Sunday, December 1, 2013

What are some good activities or games to play at a birthday party?

kids tent games on Interesting Kids Play Tents for their Cool Play Space | topdesign72 ...
kids tent games image


My birthday party is coming up, we're planning to have a sleepover campout in tents if the weather's alright, what are some fun games or activities to play to pass the time and what supplies might I need for the games/ activities?

Check out the complete list of 70 games or see if these outdoor party games will work for your event.

You might also want to check out Halloween games - the story telling ones might be interesting.

They had a good mix here, that should help you keep everyone entertained.


What are some fun inexpensive things for kids to do in the summer in dallas texas?


My cousin lives with my grandma in dallas and he is 9 years old and my grandma has all this summer off work and wants to do fun things with him but she doesnt have a whole lot of money to spend. are there any activities that are in the dallas area that are fun for kids and inexpensive? any idea would be great.

Kids club, parks, swimming, zoo, put up a tent in her back yard, rent movies, go to a movie, she can teach him how to cook a few fun dishes, games -cards, fixing or making something together,

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