Friday, December 6, 2013

What type of things wil I need to bring on a camping trip?

large camping tents walmart on Wide range of Walmart Camping Tents outfitter!three
large camping tents walmart image


I've never been camping before. What should I bring?

It all depends on what kind of campground you're going to and what kind of camping you plan to do..
If you're tent camping, then you'll want to bring a tent of course. My husband and I bought a 3 person Coleman a few years ago that has worked very well for us. Pretty much every tent we saw camping this weekend was a Coleman too, so, I'd assume they're decent. Our coleman came with a little mallet and the tent pins and the directions are sewn right into the bag.
If the campground has showers and bathrooms then you won't need to bring toilet paper, but, I always bring one roll anyways just in case. You'll also want to probably bring a towel and your basic toiletries.. Don't forget a flashlight! Or it will be one dark walk to the bathroom at 3 am..
As far as sleeping goes, there's so many different options, make sure to be prepared for it to be cold, but, also have another option if it's warm. I bring a sheet and a heavy sleeping bag. We have cots, but, you could use an air mattress or even just a foam pad like the kind sold in a camping section at Walmart.. Remember though, the dew will rise through the bottom of the tent, so don't just use a regular blanket underneath you or you'll be damp by morning. You'll probably just want something cheap to make sure you even like camping before buying something nicer like a padded cot. It'd be a good idea to bring a cheap pillow if the one you use at home is a nice one you don't want ruined.
Most of the time they sell wood at the campground, but, a lot of the time people alongside the road near the campground have it for sale, so no need to bring wood. If there's a grocery store nearby, I wouldn't bother bringing food either, just buy it once you get there. I would bring a cooler though, it's probably best to get a larger one and share it with friends or family that you're going with..
You'll obviously also need bug spray, and pack clothing for hot and cold weather and rain..
Other then that, a lot is personal preference.. I can't survive without my coffee, so I have one of those little blue enamel coffee pots sold in the camping section. They're about $10 and work pretty decent. I also have an enamel cup that cost about $3. You can put it right over the fire to boil water for hot cocoa mix. I also have extending forks for cooking hot dogs and marshmallows and a Lodge cast iron skillet for cooking up eggs and bacon in the morning.. Most of the time campgrounds have fire rings with a grid over them that you can set a pan on, otherwise you may have to pick one of those up or just skip on the cast iron pan..
That's really about all I can think of..

What are your plans for a zombie apocolypse?


My plans are going to for your average 4 person family. One 8 year old girl, one 14 year old guy (me), and one 34 year old mom and dad. Our vehicle of transportation is a Ford Fusion late '00's. We can make weapons out of golf clubs by cutting off the head of the club and leaving the shaft for use. We also have kitchen knives, hammers, saws, and dumbbells (heavy projectile weaponry). We have wine/beer bottles we can use as melee or projectile, also wine glasses to be used (melee and/or projectile as well). We have a first-aid kit but we need to stock up on band-aids, cool packs, and medicine for fever, cough, stomach ache (I get them frequently. BIG disadvantage), etc. We aren't going to just stick at home, we have to move around or our odds of dying are more likely. Where we'll go for better supplies like protection and weaponry is academy or some sports and outdoors store. If there are any you-know-what over there, we'll try to kill them off using our surroundings. If we succed, well go find supplies. After that, well go to a supermarket like walmart and stock up and save food. We have to make sure it doesn't need to be refrigerated or it'll spoil with time. It'll also attract zombies. We can stock up on things like crackers, granola bars, WATER, no soda because it snaps when opened and zombies may hear. We will sleep in places like an undergound hole or a large tent we could find at academy. NO SEX! Yeah, that's right. It'll distract you and you won't be ready for an ambush. Mose likely won't get strep throat because I got my tonsils removed. Make sure you're vaccanized so you'll be lesser vulnerable to non-zombie related sicknesses. If you have a beloved pet, take them especially if they're protective like a large dog. Make sure your vehicle is FULL on gass and has good oil or else you'll have a bad ride. If you're full and you run out, it's best to find a police or fire station and find keys to the firetruck or police car/SUV. What's your plan?

Well I live near the Rocky Mountains so my first plan is to go to my nearest elementary school and fortify it with some local community members. We will hold out at the school creating a perimeter at the school gates and defending them until the military arrives. My supplies so far is my katana, combat knife, sharpened shovel, crowbar. And I know how to farm and grow my own food, I have also studied a bit of botany in order to identify wild plants that can be used for food and medicine. If the military fails to arrive we will evacuate with small teams each taking separate routes to an undisclosed location hidden in the Rockies using bicycles since they are quite, easy to fix, and fast and we will begin constructing a wooden fort and post sentries in the nearby pine trees as look outs while the others begin construction. Once the fort is built we will wait for five years before sending out a scouting party to gather news, if they do not return after a set time then we will have deemed the worst has happened.

Flaws in your plan:
Car=bad, the roads and highways will be clogged with them and if you think you can get through with a ford fusion, you are dead wrong.
Golf Clubs: If you are planning long term survival a golf club won't last in many fights because that is not it's original purpose. I suggest something lethal yet practical like a crowbar, it's highly durable and can be used to open doors and such.
Supplies: Learn some botany and first aid without using processed medicine and learn to bear without it because once a zombie apocalypse happens medical supplies go faster than you can imagine.
Location: Get away from large city areas, if you are going to plan to go to a sport store during an outbreak you're gonna die, zombies tend to gather where there is a food source and that especially means a store where there are people trying to hold out in and if you are in a city or even a suburb it can be hell. Underground is the worst place you can camp out in, if you've ever been in a sewer you have to work there in order to know how to get around and usually being underground you can easily get cornered, trapped and killed. NEVER GO TO A POLICE STATION, CHURCH, OR HOSPITAL these are hotspots for zombies due to the fact that people love to swarm to a police station thinking it is safe when in actuality there could be a lot of infected people there.

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