Monday, December 16, 2013

Why is my dad going to jail for not paying CS?

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i live in Arizona (he wont go to jail he will go to tent city) but he lives in Michigan.. he has or has not (im only 14) payed child support over the last 4 years.. (but one day i was cleaning and i saw his paycheck and it says -350$ to some company... the same amount of child support he was supposed to pay)
1: will they go out to Michigan to arrest him? or will it be like a warrant in AZ?
2: will i get to see him? because if it is up to my mom then its a no...
3: how long will he be in prison? and he was given a month to come up with 20,000... which is not easy for someone who does not have a job...

please help me... i cant talk to my mom about it, because then her fiance will but in yelling "YOUR DAD IS A SHITTY DAD!" sooooooooooooooo please help?

ALSO... why would he even go to jail, it accomplishes nothing besides making me sad, my mom wont get her money (which she wouldent even spend on me and my brother) im just confused...

The idea behind CS is that you and your brother are entitled to live as if your parents were together and the household had both their incomes coming in. Imagine how that additional $350 a month would help in housing, food, transportation, etc. If you have received government assistance, the State of AZ wants its money back.

Your father will be able to go in front of judge and try to have the amount reduced. The judge should factor in your Dad is unemployed. He can also enforce the custody and visitation rights your father has.

Arresting him. It is not a high priority for alot of policy forces. However, if he gets traffic stopped or arrested, he will be sent to jail until MIch & AZ work out which one is going to pay to get him to AZ.

You are correct. You can not bleed a turnip or someone who doesn't have the money. However, he should have gone back to court and said that. Reduce my payments. I will work at McDonalds or send 1/5 of my unemployment in CS rather than nothing. You guys deserve him to pay something. That is why your mom's fiance calls him a sh... father.

Your Mom most likely will not be told this stuff. Most of the time it out of the mother's hands. Plus it will be negotiated down. She might not be able to tell AZ to stop trying to make him pay.

You and Mom need to take it somewhere where her fiance is not there. Tell her your concerns. I think you also need to talk about her fiance calling your Dad a shiitty father. He is irresponsible not shitty.
You love your Dad, and she & her fiance need to respect that.

If you want to keep in contact with him, make sure you to communicate to relatives ( his parents, brothers and/or sisters) so they can get stuff to him. You can send them your letters to give to him. I am sure you can come up with 50 cents for a stamp. I say use them as a middle man so you have their addresses in case he gets relocated.

Unfortunately, custodial parents gets the money not the kids. She is suppose to spend it on your upkeep. She won't be seeing 20K.

The city is suing me how will they get their money if I can't pay?


I was speeding late one night. I got a ticket which was understandable. I knew the risks, I took the chance, and I deserved what I got. So I paid the ticket.

Apparently the ticket was entered into the system twice. So when I failed to pay or to appear in court my license was suspended. In turn voiding my car insurance.

The state apparently isn't required to notify a person when their license is suspended. They are allowed to just let a person keep on driving around even though serious things could happen.

Well a kid ran out in front of me one day after a ball and I swerved causing me to hit a power line pole badly damaging it.

The next day there was a letter in my mail telling me my insurance had been canceled a few days earlier due to my license being suspended. (This is how I found out my license and been suspended. I called the court house where I paid to find out what had happened and they realized I was in the system twice.)

So my insurance wouldn't cover the damages or even part of the damages. What was crappy was that I didn't drive for a month until my license was fixed and I couldn't use my insurance for the damages but my insurance company made me pay for the month.

I make $8 an hour. I rent a room in the winter, but I sleep in a tent in the woods on some property of a guy I know during the early fall, late spring, and summer. The only real possession I own is my car.

The city is obviously going to win, but I really don't have the money to pay. How do I even pay them? Will they work out a payment plan? Will there be interest? I can't afford much. I'm not scared of anything possession wise being taken away because all they can get in my truck. I'm more concerned with jail time if i can't pay.

If i were you make a payment plan. They can get a judgement against you and garnish up to 50% of your income through your employer. have a bank account they can garnish that and any income tax refunds. They also will add interest to and it will affect your credit to.

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