective device, for it is still in wide use today. If you ever get the opportunity to attend a "hellfire and brimstone" tent revival, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

What the scriptures actually say is that the souls found lacking on the Day of Judgment will be utterly and completely consumed by God's fire, blotted out of existence so totally that even the very memory of them will be wiped out. God is a loving God, and He doesn't want any of His kids to agonize across the unfathomable expanse of Eternity. But our Father is a STRICT God, too, and because so many of his kids took Lucifer's side at the katabole, He knows it is time to clean house, lest the bad "infect" more and more of His good kids. It's just how things have to be in order to return to the joyous state that existed in the previous Age. If your mother spends Eternity in Heaven with God, and you are condemned to erasure, basically, she'll enjoy Heaven quite well because she'll have no recollection of you whatsoever. My recommendation is to figure out how to spend Eternity with your Mom. If you ask her, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to give you some pointers.

I hope to see you there someday. (Just not any time soon, ok?) :)

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