Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What is the best place to camp in California with children that is not too far north and not too far south?


My husband and I want to take our 3 young children (ages 7, 5, and 3) camping for the first time over summer vacation (June/July). We live in Stockton, California and to not want to drive more than 2-3 hours. I have been to Yosemite several times and think my children would enjoy it more when thay are a little older. I have also been to Calaveras Big Trees several times and like it, but I want to try someplace new. Any suggestions?

If you are tent camping or a cabover close to your area is a pretty 10 site campground at kirkwood. A small lake for the kids to fish. hiking is great. I like lake almanor for a big rig. Nice paved bike and walking trails. Deer come to join you for breakfast. Bucks lake and little grass valley are nice for that time of year. both at 5200 feet and cooler than the valley. I am a ritired camp manager and love to see familkies spend quality time together camping. Have a great time where ever you decide.

Want to go Camping, have a 3-year old....?

Heather H

My fiance and I would like to go camping and we have a 3-year old. Does anyone have any advice for us? We will be going with a large group of ppl, including my parents, everyone will go canoeing except myself and our 3 year old (im sure a few others also). any advice apperciated.

Expect your child to get very, very dirty - that's part of the fun!

Don't expect your child to go to bed on time or to take naps.

Don't bog yourself down and waste precious space with toys - they won't get touched. Dirt, sticks and rocks are way more fun. Maybe a couple books and a puzzle to occupy time in the tent if you get rained in.

"Outfit" your child with a cute little backpack, complete with water bottle, snacks, whistle, and flashlight. Teach your child how to blow the whistle three times in an emergency, or if lost. It's fun for them to have this stuff, it makes them feel "big", and it's important information that they're never too young to learn.

S'mores, s'mores, s'mores!!

Maybe have a special "camping" song that you teach to your child and sing the whole trip. It will make the song special always. (Maybe "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" or something like that.)

On eBay you can buy all kind of glow sticks, glow necklaces, glow bracelents, etc, etc, etc. They are dirt cheap, and you buy them in huge lots. I get these, and my boys wear them are bracelets, necklaces, headbangs and anklets. They think they're having a ton of fun with them, and I have an easier time keeping track of them after dark.

Check on your child during the night - they can get really cold really quickly, and most children's sleeping bags are junk. If too cold, prepare to bring the child into your sleeping bag.

Fun things to bring: Small shovel, pail, bug collecting kit, small kite.

Don't forget the sunscreen and child-safe bug repellent!

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