Friday, October 4, 2013

What color or exactly to decorate my kids bedroom?

why do kids like tents on MM contributor, author and former ad guru Kate Hunter writes.
why do kids like tents image

Proud mom

I am moving to a house and will needed painted. I wanted to paint and decorate my kids room. Both of them are boys. Three and a five year old. They both will be sleeping in the same room together. I am trying to figure out want to do for them to be happy in our new place and they like cars and balls. I really want it to be special.

Do you have a bed? If not-here is a link for a loft bed w/a tent. Its so cute. Too bad its not a bunk bed, though. Then you could get the sports bean bags, basketball clothes hamper.. etc

sports bed:

sports bean bag chairs:

I wish my 4 year old wanted sports, I have found many more ideas and things to go with sports. but he wants monster trucks! I may get a tire and dip it in brown paint and make muddy tire tracks over his blue walls. Then hang posters up and maybe even get a wall murial. Also hang or paint road signs. if you do a search on wall murials and/or road signs you will find lots of ideas. the murials are really too expensive for me so I may try to do it myself! (MAYBE) they also have the wall "stick ups" for sports or cars. they are removable stickers. do a search if your interested.
anyway. good luck and have fun!

Why is San Francisco needing to control what we feed our kids by banning Happy Meals?


A great example of Big Government. Most parents control their own kids eating and if they don't it's not the governments business.
I understand you can't get the toy and that's why is so stupid, so why even do it. My kids loved the whole Happy Meal and I controlled how often we went.
Mr Wordy and Mad's not up to the gov to control it. Just another facet of them thinking they know what's best for you.
Again, a business shouldn't be told how to market and what they offer.

The camels nose is under the flap of the tent in San Francisco. Banning toys is a meaningless gesture, but it is setting a dangerous precedent. The are declaring that the government can tell a business how they can operate. How does a toy in a happy meal effect the nutritional value of the food supplied. Are they lo dim witted that they think that people go there to get the toys and item that McDonald's probably get for a dime a dozen. The best reason to ban the toys is if they were hazardous waste,

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