Monday, January 13, 2014

Cribs vs. Pack n' Plays?

kids tents toys r us on Backpack Tent | ToysRUs |Fisher-Price
kids tents toys r us image


Ok I feel really terrible about this but I'm standing my ground with the way I feel.

My cousin is getting ready to have a baby in October. The other day we were talking about what all I got at my baby shower and what stuff I used the first few months and what I didnt need til later on. [[ NOTE: Neither of my kids have ever slept in a crib]] She asked me why I never used a crib, if it was because I simply didn't get one or if I had different reasoning. So I explained to her my reason. I never used a crib because in my own personal opinion I dont feel like my babies are safe in one. I know 2 peoples who children have fallen out of their cribs and been seriously injured. My one friend's 11 month old was napping in her crib while she did some household chores. While she was folding laundry in the next room she heard her daughter let out a blood curdling cry, she walked in the bedroom and found her on the floor. She had fallen out of her crib. She called 911 immediately but the doctors told her that she did such extensive damage to her skull that it would no longer grow with her brain and she would have to have multiple surgeries to correct her skull. The other child I know that fell out of his crib, knocked out 2 teeth and suffered a broken collar bone.

I don't know about any of you, but I couldn't imagine my baby having to go through that. So therefore, my children have both started out in a bassinet and then I moved them into a pack n' play. They don't sit as far off the ground as a crib and if they fall, they aren't falling as far. They are less expensive, easy to set up and easy to move. When my daughter turned 20 months I moved her into a toddler bed and she is doing great in it, while my 6 month old continues to sleep in his pack n' play.

I am not ANTI-CRIB, I just personally won't use one. So, today my Aunt calls me and pretty much gives me the 3rd degree because she bought my cousin a crib as a shower gift and since I told her why I dont use one, she doesn't want to use one either.

I feel terrible because my Aunt spent all this money on a beautiful crib and now my cousin wont use it. I tried explaining my reasoning to my aunt but she just kept telling me I was being unreasonable and I needed to tell my cousin that I was just overreacting and that she should use the crib. I did call my cousin and tell her what happened but she is persistant in sticking with her decision.

I was just wondering how many people have never used a crib either and what your reasoning was, whether it be price, not enough space or anything else.

right now we use the pack n play at night as she still sleeps in our room; she naps in her crib and will sleep in it as she gets older....if you are worried about a baby climbing can buy a mesh cover at babies r us, or anywhere online called a crib tent 2 i think that zips them in so they can't fall out; they can see and breathe through it easily....keep anything like a bumper or toys and such out that could be used to step up on, if you are really worried, put a big pillow or something on the floor, but when you get to that point it may be time for a toddler bed; and no, i don't feel like it is a prison; it is a safe place for a baby to be, just like a pack and play when they are sleeping and can't be watched by a sleeping adult....ppl should use common sense and their knowledge of their child...i would think that to an older child, meaning not close to nb, that a nice firm mattress would be more comfy to sleep on than even the most padded pack and play you can find...which is what we bought...but, we also bought a very nice mattress for the crib...right now she is in the bassinet, and will stay there until she hits the weight requirement, and will likely sleep in the bottom until at least the six month mark when sids drops dramatically or she starts disrupting our sleep severely with her grunts and groans and ahhhhs as she rolls around....

Ball pits for toddlers?

*Love My T

Does anybody have a ball pit for their toddlers? I just recently saw some online and I think there awesome. I'm thinking about getting one for my girls in a couple of months. I also read alot about people making their own, like with little pools. Just wondering what your thoughts are. If you have one where did you get it. How old is your baby, or how old when they started playing with it? Thoughts... Thanks.

I have 3 boys. We have had 2 inflatables, they didn't last long with my boys. I got a little round pool at the end of summer, it was 4 dollars. We bought the balls seperately. We also bought some turtle shaped bean bags and have them in there. We do not have a problem with the balls being everywhere. We use a Buzz lightyear pop up tent, that has two entrances, it fits exactly right over the pit. The kids love it. They started with them before 1, around 9 months. They are now 8, almost 4 (next month), and almost 3 (Nov. 1st), they still use it, everyday. All of them. I am not concerned about germs, its their germs. They do not go in with shoes on, and do not eat in the pit. Once every few months we take the pit outside, hose it down, alcohol the pool and spray the balls. We got both our inflatables at Toys R us. One was a fish bowl, the other a little house. The bean bag animals, we have several, pigs, turtles, rabbits, we got those off ebay for 1 dollar each. The sets are of 6. We have 4 sets of turtles, 2 rabbits, 2 pigs. Amazon carries them now, they are expensive now.
these are the turtles

We have 200 balls. We bought 1 ball pack of 100 for 10 dollars.

The pool is great, but a baby under 1 yr, at least mine could not get in and out themselves.

My pits had cost 32.99, and 26.97

The pool pit, the pop up tent was a gift, so nothing, the pool was 4 dollars, we bought 100 balls for 10, then we added the bean bag animals from ebay ascent-education-who hasn't sold in the past 6 months, the beanbags were 48. The other balls were left over from 2 other pits. The beanbags aren't necessary, but they make it more fun. So 14 dollars without the beanbags. Our pit is big, 42", and 8" deep
this looks like a good one, 24.76, good reviews, it looks a little small, but it says 47" long, that is 4 feet, so if the kids are pretty young, I'd go with something like this, then you can upgrade to a pool later. The balls, 16 dollars for 100, its a fair price, might be able to find better.

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