Friday, October 18, 2013

I need four extra curricular activities to put on a volunteer application?

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Kadeisha S

Please list four activities I can put on a volunteer application.its four a year long volunteer program and I have no prior experience in anything related to this program.anything will do,pretty much.thanks for your help.

What they are looking for is information that tells them about the type of interests you have so that they'd have a better idea of who you are and what might interest you within their organization and what your transferable skills might be. Since it's a year long program, they want to know if had experience managing your basic life like work or school and doing something else, because if you get the opportunity to volunteer with them, that's what you'll be doing. Anything that you interests you could be considered a passion and volunteer work needs passionate people.

1) Think about what you'd like to do with this organization and choose an answer that would support this interest. What skills does it take to do these activities and how could they transfer to the volunteer work.

2) If you don't have one activity that you always do, then showing that you "keep busy" after school shows that will have the energy to participate in their volunteer program.

Have you ever babysat children or the elderly or sick for family or other people? This shows you are a responsible caretaker and likely a good listener. Do you like to read? You could read to others in their program or help others read. It also shows that you can concentrate for extended periods and finish what you start, like reading a book from cover to cover. Do you play sports or like to exercise (even riding a bike or walking)? Whether in a team or alone, this shows motivation, discipline, commitment, an interest in physical fitness and that you have extra energy. In a team, cooperation and reaching goals is important. You'll use these skills when you volunteer. Do you like to work? Have you ever had a job or done work for others? Do you or have you belonged to any school groups? This shows these same skills as team sports and shows you are a joiner. Do you go to church? This shows you participate in a community activity and like to get together with people. That faith and encouraging others is important to you. Do you take care of your family's yard? Just cutting grass and raking leaves could be considered an interest and hobby. You like gardening and lawn work which takes hard work and discipline to keep it looking nice on a regular basis. Do you like to cook? This shows you can follow instructions, like recipes. Cooking, like any hobby, shows that you have passion for something and are willing to support it by participating in activity. Do you like to camp or go hiking? This shows you make plans and know how make adjustments for needs that may arise during activity. You have to put together a tent and map out a path to hike and know how to handle an emergency. Both also require physical fitness and stamina. Do you or have you participate in any school groups? Again, transferable interests and skills for volunteering. Have you ever helped raise money, even if it's for a school? Do you like participating in fundraising activities? That shows initiative and drive. Do you like to take care of animals/pets? That shows commitment to responsibility and compassion.

Also, consider United Way First Call for Help not only lists community resources for those in need, but also, volunteer opportunities for those ages 13 and over.

Good luck to you!

How can someone stand to be married to the same person for 20 years?


or even 10 and see the same face every morning and wake up and not have sex with the same person they despise so much or are bored with so much. Why do people get married anyway?
@mrsed: typical delusional woman. do you seriously thinks he feels the same about you? do you know who he's been boinking these past few nights? Certainly not you! if you could only see how bored he's with you, you'd reconsider. I feel sorry for you. You made it easy for him!
@Jiggy: truth hurts?

Well if your response to one of your answers is what I can expect, I am truly reluctant to answer in case I am get the same reaction, but what the heck, I will give it a go.

It is called: LOVE actually. My husband and I have been married for 20 years and it is never dull. We LOVE waking up to the same face everyday. My husband says that it would make him feel sick to find another woman's face on the pillow and I feel the same way!

You know, one of my sisters said the same thing. She actually also said: I feel so sorry for you that you can't act out your fantasies. I responded: how on earth do you know what goes on in the bedroom? How do you know that I don't act out my fantasies with my husband? It is basically assuming that you cannot find complete contentment with one man - or woman.

My husband and I find it highly sexy that our Creator approves our union and we have if you like, a whole canvas to work with. We also feel so very proud to have achieved this status.

I never get bored with making love to my husband and I happen to know, he doesn't with me because he says that he can't touch me slightly on my arm without feeling naughty and I see the evidence plainly! It does help that we take care of our appearances. I dress a lot for my husband. I know what turns him on and he knows the same with me.

We are both very sexual people and not shy to talk about it with each other. It is also wonderful to make mistakes in the bedroom and just laugh it off and that is because we know each other so very well.

We can be in a crowded room but still find each other and lock eyes. We also talk with our eyes. If we are standing side by side, he will gently squeeze my hand and me in turn and we are saying: I love you darling. We hold hands when we are out together. We say: I love you every single day. We leave romantic notes for each other. All these keep our marriage a live and kicking!

And I know with my very being that he is not being false with me. In fact we talk about this a lot because I fear that a woman will walk into our lives, and he will be lost to me, because it does feel too good to be true that I have a husband who finds me desirable after all these years! Also everyone who knows us says that we are like two halves that fit together and they can see when we look at each other how deeply we love each other!

And another thing: despite us living together, we often say: I feel as if I have not seen anything of you for a while? At the moment he is very busy with work and it is work - I just have to look at him when he comes home for a day of gardening lol!

The key to a successful marriage is to keep it alive and talk, talk and talk. We are not a perfect couple and still argue, but I believe because our first years together were dreadful - we rowed every single day and really wondered what one earth we had done by getting married! But with perseverance, we can say we are happy to be married to each other and I would never want to be married to another man and I can tell you, despite not being great looking, I still get chaps liking me, yet not one of them is a patch on my darling.

A couple of friends came to stay with us a while back and they have been married for about 10 years and you would honestly mistake them for an old married couple not us and that is because I am always sitting on my husband's lap and he is always wanting a kiss of me; we hug all the time and he often takes me aside and says: can't wait for them to go back to their tent so we can be alone: wink, wink! Our friends acted completely differently! In fact one morning and I found this so embarrassing, her husband - our friend from our early marriage, looked at me with appreciation because of simple dress and said to his wife: do you have to wear those horrible slops? The difference is they have children and we don't!

And that is another thing. I wear skirts and dresses still and also can still wear mini skirts, so if my husband says: I would love to see you in a black mini with a white blouse. He goes into the garden, I go upstairs and change into what he would like and wow the reaction - fantastic!!

We act like newly married couple most times and many have laughed and said yep, you would not think you have been married for 20 years!

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