Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rosie O'Donnell can solve all the world's problems??

Mickey D.

Does anyone have any ideas as to something actually useful Rosie can be used for? (Not really looking for anything terribly political. I was thinking along the lines of "use her skin to make tents for the homeless" or "use her for fuel to generate electricity.")
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She can solve our population problems. Just put her in the Pacific and you have an instant continent bigger than Australia.

I don't think that eating her is a good idea. Shouldn't those poor kids at least have a chance at life?! Eating her can only lead to something like tomain poisoning.

Design and make ideas for teaching primary science!?


I am studying to become a primary school teacher in NSW Australia i need some ideas for a design and make lesson.

I just suggested this in answer to another question. I've done this with a year 6 class. All you need is lots and lots of newspaper and sticky tape. I rolled up sheets of newspaper to make long thin tubes (the tighter you roll the stronger they are) then i joined up the tubes (like when you put a drinking straw into the end of another straw to make a long tube). I then challenged the kids to make something in groups that could stand up by itself and was as tall as the tallest teacher in the school. Everyone had heaps of fun making things. We got a newspaper person, a house and best of all a huge pyramid that the kids then made into a tent and played with for weeks. The group that made the pyramid were the winners and each got a chocolate and a newspaper crown.

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