Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What was it like for you when you were deployed to Afghanistan?

kids rocket tent on Kids Play Tents: Rocket Ship Play Tent in Playhomes | I
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What was the place like? What was the Combat like? Was it boring, scary, etc..

Hockey rink at Kandahar Airfield. People smiling. European soldiers everywhere. Helicopter flew to base. Names of the dead on the walls. Their dead. Walk. Near miss bullet went through a cargo pocket. Afghan soldier is running without a helmet. Explosions people yelling. Run. Grenade launchers like potato guns. Low ammo black. Rockets smoke everything can't see. Houses made of mud like dust vanish. Dead guy spaghetti. Back pack rockets. Walk. Someone shot theirself before vacation. Walk. Shooting. Friendly fire stupid Scouts. Mosque explosion enemy bait shooting. Run. Jets bombing the poppies. Sweating caked in dirt. Dead guy caked in dirt. Walk. Prisoner spits refuses food water. Care package of Monster more cigarettes. Walk. Kid showed us a big IED. C4 on IEDs blow up. Walk. Motorcylce can carry a family of 5. Fields of weed, opium, grapes. Men in the fields digging hard. Muddy wheat fields like warm rice paddies with algae. People starving. All the kids throw rocks at each other. Where are women? Walk. Vineyards have booby traps with green christmas light wire. CHRISTMAS LIGHT WIRES. Recoiless rifle is a fucking cannon not a rifle. Plastic or wood IED can't pick up on the Valon. Walk. The tent gets more empty. The belongings of the dead are packed and put away. New guys look clean nervous. Our dead are on the wall now. Want to go home. Kesha's music is so happy. The little water bottles are made by Coca-Cola. Where do they come from?

What do you think about President Obama?


Do you think he will make a good President.

If anyone else could be president and you could make that decision and no one could change that who would it be.

i think hes a dangerous individual.you say he did good on the pirate situation but yet its still happening (failure).you say hes dealing with north korea but yet he still shot off a rocket (failure).he talks of tax cuts i havent seen no tax cuts anywhere but i did see a cut in my hours from 40 down to less than 20(failure.) 660,000 lost their jobs (failure).12%unemployment by end of year(failure). wheres the hope and change ? wheres the everyone should come togeather ?people is suffering and hungry and hes having parties every wednsday night at the white house?every ones he is put in office has cheated on his taxes but want you to pay more and they wont go to jail but you would .!!! you people are basically worshiping that man who is failing ,and something else i say too even i know you people on here wont do this ,tell the family who lost their home and have families living in cars and tent cities panhandeling on the street for food to feed that child who is hollering cause its hungry that obama is helping you and you will get a different reaction..he needs to go and that democrat congress too and those fake republicians who fall for democrat ways like the governator of california. i have lived as a kid under jimmy carter back in the 70s and its a repeat with obama.!!! if you dont know you better learn your history and compare notes you will find that its the same line we went through this before

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