Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What are some ideas of things to do at nine year old girl's birthday party?

kids girl tent on Home Gifts For Children Outdoor Play Equipment Wigwam Kid's Play Tent
kids girl tent image


My sister turned nine during the summer and is having her party this week. It was supposed to be a pool party, but because it's so cold out side, there will probably not be much swimming, although we would like to keep it outside. It is 2 hours long, though, and we need ideas to keep all the girls (15) together and excited and having fun. We need ideas from crafts and games. Already, we are doing sparklers and marshmallow roasting, and other ideas like those that can be done in the dark/late afternoon would be great!!

Have your guest bring sleeping bags, flashlights, pajamas, fuzzy slippers, etc.

1. Tie a balloon with string around your guest's ankles. On "go" everyone tries to stomp on everyone else's balloon.

2. Give all guests a toothpick to put in between their teeth. They form a line and try to pass a lifesaver or any candy with a hole in it to everyone with using only your toothpick.

3. Put truth and dare cards in a balloon and have guests pick a balloon pop it and answer the truth or do the dare.

4. Play hide and go seek at night

5. Have a silly string war

6. Put a cookie on your forehead and get it to your mouth by using facial expressions only

7. Have one girl be the pointer. She points at one girl to start off a random story then she points to another girl to continue it, and so on

8. Have a girl leave the room while everyone hides in their sleeping bags. The girl comes in and feels the bodies to guess who it is.

9. Have an equal pile of m&ms for every girl. One teen starts off by saying I have never... (I have never gone to Hawaii) If it is true for you, eat an m&m. Whoever has the most left wins!

10. Have a bowl of small multicolored candy (like skittles) Have everyone grab 2 candies. If they have the same color you get to eat them. If not you must keep this in your mouth. Round after round you stuff sweets into your mouth until you have 2 of the same color.

11. Play a classic game of truth or dare

12. Watch a movie.

13. Freeze dance

14. Put on mosquito spray if your going to be outside! Mosquito bites suck!

15. Play "Do You Like Your neighbor?".

16. Play hide and go seek in the dark!

17. Treasure hunt in the dark. (have people bring a flashlight to use)

18. Have a dance off... with bubble wrap. Try to pop the most bubbles.

19. Tea party! Pull out your finest doll china (if the kids can be trusted with it) and serve hot cider, finger sandwiches, and fancy cookies. As you play you can even teach your guests proper manners for a formal occasion (ediquete).

20.Camp out! Pitch a tent, pull out your sleeping bags, and let the kids sleep inside.

22. Do a huge puzzle all together! Put your smarts together to figure it out!

23. Dance! Teach the kids your favorite dance.

24. Test Your Taste Buds! Have one person make something from ingredients in the kitchen and then other person has to put on a blindfold and eats the food. The person with the blindfold on then makes a guess at what the food is or what ingredients are in it.

25. Drama Bag Game - Fill shopping bags with 5 different items in each bag. A shoe, hat, party favor etc. - but fill each bag with different things. Divide into teams and give each team one bag. Go to different rooms and create a skit which includes all items in the bag. After 15 minutes come back and perform. Variation: Create a song or commercial.

26. Play Mafia. It's really creepy in the dark!

27. Have friends bring over board games to play

28. Talk! Parties are a good time for friends to just get together and talk too!

29. HAVE FUN!!!!!!

For dinner have a "Mystery Meal". Give each guest a menu, but have the items coded like Dr.Pepper is Physicians spice. It is funny to see your friends so confused! Here are some more ideas:
âNeptune's Tridentâ (fork)
âPucker Upâ (lemonade)
"Shovel" (spoon)
"Finger Puppets" (olives)
"Early Morning Alarm" (chicken)
"Gold nuggets" Clue- Pocahontace (corn)

Party Menu

Pizza - take out or have more fun making your own with fun toppings.
Chips and dip
Veggie tray with dip
Fruit tray with dip
Make Rice Krispie Treats, Brownies or Cookies at midnight
Hot Chocolate
Sleepover Smores

Make a Tutu! Instrunctions here:

What would be the perfect sleepover for my 11 year old sister?

Its indoors and we are gonna put a giant tent in the living room and do other stuff. and shes turning 11.

Things 2 do;

01)Hide & seek in the dark
02)Freeze tag in the dark w/glow sticks
03)Next top model
06)Head-2-toe makeovers
07)Who could stay up the lastest
08)Prank the first one asleep
09)Truth or Dare
10)Kiss the poster
12)Gutiar Hero
13)American Idol
14)Talent Show
15)Freeze Dance
16)Pillow Fight
17)Foil Make Over
18)Song Maker Game
20)Bobbing 4 apples
21)water baloons
22)can't talk with the letter "S"
23)Scavenger Hunt
24)musical Chairs
25)Monster Chase
26)Prank wars
27)light as a feather stiff as a board
28)Make a music video
29)Scary stories
30)Normal Freeze Tag
31)Dress up
33)Blind fold makeovers
34)Late night swim ;]
35)Cards(go fish,war ect.)
36)Finsh that lyric
37)Pillow forts=]
38)Take Pictures
39)Draw/Drawing contest
40)Dress up your animals..=]
41)Take pictures of people sleeping
42)Make someone laugh w/water in their mouth
43)Hide an object and then the other person has to find it
44)Get really hyper!!
45)See who can go the longest without goingto the bathroom{drink lots of soda!}
46)Gossip talk about boys school...other things that come up=]
47)Play house[[No its not babish]]
48)Play school
49)Pass notes[[I.e like ur in school]]
50)Hold lots of contests w/prizes...
52)Spinning contest
53)Look at magizines
54)Draw on the sidewalk[[or backyard]]With chalk
55)Zombie chase

Decorations Ideas;

01)Balloons & Streamers
03)Christmas Twinkle lights on the ceiling
04)Cut-out creasant moons and star 2 hang from ceiling w/wireing
05)Keep night light in kichen and bathroom 4 late nite trips
06)(2)Black light(s)
07)Storbe light(2)
08)Noise makers

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