Thursday, November 21, 2013

What is it with these dragons ????

kids play tents uk on Childrens-teepee-play-tent
kids play tents uk image

Laff -Hugs

Today seems to be the day of the dragon,
I see dragons wherever I look !

Tell me your thoughts about dragons, what do they represent to you and what role do they play in your religion ?

they are my faveorite animals ever!!!

My name is dragon so you should be able to tell.

I have a hole librery of pictures on my computer here are just a few sites I got em from.

here is more of why I love dragons its a SA
What is your favorite animal and why?

My favorite animal is the mighty dragon! I just love all the stories that surround then and the superve strength and shape. The dragon is often portrayed as both good and evil, maturely Iâd love the good ones more but when it comes to evil like Smug for example it is always good to imagine a dragon flying over a city burning every thing in sight if not eating it. When they are portrayed as good they often are fighting for a good cause or are just an innocent creature that needs to be saved.
The dragon also has a mixed quality of different animals. They can fly witch I would love to be able to do and most can swim ect. But the most unique thing about them is breathing that accurate, hot, melding FIRE!! The dragonâs fire is one of the coolest things to me because they tent to be showed as using it in a bomb-fighter style and I love war epics, stories, and movies. There are two types of dragons the eastern dragon (Chinese) and the western dragon (European). My favorite of the two is the western dragon witch has in my mind; body of a lizard, legs of a dog and arms like a manâs, claws of an eagle with curved shape, wings of a bat and a arrow head tail.
My favorite dragon story is a moch-documentery from Animal Planet Dragons a Fantasy Made Real and/or the Last Dragon. Where two dragons are the last ones alive after human advancement into their territory force them up into the highest moutons. Then when they had two bodies one died leaving only three, but the male had left because they arenât social animals. The hunting is bad so the dragon has to feed her kid by stealing from farms. She does this and after one summer of doing this the local people are mad and said that the dragon is a hellâs pet. So they send raiders to kill them for good and the battle ends in a draw with both the last man of the small army and the dragons getting stabbed in the hart by claw and sword at the same time. I love this because it is a good story on both sides and it has a sad ending like Ceaser.
If I could be one Iâd look like this.

theres more but I'm out ot time.

If you could have as many kids as you want, how many would you have and what would you name them?


If you could have as many kids as you want, how many would you have and what would you name them? How many boys and how many girls? even give description of how you imagine them looking.

personally i would absolutely love to have two girls and two boys.

First born son: Draven Richard (Richard is my husbands middle name and is also a family name on his side of the family
First born daughter: Delilah Lilith (i chose the first name and he chose the middle)
Youngest son: David Wyatt (named after my father and Wyatt Halliwelle)
Youngest daughter: Autumn Luci (named after our favorite time of year, when we got married and Luci is my favorite girls name)

Draven Richard, i picture him having dark brown or black hair just like my husband and my father. with dark brown eyes like my husband. i hope he looks just like my husband when he was a child. he was sooo very cute. it would be so kewl if he was the spitting image of his father.

Delilah Lilith, i picture with brown wavy hair and green or brown eyes. i have green eyes and redish brown hair and he has black hair and dark brown eyes so i picture her having kinda a dark brown color with a little red tent to it like mine. (he has a lot of red in his goatee which is really kewl because of the Irish in him)

David Wyatt, i picture either with dark brown to black hair like my dad and my husband or maybe even light brown to blond hair like both of my brothers hair. with greenish eyes like me and my dad or blue eyes like my sister. i actually hope he looks just like my father growing up because he does not have one single picture of himself as a kid. so i don't know what he looked like when he was a kid and id love to see what my dad looked growing up.

Autumn Luci, she would be my little red headed baby girl. i would love a red headed girl and Autumn Luci makes me picture a little red headed girl. we have Irish in both sides of the family so its very possible to get a red head. i see her with pretty green eyes like me or pretty blue eyes like my sister.

please be descriptive and have fun. best answer gets 10 points

If i could choose, i'd really want 7.

Lily Rose~ Very sarcastic and funny and knows a lot for her age, although when she gets older she daydreams a lot through school A/B student! I'm happy with that. Very, very bossy and loves to control her brothers and sisters, but in a good way of course! I picture her to look like this (Like i did when i was that age!) Loves to dress up.

Amelia Avery~ Very, very small but has a big, big voice (Like me!). Loves to sing and dance and act and talks very quickly and loudly. A grade student, but prefers acting, dancing, singing, and very committed to it! I picture her to look like this (His side of family)~

Harry Isaac & Oliver Mason (Twins run in the family)~ Both very, very, very, very, very energetic and are very rough-and-tumble. They love to play in the muck and get dirty! Although in school they are very academic.

Rhys George (Not Daniel!)~ Very close to his siblings, and loud and chatty with them and his Granda' but not very loud in school. He has lots of friends because he plays sports and is funny and cute, but likes his own company sometimes.

Elliott Eli~ The usual boy. Loves cars and trucks and outdoors (Oh My!). He loves all this though he loves his music just as much. He plays Piano and Guitar and writes his own songs. Popular with his teachers, his friends and the ladies!

Zane Noah~ A live-wire! His other brothers are energetic, but he is too, if more so. He spurts out random phrases, and is loved by everyone because of his funniness! Loves to wear clothes that no one else would and surrounds himself with friends. Teachers love him, they fall for his charm. He is odd (in a good way) and is the only blonde in the family!

My big family! I love Autumn Luci from yours!

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