Monday, December 30, 2013

camping while pregnant and four kids ?

kids bed tents uk on Best Children Bed Tents | Kids Bed Tent | Twin Bed Tent
kids bed tents uk image

ok so in august i am taking my batch of four to a lovely campsite in cornwall uk
i will be 6 months pregnant - so pretty big
portable toilets - the campsite does have loo's but as i'm pregnant and have a 3 and 4 yr old boys
are they good, has anyone used them , are they easy to empty ?
camping in my condition - has anybody else camped pregnant ?
airbeds - are they comfy i got ones for the whole family ?
any tips on how to keep warm ? for anyone that lives or has been to cornwall - you'll know that even in summer weather temperamental)
and because my badgering me to do it after some bloke in the pub told him about it - tent sex, we have a 12 man tent so it would not be in front of the kids - there once there asleep , there asleep kinda kids - has anyone done it, is it alright ?

Camping in your condition? YOU KNOW--- listen to your body--you can do just about anything you want! Toilets? Plumbing is great, but sometimes we don't have it. Just take lots of paper to keep clean and don't be afraid of your waste products, it's not that big of a deal. Air beds? YES--comfortable,, remember not to inflate them all the way, go about 3/4, and to KEEP WARM-- be sure to put blankets UNDER you as well as on top. As for having sex in the tent with the kids nearby, I can kind of see it both ways--to some it seems a little uncool, but I remember when my kids were that age--hell, you could drop a bomb in their shorts and they wouldn't wake up! I say---if you keep it just a little quieter than normal, go for it and have fun! Camping Sex in a tent is great and very memorable! A nice little spinoff, no worries about getting pregnant....

geography homework help plz!?


can you please help me with this work sheet that i have to do for geography? i have tried to do it myself but if you could help me by telling me what to take, the quantity i should take and how many units it would be that would be excellent.

it is february 1998 and only a third of the original residents still live on Montserrat. the exclusive zone has spread over almost all the island and the people who remain have been evacuated to its relativiely unscathed northern tip (safe zone). about 700 families are living there with only basic facilities and poor accomadation.

task - you work for the british government. it is helping to fund relief work and supplies. you have 8000 units of government aid available and must decide what to provide to help the population over the next two years.

item & units
tent 4
water purifiers (2 households) 1
medicines (total) 100
hospital operating theatre 50
montserrat library relocation 200
loans for new businessess 5 - 50
ash-clearing equipment 25
small vehicle 35
school text books (100 students) 15
hospital maternity unit (5 beds) 25
facillities for community centre 5
playground 20
electricity generator 30
small hotel development 100
fertilizer (per farm) 2
visitor centre for volcano interpretation 6
pedal bike 2
seed (per farm) 2
school stationary (100 studants) 5
computer linked to internet 12
second hand truck 60
basic housing (per family) 30
emergency relief food (total) 400
stand alone computer 10
tree seedlings (100) 4
community centre building 60
telephone equipment (total) 10
portacabin 50
CB radios (pair) 2
loan of RAF helicopters (2 years) 600
funding for UK university research on island 200
funding for adult retraining 30
tractor 80
boxes of toys for young kids (5 families) 1
contribution towards seismographic equipment 100
livestock (per farm) 8
intensive care unit (5 beds) 70
funding of advertising of island as holiday destination 150
hospital bed 2
polytunnel 4

thanks in advance for your answers!

This is clearly a problem that is supposed to make YOU think.

Here's a hint--imagine yourself there. You are the agent they send to Montserrat. You have taken nothing with you. The most injured or hungry person must be cared for. What do you need to help them? Put that on your list. Then see who is next.

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