Friday, December 20, 2013

What are some must-have snacks while camping?

kids glow tent on Glow Crazy Doodle Dome | review | Kaboodle
kids glow tent image


My family and I are going camping. There will be my husband and I along with three children. We will be tent camping and need some ideas for some easy, yet satisfying snacks. Snacks can be kept in our cooler or dry. We prefer snacks that take little to no preparation. Thanks!!

That's great you are going camping, we camp every weekend. I usually take things like those p'nut butter sandwhich crackers, smores are great but remember the chocolate melts and so do the marshmallows into one icky mess. Trail mix is good, the kind you make yourself with m&m's, marshmallows, raisins, etc. (keep in cool place). Go-gurt, poptarts, apples, oranges, watermelon and cantelope already cubed. Cheez-it's too.
Do forget to pick up some glow sticks (necklaces) for the kids at night, they love them.

Do you have any tips for camping with young children?


We have done it before...but it has been almost 2 years. We will be tent camping with a 2 1/2 and 5 year old. We got a site with both electrical and water hookup. Any tips would be great, thanks!
we'll be at the beach.

bring their bike :) we went camping on the weekend and it was a very kid friendly park where they had activities every hour planned for the kids and it was so much fun but all the kids had bikes and my son was the only one without one.

glow sticks and sparklers are great for night time. We bought some chalk at the dollar store and my son was playing with it and like 5 kids flocked over to play with him, it was a great friend maker :)

get a laundry basket and fill it with your cooking items, that way everything is together so you can whip up a quick meal.

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