Sunday, December 15, 2013

How do I get my 22 month old to sleep in a toddler bed?

kids tents for beds on ... beds, tent beds, bunk beds and more! Wood, iron or mixed, there's
kids tents for beds image

sugger bun

I just found out I am pregnant with my 2nd child and we want to start getting my 22 month old used to her toddler bed so that when baby comes she will be ready to sleep in her new bed. She is a stubborn child when it comes to going to bed the way it is now! She lays in her crib and screams and cries for almost an hour. I have tried everything I can think of! Please any ideas will be greatly appreciated!!

make her excited about it. maybe set up a small kids tent on the bed so it will be like camping out and do something interesting before bed like read her a favorite story.

How to stop toddler getting cold in bed?

lucky gal

My two year old sleeps in a single bed, but up until now has still been in his Grobag. He's tall for his age and is therefore getting too big for the sleeping bag, but when I try him under the duvet no matter how well I tuck it in he ends up uncovered and cold in the night.

Has anyone ideas on how to address this? I've seen duvet clips in the shops, but am not sure I like the idea of pinning him under the covers like that.

Will he wear fleece footie pajamas? I know some kids won't, but my son loves them and they keep him warm throughout the night because he's zipped up from head to toe in a little cocoon...

If he won't, you can always try to get a bigger sleeping bag... my son has a toddler size Transformers one from Target that he snuggles with in the play tent in his room; it was pretty cheap but very warm.

Personally, I wouldn't try a heater just because my toddler is always curious and the orange glow from the heater would just be asking for my son to reach out and grab it, obviously leading to far worse problems. Maybe if you can get one that can go on a shelf or somewhere out of reach, that could work for you. I personally wouldn't risk having one of those around my child while he is unsupervised. lol
Good luck =)

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