Sunday, March 9, 2014

Do your kids build forts in the house?


What is considered a fort to you? How elaborate are they in your house?

Of course! We have one up in our downstairs now. It's pretty much a permanent fixture actually, the girls sleep there more than they do in their own room. The one up now is pretty elaborate. They've colonized our big 8-person camping tent, dragged a queen mattress down 2 flights of stairs from their bed, that's under the blanket tent, the top of which is attached to the sofa and extends to drape over the TV and games system. The younger kids' play kitchen holds up the other part of it, they've got all the extra blankets tied together with knitting yarn.

I would have died and gone to heaven if I was allowed to make a fort at all, let alone one like that, so I don't rain on their parade. I help and add on to it when I see a way, LOL! We can fit our entire family + kids' friends in there. This thing is pretty extended.

We're working on rebuilding their treehouse my husband made them at our old house, we took it apart when we moved and they're itching to have it back again, I'm sure if we get it finished this weekend, they'll be cramming as many overnights in there as they can before it turns too cold.

What are some cool things to do with kids ages 1-3?


I have two little sisters who i babysit all the time.One of my sisters are one.And the other is three.I just can't seem to find enough things in a day for them to do.So basically i would like to know what kids their age would like to do!

We used to love making forts and tents as little ones. Anything from using blankets and chairs to newspapers or cardboard boxes and stuff. If you roll up newspaper real tight and use a little tape it makes good tent poles. Home made playdough was fun too, there are lots of recipes online. Blowing homemade bubbles. Having an impromptu earth day, picking up garbage in the neighborhood while taking a walk with the wagon or stroller. Going to a park. Free activities in the area, storytime at the library, etc... Listening to music, dancing, making a music video. Make helping out with the housework fun. Google some toddler activities online and you'll probably find lots more!
Good Luck!

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