Monday, April 21, 2014

Any ideas for decorating my kids rooms for free....we can't paint...and really don't have any $$4....?

Q. we have a few spare dollars for little things....the walls look really nasty and I would like to cover them in some way even if it's posters....I have a ten year old boy who has his own room and two girls that share a room who are eight and almost two.....they love nature!!! We have lot's of things around the house that I can steal for their rooms. Thanks for any ideas!!!
sorry yes we rent!

Do you have a tent? Boys love 'em and his mattress will fit in the average size tent.

You can buy stick-up, glow-in-the-dark planets and stars from the dollar store.

Since you rent, I'm assuming you can't make changes that can't be removed easily. Get a roll of Reynold's freezer can become 50 feet of coloring, drawing it, invitation for your girls to decorate their room their way...their drawings! Let them go to town with it. It's paper on one side and plastic on the other...holds up really well!

Camping Indoors, need ideas!?


I work for a summer camp for kids between the ages 5-10 and this Friday we are having an indoor camping day. We have decided to have four or five tents set up and in each tent do an activity. In one tent for sure we are making smores. We just don't know what other activities to do inside the Other tents. Later on the kids will gather around in a circle and tell stories but we need ideas to do in the tents. Any help!> Thanks!

Answer have a bunch of great camping crafts that would be good for some of the activities. Other ideas:
Make Bird Feeders
Sand Art
Camp Buckets-Have the kids paint a 5 gallon bucket. They can then use them for seats.
Glow in the Dark hats-Let the kids decorate hats with glow in the dark paints.
Stick picture frames or stick art
Newspaper outfits-Have a tent with a bunch of newspapers and let the kids make hats, skirts, vests, etc out of the paper.
Animal sound and footprint tent-Have a CD of animal sounds and have the kids try and guess what they are. Then have them look at different types of animal footprints and see if they can guess what animal they belong to.
Name necklaces-Get letter and colored beads and let the kids make a necklace.
Nature rubbings-Gather bark, rocks, leaves, etc and have the kids place a piece of paper over the object and then rub with a crayon.
CD Campfire-You will need :Rocks â about the size of a quarter, Sticks, A handful of soil, dirt or sand, White craft glue, Small scraps of red, orange and yellow tissue paper, Toothpick
Cover CD with glue and use a paintbrush or your finger to spread the glue out for an even coat. Cover glue area with dirt or sand and tap off excess.
Use your finger to push back a little of the dirt from the edges, all the way around the CD, to make room for the rocks.
Squeeze out a generous amount of white glue onto the cleared edge of the CD. Press a rock into the glue. Repeat until entire rim of the CD is covered in rocks.
If necessary, break sticks into approximately 4 inch pieces. Using white craft clue, build a "fire" with the sticks by laying them down in a teepee formation, gluing as you go. Let everything dry for
Tear tissue paper into small pieces, approximately 1" or 2" squares. Then shape into flames and glue on. Let project dry completely overnight.

Flowered Placemats-For each place mat, cut 2 pieces of contact paper approximately 12" x 18". Peel the backing off one piece and lay it sticky side up on the table. Remove blossoms and leaves from their stems and arrange them on the sticky side of the contact paper. Press everything flat with your fingers. Some flowers will work better if you remove the petals and use them individually.
Peel the backing off the 2nd piece of contact paper. Place it sticky side down over your arrangement. Do not worry about lining up edges exactly. You will probably get some wrinkles. Just press everything down as flat as possible and your place mat will look beautiful. Trim around all edges with scissors.

Make ice cream-1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup milk or half & half
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons rock salt
1 pint-size plastic food storage bag (e.g., Ziploc)
1 gallon-size plastic food storage bag
Ice cubes
How to make it:
Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag.
Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it.
Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully.
Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes.
Wipe off the top of the small bag, then open it carefully.

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