Monday, November 18, 2013

Ways to entertain a nine and six year old (both girls) and make them listen?

kids tent instructions on TP Roll Campfire Craft
kids tent instructions image

No one

I babysit two little girls during summer and I'm already running out of things to do! They always want to go to this brook that is about a mile away but whenever we can't they get really mad, so I need things to distract/entertain them.
Also, the nine year old always tries to argue with me about everything and she just doesn't stop! Any advice? Thanks
Also, I don't have my license and we aren't walking distance from like anywhere.

- Build a tent in the living room out of kitchen chairs, couch cushions, and anything you can find/use. Cover with sheets and blankets and let the kids pretend their camping, playing house, do puzzles in there... whatever they can think of. The more props the better, like flashlights, stuffed animals that live in the forest, a pretend fire...

- Dress-up/Makeover. Put on a fashion show with music and blow bubbles at the models. Search your house and ask their parents for old clothes or halloween stuff that you can use. Put on face paint or maybe the 9 year old might like to try wearing real make-up just for fun. They can put make-up on you and give you a make-over.

- Art. Grab some old magazines, glue, and scissors and make collages. Food art is good. Glue cereal, pasta, or beans to construction paper. Kids go nutty for stickers and paint. Paper airplanes are also effective time wasters and other origami art.

- Skill Testing Games. Obstacle courses, ring toss, bean bag toss, tiddly-winks, bowling... Look around the house or the garage because there's always some ball you can bounce into some bucket. Create a scoring system and keep track of points if you're feeling competitive, or maybe just keep track of personal bests. Games can be made harder if it gets too easy, or made easier for the 6 year old who can't keep up.

As for the 9 year old arguing with you, ask her to repeat to you what you just said to her. For example, let's say you instruct the children to clean up the toys before lunch and the 9 year old protests. You would respond in an even tone with, "What did I just ask you to do?" If she doesn't answer you or doesn't remember, you give her the instructions again. If she protests again you say, "Stop. Use your listening ears. What did I ask you to do?" and you go around in this circle until she complies.

Another tactic I use in conjunction with the first tactic is the When/Then technique. When you do as you are told (clean up, wash up ect), then you can have lunch / watch tv / go to the brook ect

What can followers of (Confucianism, Taoism, Sikhism) learn from Catholic Christians?


I have to do a religion assignment on this question so I thought I would get some different point of views.


For pete's sake, Steph, weren't there any Easier questions you could have chosen??? This one could be a monster.

Ok, it sounds like one of the things your instructor might want is a compare/contrast piece on how Catholic views on the meaning of life, death, redemption, sacrifice, suffering, etc. stack up against those of the followers of those other belief systems. This could keep you busy for several months.

If I had that assignment thrown at me, I'd wander off in a slightly different direction. No offense (for a change) intended toward protestants, but the Catholic system tends to focus more on a whole-life experience rather than isolated spiritual highs. So, what could a (for example) Sikh "steal" from the Catholic system? How about the instruction to kids on the Saints, effectively giving them heroes to emulate (including insisting the child choose the name of a Saint to add to their own)?

Another thing you could look at is the Sacraments of the Church, and pointing out the equivalent (or lack thereof) in those other faiths. Another would be the multicultural nature of the Catholic (Universal) Church, and how they keep all those people under one big tent more or less effectively.

The hierarchy has come under a lot of fire lately, but it Has survived 2,000 years with some wonderful and occasionally awful people at the top. How has it managed to do so, and what can those other faiths learn from it? How has the Church managed to become the most charitable organization in history? Not trying to convert you (well, not Really trying...), but my mantra in school is "Show me the mechanism." How'd they do that?

Hope that helps jump-start your thinking...

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