Sunday, April 20, 2014

Can I do anything about nuisance stray cat in UK?


We have lived at our house for 3 years and soon after moving into our house we got ourselves a brother and sister kitten, we love our cats and look after them well. Once they were a bit older, we purchased a cat flap so they could go out, then our problems started, a tabby male cat kept coming in our house, spraying foul smelling wee everywhere and eating our cats food, our cats are ragdoll crosses and well known for their passive nature so they just sit there and let him do it, if I approached the cat it was like a wild cat, spitting, hissing and trying to lash out at me obviously very scared even though I approached it carefully. Anyhow we decided after some research to buy a microchip operated catflap which cost us just over £100, great it stopped the problem, well at least for a while, now the tabby has worked out if he quickly follows our cats in whilst the flap is still up he can get in. He is also getting worse at the spraying and sprays all over my children's toys in the garden, all over my washing on the line and yesterday all over my kids play tent I put up for them. He also makes horrible crying/wailing noises all evening long .. I personally feel he may be stray, he has no collar and always is looking for food and the way he can't be approached sort of suggests he is not used to people there anyone I can help with this from, is there any groups who neuter stray cats or do anything about them?

Oh! I have the same stinking problem! Yet, my cats pick a fight but he can take down my petite little calico. She's so small. What I did was call the animal control and they just carried it away out of my hair. I think it's had a bad experience with other people, that's why it is afraid of you. Another reason it comes back is the food. Try to find a new hiding spot for the food. And for the spraying, get a bacterial removal spray in a can and squirt it on the edges of the kitty door. That way his scent is gone removing your house from his ownership. Good Luck!

Games for summer parties?

Q. Do you know some games for summer parties? Next month, I will hold a garen party in my backyard. At that time, there are so many kids. What should I prepare? Tell me some your experice if you've host garden parties, thanks a lot.

A backyard BBQ will be perfect, you can play games during it. Or portable fire pit or at least a grill. A campfire is essential to the experience. Sâmores and ghost stories are best experienced by campfire light. Let the kids gather sticks and twigs for you to use to start the fire, just like they would camping in a park.

I'd like to recommend an activity, backyard camping. Camping close to home keeps us all happy and has become one of our favorite Summer activities.

Of course, you can't miss these goods if you wanna a backyard camping, these goods include as followed:

1. Tent. Pitch you tent on a dry, flat area. Pitch your tent in the afternoon while there is plenty of light. Wanna buy one? You can come to providing you small, large family & camping tents.

2. Sleeping bags and pillows. If you donât have sleeping bags, just use blankets.

3. Insect repellent and citronella candles.

4. Flashlights, lanterns, glow sticks.

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