Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What all do I need for a camping trip?

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This weekend I'm going camping with some friends. We all are in our early mid 20's and we haven't really gone camping on our own. What all do i need to bring. I already have a tent, sleeping bag, cooler, first aid kit. hot dogs, bbq, beer. and all that good stuff. But besides the main stuff what should I bring, and like what to do when were are not hiking or on the lake.

Plastic Dish Pan This keeps stuff from rolling all over in the trunk and comes in handy for dish washing and bathing.
Paper Plates Twice as many as you think you need. Bring plenty, they burn very well for fire starting purposes.
Can Opener
Granola Bars
Silverware 2x everyone in your party. Bring some regular silverware and some plastic stuff.
Napkins or Paper Towels
Coffee (Sugar / Cream) The makings for a good cup of coffee. Also, single serving coffee bags or tea bags
Beef Stew
Corned Beef Hash Great with eggs!
Canned Pie Filling Excellent!
Ravioli Even good cold and kids love it!
Macaroni and Cheese Very soupy but tasty.
Baked Beans
Soups Pick the stuff your family likes best.
Canned Vegetables Green beans, peas, mushrooms, corn, carrots, etc.
Canned Fruits Pineapple, applesauce, peaches, pears, apricots, etc.
Bread Bring a good loaf of bread.
Cheese Cheddar or mozzarella
Sandwich Meat
Condiments Almost all condiments will keep well - Just make them easy to get to.
Adult Beverages
Kids Drinks
Hot Dogs Excellent food.
Box of Cereal Cherrios, Chex's, any cereal that requires no sugar. Eat this out of a cup. It's a quick and easy breakfast.
S'more Fixings Marshmallows, Hershey chocolate bars, and graham crackers!
Zip-Lock Storage Bags Really handy if you hate seeing your butter floating around in the bottom of the cooler.
Aluminum Foil
Cooking Utensils A serving spoon, a pitch fork, a pair of tongs, and a good knife.
Hot Pads
Clothes Pin
Frying Pan I use an old cast iron pan.

Car / Glove Box
Car Registration
Car Insurance Information
Medical Insurance Bring everyone's cards; better safe than sorry.
Travelers Check Receipts
Camera and Film Many cameras take strange batteries - bring a spare!
Bring a Book If you read, bring something. You never know where you'll be waiting.
Your Wallet
Your Drivers License Obvious, but please make sure!
Your AAA Card If you don't have one, I recommend you get one. Free tows in the U.S.A. are only the beginning. Your policy may say they only tow 7 miles - but that's not the full truth. AAA will tow you seven miles in town.
Your Checkbook Most self-service campgrounds accept checks.
Your Credit Cards and ATM Cards Yes, I have left my VISA at home accidentally- the only time I have needed it.
Money Don't bring hundreds please!
Water I use a large container for the bulk of the water and keep a soda bottle with water in reach for drinking in the car or on hikes.
Toys Let your kids pick out what they want.
Snacks Good distractions for the little ones.
Towels I use them as seat covers to protect from accidents for easy packing.


Good Hat
Rain Poncho
Bug Head Net
Multi-Pocket Vest A great piece of apparel. Keeps all your little items handy.
Sport Sandals
Long Underwear
Filp-Flops Great for showering in as well as lake swimming

New tent? Practice setting it up in the backyard before going on a trip.
Invest in good sleeping equipment. Choose air mattresses, cots, or sleeping bags that will give you adequate rest so you can get the most out of your daytime activities.
Stay dry:
Use a ground cloth under your tent as protection from rips and moisture.
Use the rain fly, even if the sky looks clear.
To prevent rain from leaking into your tent, apply a seam sealant to the inside and outside of all exposed tent seams.
Keep your tent clean:
A whisk broom is handy for sweeping out dirt and leaves.
Place an indoor/outdoor rug in front of your tent entrance for dirty shoes.
Bring duct tape for quick repairs of small tears, splintered tent poles and the like.

Kamping Kabins, Kottages and Lodges
Our Kamping Kabins, Kottages and Lodges provide space, comfort and privacy for family fun. Even on cool, wet days, you can stretch out and relax with games, crafts or a good book, and enjoy the sound of rain pattering on the roof as you stay warm and dry. In addition to our basic camping checklist, here are some tips for campers staying in KOA Kabins, Kottages or Lodges:

We provide beds, but you'll still need to bring bedding (sleeping bags or linens, and pillows).
Don't forget bath towels and personal items.
Cookware and utensils are provided at some locations, so be sure to check with the campground before you pack. Otherwise, plan on bringing your own.
For fun on rainy days and lamp-lit evenings, consider packing puzzles, cards and board games inside zippered bags for spill-proof transporting.

How else can I screw with my kids?

Not The Ma

I'm trying to think of ways to mess with my kid's heads. So far I've got:

1. Nod my head up and down when I say "no" and side to side for "yes"

2. make up gibberish words for common objects.

