Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Design and make ideas for teaching primary science!?

kids tents australia on Rose Fairy Play Tent by Haba - Brats n Rugrats
kids tents australia image


I am studying to become a primary school teacher in NSW Australia i need some ideas for a design and make lesson.

I just suggested this in answer to another question. I've done this with a year 6 class. All you need is lots and lots of newspaper and sticky tape. I rolled up sheets of newspaper to make long thin tubes (the tighter you roll the stronger they are) then i joined up the tubes (like when you put a drinking straw into the end of another straw to make a long tube). I then challenged the kids to make something in groups that could stand up by itself and was as tall as the tallest teacher in the school. Everyone had heaps of fun making things. We got a newspaper person, a house and best of all a huge pyramid that the kids then made into a tent and played with for weeks. The group that made the pyramid were the winners and each got a chocolate and a newspaper crown.

How Hard Is It For US Citizen To Work In Aus?


25 years old, moving to AUS, have 12 month VISA. How hard will it be to find a job and move to Australia. No college, just general accounting/admin experience, looking to make at least $80k/yr in AUS. VISA says can only work for 6 months for one company, then have ot quit. VISA says have to leave AUS in Sept 2013.

Thsi is my kid. I think it is unrealistic, leaving Saturday. I am pretty worried! I expect a "boomerang" back home in Sept.....I can't afford to support financially if this all falls apart. Kid is convined it is easy to move to AUS, get a job, says everyone makes more $$, lots of jobs...I am skeptical

Your 'kid' is dreaming if s/he thinks they have the slightest chance of earning 80k with no qualifications on a visa on which they are only allowed to work for each employer for 6 months. For starters, they will have a very hard time finding successive 6 month full time accounting/admin work (not nearly enough jobs of that kind to meet demand) but even if they can, they won't pay anything over 50k and even that will be a stretch. Add to that the fact that the only possibility of that kind of job will be in our handful of large cities where accommodation costs are among the highest in the world and you'll see that your misgivings are well founded. S/he probably won't have much trouble finding casual food service or bar work which pays a high hourly rate compared to those jobs in the USA, but there will be no tips and little prospect of much more than part time hours for earnings of maybe 40k if s/he is a really good worker.

Work and Holiday visas are NOT work visas. They are holiday visas on which holders can work to supplement the funds of AUD$5000 they are expected to have when they arrive. W&HV holders typically backpack around the country staying in cheap hostels and tents and crappy share houses and live frugally for the experience of a lifetime but they rarely do much more than survive.

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