Monday, December 2, 2013

Do you have any tips for camping with young children?

kids glow tent on Nickelodeon Furniture - SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer and ...
kids glow tent image


We have done it before...but it has been almost 2 years. We will be tent camping with a 2 1/2 and 5 year old. We got a site with both electrical and water hookup. Any tips would be great, thanks!
we'll be at the beach.

bring their bike :) we went camping on the weekend and it was a very kid friendly park where they had activities every hour planned for the kids and it was so much fun but all the kids had bikes and my son was the only one without one.

glow sticks and sparklers are great for night time. We bought some chalk at the dollar store and my son was playing with it and like 5 kids flocked over to play with him, it was a great friend maker :)

get a laundry basket and fill it with your cooking items, that way everything is together so you can whip up a quick meal.

what are some great things you could use for camp but there not really expensive?

miss quest

My kids are going to camp this weekend and my husband and i are not going with them. What are some great stuff i could buy them on camp and not that expensive?

Water bottles with their names on them.

Fanny packs to carry snacks, whatever.

Disposable cameras to capture the weekend.

Flashlights for each.

Glow sticks for them to use in their tent at night, so they won't be scared.

A notepad and pencil so they can draw or journal for entertainment.

A book for bedtime. A deck of cards. A small stuffed animal to keep them company.

A snuggly fleece blanket to keep them warm.

Travel toothbrush, comb, and soap in a box.

Plastic cage to capture bugs or whatever.

Fieldbook of local birds, rocks and minerals, plants, whatever.

A ball to get up a game of kickball.

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