3. Die the milk blue or green at various times a year and tell them that's just what happens sometimes to milk. Then they will grow up thinking that the milk naturally turns colors on occasion and their friends will think they're insane.

4. Whenever i have to sign something for school, I will do it in pencil and erase several times, so it looks like they forged it and they will get into trouble.

5. Occasionally I'll make a chocolate-type dessert and cover it with gray, coarse sugar and pretend I picked it out of the cat litter box, and then I'll eat it after dinner. But, I'll treat it how adults treat alcohol and say things like "no, you can't have any. This is only for adults. Kids wouldn't like cat poop"

6. Have a room or door that's always locked and tell them their older bother lives there and can't come out. If they ask why, I'll say, "He really didn't do anything wrong, he just wasn't that interesting".

7. Give them odd chores like dust the underside of all the tables and shelves and have them count to make sure all 200 tooth picks came in the box. (that actually might be educational).

8. Tell them that indeed money does grow on trees. My job is to harvest the money and then put it in the bank. That's where I go all day. I will sometimes glue money to the trees outside to confirm this truth.

9. Make up a wonderful place better than Disney World and tell them we'll get there eventually. Keep telling them this until they're old enough to realize I'm lying. (this one is probably too mean).

10. Tell them there's a God. (I actually don't find this one very entertaining, I just wanted to say it first before any people in Y!A world say it.)

Any other suggestions?
I'm looking for humorous answers Jack. Thumbs down to you for being so serious.
Sorry I wasted your precious time while you're answering stranger's random questions. By bad. Didn't realize you were so busy.
I like the history one. Or possibly that slavery was just abolished like 10 years ago and every black person you see is just recently free.

Thanks Rikki. Exactly what i'm looking for. The Oreo one is great.
I guess this joke is over your head Mom? Fun fact: There was a time in my life when my shoe size was larger than my age i.e. I was 11 wearing a size 12.

here are other things you can do :p Surprise!

Put snickers and toilet paper in all d toilets and bathtubs/showers.

Juice or Water?
Fill a glass with water. Add food dye so it matches the color of whatever juice you have in your refrigerator. Serve the "juice" to your family. They will be expecting something sweet and getting water so it will taste funny at first. Don't forget to watch the funny faces they make!

Wrong Cereal
Here's another prank you can do at breakfast: open up all the boxes of cereal and pull the bags with the cereal in them out of the boxes. Put each bag in a wrong cereal box. When your family members go to pour their cereal they will get the wrong kind!

Salty Strawberry
You'll need to prepare for this one. Bring two identical containers with one holding sugar and one holding salt. Also have strawberries. Don't show anyone your salt container. Have the sugar container out and start to eat your strawberries. Offer one to your friends and have them take one. Before they dip it in the sugar, call out something like, "Ewww, what's that?" and point to the other side of the room. Quickly pull the salt container and switch it with the sugar. Then they'll dip it in salt and their face will turn green. Everyone will laugh at the joke and so will the kid that eats it... although he may not eat strawberries with sugar anymore.

Minty Delicious
Scrape the cream out of Oreo cookies and fill them with white toothpaste!

time Warp
Turn all the clocks and watches forward one hour. Your 'rents will get up an hour earlier to get ready for work as you snooze for that extra hour.
Bouncing Showers

- When all the girls are sleeping, get all your ribbons and tie them in the girls' hair (at least 10 each) They'll wake up with really messy hair. LOL.
- When all the girls are sleeping, get washable markers and write all over them with the markers. They'll wake up and look in the mirror and be like, "what's that all over me?" It's hilarious to see the look on their face!
- For any sleeping girl, put their hand in a bowl of hot water. This will make them wet their pants!
- For the first girl that is sleeping, carry them out of the tent and lay them in their sleeping bag outside in the grass or on a trampoline. They'll wake up and be like, "Where am I?" It's hilarious!

Help! Umm something's missing!
- Steal all the toilet paper from the bathroom and the next person that goes #2 will be in for a little surprise!
- Steal all the towels and shampoos from the showers⦠you get the point⦠they'll have a small problem.

Early Riser
Get about three alarm clocks and set them all up for very early times. Hide all of the clocks in your victim's room and they'll have to get up and find them. By then they will be fully awake! It's hilarious if you're awake to see it!

School on Saturday?
On Saturday at a late time, yell, "Hurry up we're late for school!" then watch all of your family members race against the clock to get out of the house as fast as they can! Then let them in on the prank once they are all done! It's just too funny! BTW they may get a little mad⦠J hehe

Raccoon eyes
Before you go to a concert or something that you us binoculars for, gather all of your family's and friend's binoculars and put black marker, charcoal, or black pastel where the eyes go. Watch as they look into them and end up with raccoon eyes! Its hilarious to see the look on everyone's face that sees your family's "raccoon eyes". They may get a little mad when they find out though... J (BTW this also works with a telescope)

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