Monday, January 6, 2014

Ideas for a circus party?

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I'm having a 16th birthday and its a circus/carnival theme(: I have a pretty large place rented out... I also have a dj who is bringing music and karaoke. I'm having around 70 kids.. So I need ideas for food, games maybe, wand decor? Thanksss oh and I have a popcorn machine, cotton candy machine, and drink stuff, I have a
Oh and I have a projector for a slide show (8

Wow cool. Well I have some thoughts.
Firstly, re; Music, you know Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears did albums based around the cirucus theme. So you could have like an intro song as the guests arrive. notably britneys track Circus as an intro, and then some of Christinas songs. Britneys one has the lyrics 'just like a circus' in so would be a good intro. perhaps play this on a loop or mix in a few other songs from the two albums to play for like half hour while the guests arrive . It's a cool song very upbeat and atmospheric - personal taste obviously. but for the occasion i wuold go for this. it would set the circus tone.
then as this was happening hire maybe some entrance entertainment like circus acts, low grade ones a few ribbon artists greeting people, serving popcorn or throwing popcorn, offering up candy floss. the mood is set from the get go. basically get a good playlist and off the top of my head those two artists have done circus themed albums. get everyone to dress up of course. maybe hire a face painter. a nice one, to do classy, pretty paintings. like this.,r:13,s:0&tx=103&ty=72 kind of thing.
have an artist doing that for the kids or adults whoever the party is for. either is cool. sounds like a fu party.
maybe have a circus ring, like fashion one, not a real one! lol. no animals (ethics alert) but maybe some large cutouts of tigers. a very magestical animal, could be littered around the area. to add dreamatic effect. and your waiters could be dressed like ring masters,r:19,s:0&tx=55&ty=26
ive been to weddings where there was a colour specification for outfits, and that worked well, as long as we wore lilac it didnt matter what we wore, but we all matched the colour scheme of the hall hired out and still maintained our own choice of actual outfit. this isnt hard or costly. i bought a summer dress for £10 in lilac. perhaps the traditional circus colours of like red, black, maybe a bit of royal purple you could ask that guests wear a variation or one of these colours, this is easier than asking people to come in "costume" :D this will make your guests feel less pressurised and the whole thing will be more relaxed : ) Corsets are circussy too do you could just ask for corsets and tutus if they like.
if you have those machines this will add to the effect overall. and you can get music to play over all this like cirucs music all the way through, until you get to othe karaoke. heres a CD from Amazon obviously have circus themed crockery (paper) like you can get off amazon a big canape area for guests to convene for the karaoke perhaps, you can rent canapes, even a cheap one will add to the overall effect eonogh to make it totally memorable and effective. i mean circus tent here. something simiple and the kids can take a away a circus themed doggy bad - found these on amazon too :D
hope these ideas inspire. i think this is s great idea so the question inspired me. have fun : )

activities for kids...?


Hi Ya'll,
I babysit 3 girls ages 1, 3 and 5. Mainly it's the 3 & 5 year old for an 8 hour period and then the 1 yr old for 4 hours. They are really active (always going going going!) and I was trying to think of some activites for them to do while inside? Being outside is fine but there parents don't want them out for an excessive amount of time due to heat/sun so when they are inside I need something amusing to do for at least an hour or two at a time. Anyways, they usually don't sit still for movies very long but I did just buy playdoh, a coloring book, chalk (sidewalk), and a playdoh activity kit which I hope will keep them amused. Any other ideas...?


PS The girls do have there own toys to play with, but they usually get bored within 10 min. (just aren't "cool" anymore) so please dont suggest that. It never works! haha. :o)

I love children.. I highly sujest getting a babysitting bag together. Most children are not interested in their toys because no one has really sat down with them and show them how to play with the toys.. Get your self on a schedule play time with them. Since you are the one person that is around them the most a schedule is the best. And they really respond to order..
Children at this age Love Love 3 and 5
Story Time (make different voices to fit characters)
Puppet Time
Dress Up
Make a tent out of the kitchen table or in living room..Or in the bedroom..
The five year old should really be into playing mommy and the three year old is just starting in this area. So playing house. Which leads to play time in the world of imagination..
Pretend Cooking, Baby care, cleaning, Rest rant, This activity will and can go on for hours and they like to play it almost daily.
Playdoh is a great activity I agree make sure to cover the floor if it is on carpet..Be ready to have the colors mixed. The three year old will love to mix the colors and the older one will want them kept separate. So maybe their very own play doe for play doe time. Stinging big beads on a shoe lace../Ball time play..each needs own ball and also together time. rolling it on the ground.learning to catch.. the five year old should like tossing the ball up in the air..
Five Year Olds:
Teach sack-walking and "twist-em," "statue," or "freeze" games to provide an outlet for their drive for physical activity.
Play games that can teach right and left directions, like "Hokey-Pokey," "Looby-Loo," and "Simon Says."
Ask 5-year-olds to tell you a story. Write it down and post it on the wall or refrigerator
Three Year Old
Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in the Dell.Also they love to jump and hop.. show them "how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.Box play and anything they can hide in.. Making silly faces..
One year old..
will love play doe too.. All will love bubbles..ball play too..called "Roll it to me"

Have Fun.. Hope this helps. ^^

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