Monday, January 20, 2014

What convinced you that Sandy Hook witnesses must have been actors?

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Gene Rosen seems deranged, and has a crazy story that kids were dropped off at his house instead of a nearer FEMA fire station. He listens to a story about teacher being shot and waits half an hour before calling police. Hmmm.

Meantime the aerial fi;m of the school shows that there were no ambulances - and no possibility of them entering because the roads were all blocked with random cars! This is insane - with literally dozens of uniformed cops wandering about eating doughnuts, where is the panic? 600 kids in a "lockdown school" and bullets which went through walls and double glazing without changing size hitting a car outside, and there seems no urgency to rescue anyone.

Just up the road the DHS was doing a SHEEP - sorry, HSEEP - exercise of a shooter in school that morning. And then, wow, suddenly a real one breaks out around the corner. Better get those actors over there fast?

Why were there no kids in evidence, and how could they assume out of 26 shot people, all were dead? Naturally you'd have injuries left and right, but it seems nobody saw anything, except the kicking in of a door and a few bullets, pop pop pop. Then we get parents hamming it up and grinning from ear to ear with Obama - while their kids are lying dismembered in a tent.

Except H Wayne Carver says it's not a tent - he seems drunk - it's this magnificent - THING - and he giggles. How many bodies? He doesn't know. Ages? No idea. Bullet calibre? Doesn't know. Shouts the question out though in the hopes of someone else answering. Bodies returned to parents? No idea. Oh, they have some refrigerated trucks which will fool you pesky journalists! Tee hee, he says.

How reassuring that must be for bereaved parents - that their kids are thrown into a fridge while they do their laughing act with Obama. None of it makes any sense at all to me, but what convinced YOU that Sandy Hook must have been a con?

Clearly what some people don't get is that since there was a drill taking place, the whole town does not need to be involved. Perhaps there were actual children being traumatized by the drill. Children are often terrorized and very frigetnened by fire, tornado, and lockdown drills. A very small number of people would have to be involved in actual fakery. If actual children were killed, it was most certainly not done in the way the government indicated.

There is no way that 26 families would go along with only seeing photos of their dead children, with no live identificationas the coroner asserts happened. I assume that your respondents who don't get it have not actually watched the coroner interview. I lived through a murder investigation when my brother was murdered, so I have a little bit of an idea of what normally takes place. People need to see the dead body in order to go through the normal grieving process.

To answer your question, the final clincher for me was probably the nurse who could barely contain her excitement and joy at being interviewed by George Stephanopolous. I mean the laughing Robbie Parker, the joking coroner, the smirking cops, the starstruck Soto family, I could maybe explain away indiividually. But all of the combined joy was a bit too much to handle.

Obviously the media did not tell us the whole story of what occurred at that school. The fact that so many Americans don't get that we are being regularly lied to is unfortunate. It obviously upsets those conspiracy theorists when someone tries to interrupt their Sandy Hoook soap opera with reaility. They think we are conspiring against them in refusing to jump on their bandwagon.

What is the funniest youtube video of the last 2 months?


Ok so I used to spend all my time in college watching youtube instead of doing work but I eventually stopped because I had seen all the good ones but I havent watched any in the last couple of months so I wanna know what are the funniest videos that has been recently uploaded?

Here's some funny ones:

Drunks are always funny too:

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