Saturday, January 18, 2014

Can you help me remember the title of this movie?

kids camping tents on Family-Friendly Tent Camping Near Boston - tent camping with families ...
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I remember watching this weird show when I was younger could've been about urban legends or something. It was in the 90's, a bunch of short stories. A grandma puts her little dog in the microwave, possibly to dry it off and it explodes all over her and the kitchen. There's this outdoor bathroom at a school and the janitor turns into a monster or alien or something. There were some kids camping in a tent telling scary stories. Lots of random information, but do you remember this show???

The Willies (1990)
starring Sean Astin, James Karen, Dana Ashbrook, Bill Erwin, Kimmy Robertson, Kathleen Freeman
While trying to scare each other by telling bedtime horror stories in a tent, Michael, Kyle and Josh recount a variety of tales of a large, KFC-eating woman eating a fried rat, an old man dying in a haunted house, an old woman putting her poodle in a microwave, a nerd feeding his teacher and school bullies to a monster which turns out to be the school janitor, and a cruel boy's obsession with dead flies, which soon gets serious when his flies become powered by manure.
Here's Part 1 on YouTube:

Have you ever taken the kids camping?

Q. We are taking our 3 kids camping, our youngest is 5 and this is her first time going. Any advice/tips? It's going to be really cold outside. Our husband is going crazy preparing for this trip and the two older ones are going crazy over having to leave their friends for one day!! OH so horrible, they may die! :) lol.

I am not quite the most sporty girl out there, but i'm getting excited!
Do you guys like to camp? Any advice/tips is appreciated!

Our family camped for most of our children's lives. I had never camped before. My husband had done it all his life. Lots of matches to light fires. Instant hot chocolate powder to keep the kids warm. Instant oatmeal. Extra socks, mittens and jackets. A first aid kit. A propane heater for your tent. You do not state where you live, or what the surroundings are like except that you will experience cold. Camping is one of the most family bonding experiences that you can have. We always brought along a chapter book to read outloud before bed inside the tent, and around the campfire. One of the best books to start out with is "The Hatchet" by Gary Paulson. It is a story about a young boy who gets lost in the wilderness alone and has to survive. This is a great story to bring because it is easy to relate to him since you are out in the wild too. There will be many mishaps, but when your family gets together in years to come, it is reminiscing with love and laughter about these events. Even if your first experience is not what you expected, try it again in different weather and conditions. Being outdoors away from all the electronics is so refreshing to body and soul. There is nothing better than camping as a family to bond you together.

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