Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mommies! I need your help with the shoestring song!?

kids tents teepee on ... photo of your child in one of my Moozlehome teepees. Beautiful
kids tents teepee image

Bright B

What are the lyrics or how does the song go that guides little kiddies in tying their shoes? My 3 year old wants to learn and I think the song would be a great way. All I can remember is over something, through something, something about a rabbit?!??!?!? Help me!

Let me begin by saying I am someone who does work in a childcare setting. I am going to share with you some of my resources and I do hope it helps you with this frustrating skill. I know when it came to teaching my son I got very frustrated with it, but I finally have a friend help him learn. The reason she could help him was they were both left handed so he kept trying to do things different than I did it.
Many children get frustrated when trying to learn how to tie shoelaces. While there's no miraculous solution other than patience and lots of practice, there are ways that you can help your child acquire this useful skill.
Difficulty: Challenging
Step One
Wait until your child is ready. Most children develop the dexterity needed to tie shoelaces between the ages of 4 and 6. Girls are often ready to learn slightly earlier than boys.
Step Two
Make sure your child knows right from left before you try to teach him how to tie his shoes.
Step Three
Choose one method of lace tying, and teach it consistently. Make sure that everyone who may be trying to help your child learn this skill is offering the same method. Otherwise, he may get confused.
Step Four
Make up a game or poem to help your child remember the necessary steps.
Criss Cross Tying Shoes
(tune: Splish Splash I was taking a Bath)
Criss Cross and go under the bridge
Then you got to pull it tight.
Make a loop but keep a long tail
That is how to do it right
Then you take the other string
and you wrap it 'round the loop
Pull it through the hole
Now you got the scoop
Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)
Now you made a Double Knot!
Sad Rabbit
Once there was a rabbit that was very sad because his ears were so long and narrow that he stepped on them all the time. One day a fairy landed on the bunny's head. She lifted up the bunny's ears and crossed them over like an x. Then she put one ear through the bottom of the x and pulled.
Next, she made each long ear into a loop and made another x like before. She put an ear under that x and pulled again. From then on the bunny remembered how to tie his ears into a bow, and he lived happily every after.
Teepee Tying Story
A Native American made a teepee (pull lace up and cross one under the other) and it collapsed! (pull first "knot" down). So he started another, (make first loop for bow) and he took this string and went around it, (wrap other lace around loop) and went inside, (push lace under new loop) and there he had it! Two Tents! (pull loops for bow) .
This story is great for a group activity where the children can help one another follow the story, and if you make pictures to go with the story the kids can follow the steps by themselves! The story also helps to limit the child's frustration with learning to tie because they are helping the Native American to build a teepee and if they fail it is the Native American who needs more help!
A Story For Tying Shoes
My Shoelace Blues I've tried and tried to tie you, shoe. I've never done it yet. A loop that flip-flops on the floor Is as close as I can get. I've practiced on spaghetti. I've practiced on the mop. I've practiced on my sister until she made me stop. So here's the loop again, shoe. I'll hold it with my thumb. I'll wrap the other end around... And yank it into bows. It's done
Gold Shoes
Paint an old pair of sneakers with gold spray paint and lace with bright colored laces. All the children will want to practice tying their shoes.

Step Five
Make sure that you and your child are side by side rather than opposite each other when you demonstrate. That way he'll be able to copy your movements rather than mirror them.
Step Six
Give your child lots of praise when he gets it right

INformation about nature's classroom-overnight field trip?

Has anyone ever gone? Any location is ok.
What do you actually do there? Like what's the food like, what activities do you do? If you've been the the one in Ivoryton, what is the site like? How many people are in each cabin, and did you enjoy it? I have a brother who went but he wont tell me about it unless i pay him. xP

I don't know which site you guys went on but we're sleeping in normal cabins, with plumbing and everything, not tepees or covered wagons lol.

I went on a nature's classroom-overnight field trip a long time ago... 1995 (well long to me ;-p)

We slept in a teepee. Went on hikes, learned about animals, plants, tracking, a slideshow. Food was ok, somedays were better than others. I loved it, especially about the animals.

[add: you can't call it a camp unless you're sleeping in a tent, teepee, or covered wagon. ;-p Just kidding. I hope you'll have fun at camp.]

For the camp you're going to look at it online. I don't know the name of where you are going, but this might be it

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