Thursday, October 17, 2013

which country is the best to live in and why? If your answer is the U.S, which state is the best to live in?

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I just got married, so yeah, i want to live in a nice, convenient environment and a place where my kids can get a great education
A lot of people say that America is a free countries full of opportunities. Is that true? I have a couple friends who live in California and they say California's the best state to live in~ but I dunno.

Australia, good economy and high standard of living ,good high paying wages and heaps of employment, career and business opportunities and there is no recession here.

There isn't any ghettos or people living in trailers, tent cities, poverty or people begging on the street. There also isn't any street gangs, obese kids or kids on crack or 14 year olds pushing prams or having abortions, school or drive by shootings or bothering religious people preaching dogma on the streets.

The state school education curriculum system is in the top five in the world outside of Asia. All Children here are very highly educated and fully computer savvy do get the best education.

My folks sent me to school in Australia and when I returned back to the states to do a term of school, due to family reasons. I was nearly four years advanced in education to peers in the USA. I came back to Australia to complete my education. Education here is highly focused on further higher education and trade apprenticeships to obtain career skills in all skilled work industries.

With the Californian weather, all kids here all play outside safely and are encouraged to fully be actively involved in team sport and outdoors activities. We all do pretty much being the weather here is far too good to be sitting inside.

Everyone here speaks all English, there is low to no crime, the streets are clean and safe to walk down any hour of the day or night. In all the years I've been here I've never seen any snakes etc only at the zoo. There are no Kangaroo jumping around either, only out in the bush or down the coast there is. Their harmless and they will eat bread from your hand and follow you for more.

The lifestyle is great, being from the US you would never feel isolated or homesick living, working or raising your children here. All business here runs 24/7, you can go out anytime of the day or night to the gym or grocery shopping, to a cafe or restaurant to have a meal or to a bar or club to have a drink.

I work in television over here, so I work weird and wonderful shifts. It's great knowing when you finish work whatever hour, you can still go to the gym or do your grocery shopping. Without ever rushing, and even on the weekends. Believe it or not, there are still Drive In theatres over here too. Gas here is around a dollar forty a gallon and cheaper at some gas stations.

Over here as well here are Westfield shopping malls, Safeways, Aldi's and all the known name grocery stores and chains. Fast food restaurants Mc Donald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Hungry Jacks, Burger King, Gloria Jeans and Starbucks. KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's etc, etc.

All the major international bands on world tour, live theatre, Broadway shows, opera etc are here as well.All the movies come out a day before they are released in the US.

Letterman, The View, Oprah, Judge Judy, Ellen, NBC Today, Good Morning America, US Football and Baseball etc are on free to air TV. So are CSI , Prison Break, NCIS, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Earl, Supernatural, Medium, Weeds, Dexter, Califorication etc etc all are Fast Tracked and shown here before the US or at the same time.

What I like about Australia there is no BS, all the people here are highly educated and career minded , friendly, honest down to earth and I've made a lot of new friends (Mates). There's only twenty million people who live here. The government here pays you to have children and gives you $5,000 dollars to help you out on each child. Paid time off to both mother and father, The benefits here what the government gives you are unbelievable, they even "give" you a $12,000 first home buyers grants.

The medical system you have a choice to be on the "Totally Free" no tax at all Universal public medicare system or you can choose to be in the Private health system.

The wages I'm paid here are nearly four times more than what I'd be paid in the US, plus you get paid superannuation, shift penalties and allowance, plus five weeks paid annual leave and 15 days paid sick day leave.

There is always heaps of overtime and it's easy to get a second job. Even the casual minim wage paid here is $18.90 when you add the shift allowances you get about twenty five an hour, time and a half Saturdays, double time working Sundays and triple time on public holidays.

As for holidays, name anything it's all here, snow skiing, island or beach side holidays, camping, fishing, safari's, horse or camel riding along the beach or in the country, or even visit the Irwins (lol) .Australia is the same size as the USA and is totally unpopulated.

So there are no crowded anything believe me there are more freedoms here than in the USA. With the anti discrimination laws, everyone here has the same equal rights and pay, work conditions and opportunities for both men and women. There is over 200,000 other Americans who live here and who calls Australia home. You should even come here for a holiday sometime.

50,000 of us Americans live and work in Sydney.

What do our indian friends think of this doing the rounds in Canada?

Mr Mom

i recieved this email, with the sub heading, its probably the same in australia, i know what my answer is.

lucky the canadians arn't into cricket hey, they would bite the hand that feed them there too, no doubt.
Welfare Poem
I cross ocean,
poor and broke,
Take bus,
see employment folk.

Nice man treat me
good in there,
Say I need to
see welfare.

Welfare say,
"You come no more,
We send cash
right to your door."

Welfare checks,
they make you wealthy,
Medicaid it keep
you healthy!

By and by,
I got plenty money,
Thanks to you,
Canadian dummy.

Write to friends
in motherland,
Tell them 'come
fast as you can.'

They come in turbans
and Ford trucks,
I buy big house
with welfare bucks

They come here,
we live together,
More welfare checks,
it gets better!

Fourteen families,
they moving in,
But neighbour's patience
wearing thin.

Finally, white guy
moves away,
Now I buy his house,
and then I say,

"Find more aliens
for house to rent."
And in the yard
I put a tent.

Send for family
they just trash,
But they, too,
draw the welfare cash!

Everything is
very good,
And soon we
own the neighbourhood.

We have hobby
it's called breeding,
Welfare pay
for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist?
Wife need pills?
We get free!
We got no bills!

Canadian crazy!
He pay all year,
To keep welfare
running here.

We think Canada
darn good place!
Too darn good for
the white man race.
EDIT. Listen sexygal gay OZ, get the fuk off my question, goin on about jesus you jerk, you get on religion and sprout all your athiest crap, when some one catches up with you soon, you will wish you had god on your side then, goat boy. your taxi must stink inside, do you shower in the morning, the BO smell from indian cabbys is disgusting, the comments they make to australian girls is appalling too. i wont block you gay oz, just to prove when this question goes missing that its your handy work again, go and wash, you stink big, and leave the goat alone, poor animals.
IAINYFAY wtf, the govt give nothing to indians-------------- It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1, 890.00 and each can also get an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2,470.00.

This compares very well to a single pensioner who after contributing to the growth and development of Canada for 40 to 50 years can only receive a monthly maximum of $1, 012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!

Lets send this to all Canadians, so we can all be ticked off and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to $1, 012.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470 00 and enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 years.

Please forward to every Canadian to expose what our elected politicians are doing - to the over-taxed Canadian.

Seems you got certain people all figured out Dave! Can you email me for a message.?

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