Thursday, January 2, 2014

what GOOD foods can I make before camping?

kids day tent on 12.8 Discovery Kids Princess Tent
kids day tent image


I can't do the hot dogs and hamburgers anymore. We are going on a 4 day tent camping trip next week. I am looking for food to prepare before we go. Like pasta salads to just eat . I also want to make the food ahead of time that I can cook while there. ideas? Just no hot dogs or hamburgers please. Thank you.

for camping trips I used to collect stuff to take that would be easy to prepare.

I made bisquick type blend for biscuits, pancakes, etc that just need water added.
Steaks and bacon or sausage for meats
fresh fruits and veggies travel best.
I even took one Cheesecake birthday cake one year!!

My kids were in elementary school the last long campout we had. So there were lots of hotdogs which I don't particularly like. No ground beef stuff as it is more mess than I wanted to do.

Prepare your pasta and put in ziplock bags in the chill box along with dressings for your salad. Don't put the dressing on the pasta until ready to eat. The pasta has a nasty habit of absorbing it.
Chop fruits and veggies and ziplock them
Soup can be prepared and ziplocked so it only has to be heated.
hardboil a dozen or so eggs and peel, zip lock them

fresh eggs can be cracked into ziplock bags also, then just pour each out separately into skillet for breakfast.

Can I put a tent in the washer and dryer on the lowest settings?

Joe and Ki

Me my husband with the kids went camping a few weeks back but to our surprise we got rain when we got home we waited for a nice day and set the tent up outside in the back yard well of course it rained again and we got some winds that knocked over the tent weve been reseeting it up everyday but now cause of the winds we got got 1 split pole and 1 pole slightly bent I dont want to put the tent away wet so I was just wondering if I used the lowest setting can I put it through the washer and dryer

I put my nylon tent through the washer and the dryer. A few words of caution. One make certain that you use the setting for the largest load and the most delicate wash cycle. I put mine on the soak cycle for a few hours with Borax and detergent first. Borax eliminates odors and mine really stunk. Then, watch it carefully during the spin cycle. Mine had mosquito netting that I did not secure to the tent with a zipper and it tore during the spin cycle. Also, I added a waterproofer (available at the camping stores, some discounters and outfitters) to the rinse cycle to keep the tent from soaking through when used during a rain.

Finally, I put a few tennis balls in the dryer with the tent, no fabric softener and let her rip on the delicate/air dry cyle. I checked it often because it bunched up and had to be adjusted in both the washer and dryer.

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