Sunday, November 17, 2013

My jobs are boring, and so are hobbies, now what??? (TL;DR)?

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Q. Sup, mid-life crisis man here.

I started Martial Arts when I was 5 years old.

By time I was 14 I had a black belt and many victories in kyokushin and by time I was 15 I had a black belt in Taekwondo and had fought 18 undefeated fights and was offered the opportunity to fo fight in South Korea, but couldn't because of money.
At 15 I felt like I had accomplished enough in gloved Karate and Taekwondo, so I tried Wushu and Muay Thai boxing and was on the school gymnastics team.

I took massive influence from Martial Arts films, and I wanted to be a stunt man, and eventually work my way up to becoming the best action and stunt choreographer in the business and putting together a team and that was my life goal, but never really knew how to get into the industry and by time I was 21, I was working a job I absolutely hated and still couldn't find work as a stunt man, mostly because I lived in the UK and was thousands of miles away from Hollywood and the stunt industry here isn't very good, and I never got the money together to go to Hollywood.

So I joined the Army and I stayed there until very recently when finally got out at the age of 33, and I haven't done any martial arts for 12 years and I can't do anything any more.
I'm back to a white belt, and trying to go to Hollywood at my age to do what I want to do would never happen now, not at my age.

I work a regular job and live a regular life, I'm currently studying Capoeira and Jeet Kune Do, and I don't feel like a real martial artist, I feel like some drone who does it in his spare time.

Is this it?
Regular life, is it that interesting?
Is it worth it n the end?
I help people, I tried that, I used some of my army money to go to south America and build things and I have worked for charities, but I don't feel fulfilled by anything.

I feel like hobbies are nothing more than things we do to keep ourselves occupied whilst we wait for death.
Its like playing a gameboy whilst in a waiting room and that's all hobbies are.

I don't feel fulfilled by a job, they are all the same, and its all about money.
When I wanted to work in stunts, I wanted to earn a regular wage, I didn't want to work for money, I wanted to work because its the only kind of job I find interesting.
When people start talking about getting jobs that pay a lot, I tent to stop listening, because people who work for nothing more than lots of money are the most boring and mundane people on the planet, I might be a middle aged loser whining over the internet, but at least I'm not a money whore, that is a true life of shame, yet that's all I ever get "Well go to college and get a good job" but they all suck.

What now?

Can somebody explain?

I went in the army, I'm in college and work now for a job I could care less about and I have hobbies...
Now what?
Marriage and kids?
Hell no!
I would never bring a kid into this world, and I think marriage is the most pointless human ritual in history, and all the women I meet bore the hell out of me.

Are lobotomies legal?
Can I remove the part of my head that still wants to have fun that doesn't involve alcohol and computer games and the oh so fun activities that involve staring at a screen?
I talk to my co-workers at my job and my class mates on a night and all they do is talk about their kids and their bills, and is that all life is???


Has the part of your brain that might see life as an adventure died with your youth?

you need a REAL change. something exciting. something special. I know what that feeling is like.
your life isn't an adventure anymore then make it one. don't just sit online and complain. Like me. Last time i was feeling bored out of my brain by life in general I moved to New Caledonia. I had very little money and didn't speak a work of french (which is the national language over there.) it was one of the best times of my life.

(btw, if you're going to help people then do it in your local community. not over in Africa. like become an emergency rescue guy. you'll be able to put your army training to good use.)

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