Monday, November 18, 2013

How can I design a camping themed room for my 10 year old?

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kids tents with mattress image
Q. My son loves the outdoors. He wants his room to be a camping theme. In other words, he wants a tent to sleep in, things with boats, fishing, etc. I would love for him to have a tent to sleep in, but I also want to put his mattress in the tent so he won't have to sleep on the floor!! Is this doable? How big of a tent would I have to get? Can you even put a tent up in your house without having to stake it down?
Any ideas would be great!

there are many toy tents available these days for kids in the market made of parachute material that are long lasting and i guess they are big enough to accomodate a mattress, if not, even if the mattress peaks out a little, it is no problem, you can rope in the tent higher and it will give a spread over effect, these tents are meant for small children only and can be placed in the rooms!

along with it, you can go to a supermarket and check out the fishing section, there you will find wooden boats decorated in corners, you can buy one of these and place it in one corner of the room, it will give the out door effect, you can also get a artifical tree to place in one corner of the room, it will all enhance the outdoor effect, apart from that, try to paint the room in light green and light brown combination or even sky blue color to foster the image of being outdoors

see for more ideas on designing kids bedrooms

What should someone take in a small camping trip?


My Son and I are going on our 1st camping trip. Other than a tent, food what other things should I take on a campping trip. There will be other kids at the camp site. Does anyone know of any games that we can play?

Well yes of course you will need essentials, camping stove, lantern, flashlights, sleeping bags, bug spray, sun block, cooler, tent, maybe an air mattress, comfy out doors clothes, good sturdy comfy shoes, plates, forks, cups, jugs of water.

For games? You can find a horse shoes set at a local store and bring it along. If there will be a swimming site bring some swimming gear (life jacket, swim suite etc etc), if there is a beach maybe you can set up a volley ball area. Is there a basketball area there?? You might be able to bring a basketball. Bring a ball and glove, atleast you could play catch. Bring a set of walkie talkies, those could be useful and fun, and they are fairly unexpensive. Have a familiy dog? See if it's ok to bring it along, and bring a frisbee and other pet toys.

Usually when you go camping there is a lake not too far away (of course good for swimming) but also good for fishing, so bring along fishing poles just incase (but make sure you have a fishing license). If there is a lake you might be able to rent a paddle boat and take it out on the lake for a spin.

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