Monday, April 21, 2014

Were Cowboys your Heroes growing up?

CO the Old

My Heroes have always been Cowboys. Willie too.

I don't know about heroes, but there was still some cowboys around when I was a kid. I grew up in northern Arizona. There were still some ranches around that hired them. Didn't see the cowboys too often cuz of where we lived. Just sometimes they'd have a camp across the road from our house. Just see them in the morning. They'd set up camp sometime after dark and after us kids went to bed. They lived in parachutes, LOL. Army surplus stores sold surplus parachutes then and the cowboys would buy them because they were so light weight, and would carry on a horse easily. They made tents from them like teepees. And they were water proof. I remember how soft spoken and polite they always were especially when we'd go visit them while they ate breakfast. Send a bunch of regular guys camping, or a group of soldiers, and the language gets rather foul. But those cowboys were always extremely civil. Not bad for a group left to themselves to make their own rules. Guess it was the way they were raised. When I got older and started spending time at the Mormon Lake Lodge where some cowboys went on Saturday night, that's when they let loose. They sometimes got in fights. I thought it was funny because in a fight, the absolutely worst thing you could do to another cowboy was rip his shirt. And aside from the fists flying, they'd try to rip the other guy's shirt. That's cuz they would save their money to spend it on expensive western shirts just to wear Saturday night. Kinda like kicking in the grill of someones expensive car I guess. But all in all, they were a very decent bunch, and always great with us kids.

How do i get in the mood to enjoy school?

Q. final yr of high school
not in the mood for it anymore
want to love school again
but how?

first relax...deep breath

second realize hehe, I got your message,
It's normal in any race to feel "Why keep running?" learn to laugh at the ideas that say quit...
dont be too tense; a teepee and a lean too=two native American tents.
think of the honor, think of the is better with a diploma, life is better when we start the next race if we finished the last one.

third may i suggest two rules for school, "Dont swet the small stuff"

fourth...hehe the other rule for school' "Everything is small stuff"

fifth keep is simple;
relax, laugh, dont swet the stuff , it's all small stuff..."I will succeed"

be the best you can be...see the big picture, and
a prayer
"Help me Jesus, I am sorry for letting myself and you down in my attitude with school. And in life with my wrongs, forgive me for even one lie and all my sins, come into my heart, and be my best friend, amen."
He said he would in Revelation in the Bible (spoken from heaven = Revelation 1:1 chapter 1 verse 1)
Revelation 3:19&20 "I love you and ask you to repent of your sins quickly. Behold I am at your heart's door knocking to come in, if you hear my voice and ask me in, I will come in and be your best friend."

Who truely cares the most about you, yes some teachers some other kids? Yet, relax anyone can help us or also let us down, even ourself can let ourself down....
Yet, do you have on that would die for you? Really...

If you rejected this one, even spit on this one and nailed him to a cross...would that one say forgive her, I have done this for the joy set before us that she may believe.

in Messiah amazing grace as promised, Isaiah 9:6 Unto us is to be born a child, a son is given, Mighty God, wonderful in counsel, and the prince of peace." Messiah Jesus
Happy week lovely

á¦As the sun sunshine in a beautiful day..I will open my Heart again.New hopes and new chances are waiting just for you and me..Wish you a happy day!á¦

I am praying for the best for you and your schooling


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