Monday, January 13, 2014

Can anybody give me some cheap vacation ideas?

kids tents cheap on Obsessively Stitching: Tent Week, Day Three -- Army Bunker Tent!
kids tents cheap image
Q. My husband and me have 2 kids, ages 10 and 1&1/2. We have very little money saved up but we're all dying for a vacation. We live in Ohio.

Hello over there in Ohio. I'm near Pittsburgh. Got a tent? I'm 30 now and some of my best memories are when we went camping. In fact those are some of the only things I can remember from that young. But go prepared by getting supplies at like Dollar General. But like them boy scouts say, go prepared for everything and have a great time. Its a bit chilly but check the forecast. Ohiopyle National Park is nice, but not much there to travel too far. But a nice state part not tooo far from civilization. Sorry part of that wasnt answering your question. They make several room tents too. Just a fyi. Oh and the Goodwill may have camping supplies that can save you even more money. they gotten bigger as far as i know

Just to add after reading the aboves answer you can go to google and maybe search for parks or state parks and then list for your zip code. like: state parks 15222

How do I make a giant Igloo for my preschool class?


I am a preschool teacher and we are doing themes for our summer camp and one of them is an artic theme. I want to make a giant igloo in the corner of the room that the kids can walk in and out of. Any suggestions on how I can do that? I would like to some how make it out of butcher paper. Any ideas would be great. Or any ideas I can add to help decorate the room for our artic theme would be awesome. Thanks.

If you don't have or don't want to collect that many milk jugs, how about a dome shaped tent? You can find them at fairly low prices and, if you don't plan to use it for real camping outdoors, you can get a cheap one. Draw block shapes on the butcher paper and then use it to cover the tent.

Please be sure children learn that people in the Arctic do NOT live in igloos. Read up on it and give them authentic information about life in the Arctic.

I didn't read the other answers all that closely, but here are some ideas:

Put up pictures of Arctic animals. Use them later to go on an Arctic animal "safari".

Freeze water in various shaped containers. You can put in food colouring to give them colour. Float them in your water table for "icebergs".

Have kids make "Ivory Snow" pictures and put them up around the room.

Teach kids to cut out snowflakes. Hand those up around the room.

I love having kids make decorations for the room rather than teachers doing it.

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