Saturday, January 25, 2014

What are some fun activities i can do to keep 5 and 7 year old kids entertained while not spending too much?

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I am going to be babysitting a 5 and 7 year old for almost 3 weeks and i need a few ideas to keep them busy such as crafts and games, that arent expensive. Just anything that will keep them entertained so they arent just watching tv all day.

Board games are fun. Like: go fish; uno; sorry; candy land

Playdough. Buy a few tubs and you can use every day kitchen utensils to carve up the play dough.

Play outside in the yard or walk to the local park.

Maybe taking a walk to the local library. Some have guest readers come in and read books to the kids. Or the kids (and you) can just hang out and read books.

Maybe you could do some research on a particular subject and plan a theme day around the subject. Pick a subject; find out some interesting facts about the subject. Insects, Bugs, for example. Maybe you could go outside and search for worms, caterpillars, moths, etc. For lunch, you could make "worms" by slicing hotdogs length wise in several slices and drop in boiling water. They'll curl up like worms. Make nature pictures using cut outs out of magazines, etc.

Use different dried pastas to make artwork. Or string onto yarn for necklaces.

Bake cookies. Let them do all the measuring and stirring.

Have a camp out. Either pitch a tent in the back yard and pretend to camp out or set up a tent (or use a sheet and kitchen chairs to make a tent in the living room). Eat campfire food (make smores in the microwave or over the flames of a gas range); eat hot dogs and chilps in the tent. Make up funny stories. Let the kids just play.

Finger paint.

Get a couple of appliances boxes (big enough for them to get in). Have the kids decorate those up like a spaceship; a pirate ship; or a grocery counter.

Kids sometimes need a few ideas, but for the most part, can use their imagination to entertain themselves.

What are some fun inexpensive things for kids to do in the summer in dallas texas?


My cousin lives with my grandma in dallas and he is 9 years old and my grandma has all this summer off work and wants to do fun things with him but she doesnt have a whole lot of money to spend. are there any activities that are in the dallas area that are fun for kids and inexpensive? any idea would be great.

Kids club, parks, swimming, zoo, put up a tent in her back yard, rent movies, go to a movie, she can teach him how to cook a few fun dishes, games -cards, fixing or making something together,

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