Tuesday, June 24, 2014

fun crafts for kids with fabric?


i have 2 pieces of fabric wat can my kids do w/it?

Hey awesome i am a kid and this will be soooo easy because its in a childs perspective!!!!!
-make a table cloth
-design barbie or g i joe clothes
-fold it up and cut out small shapes
-make a bedding for a cage
-make a tent(drap it over some trees and stick in dirt)
-but either cotton or rip open an old toy and get out the stuffing use a needle and thread to close the sides and a bottom part then stuff it an you have a cushion or a small pillow
-color on it and hang it in room or camper or tent
-make a blankie
-color it fold it like a triangle and cut a circle out top and you have a poncho or a shawl!
I really hope I helped :)))))

Ready for big-kid bed, or is it seperation issues?

Q. My son is 20 months.Since the day he was born, he has gone to bed at the same time everyday, without a fuss or fight, & always slept completely through the night in his own room. Recently my husband and I seperated, and at the same time he started a new job that requires travel out of town Monday-Friday.When he is in town, though, he spends 99.9% of his time at the house with us, and normally leaves once our son has gone to bed.This week, our son learned how to climb out of his crib. But before he did he woke up screaming, crying which he doesn't normally do. I tried to get him back to sleep in his crib by sitting with him and rubbing his back, which I've never had to do.As soon as i though he was asleep, & I get up to leave, he starts screaming again.If he stays asleep, and wakes up and I'm not there, thats when he starts screaming and climbs out of the crib. After 2 nights of no sleep, I gave up and tried to put him in bed with me. Voila!
Kid went right to sleep and didnt make a peep for the rest of the night. This is a horrible habit to start, I know, I don't plan on continuing. But, now, my husband and I don't know what to do. I feel in my heart that this isn't about his bed, but is starting to understand the situation. I am unsure whether it's really that he is ready to transition to a big kid bed. I'm afraid I'll go out and buy one, and we will still have the same problem! HELP!

It certainly sounds like he's having separation issues, which is normal at his age regardless of the home circumstances. Kids also start developing a lot of fears around age 2. Especially where the problem was solved with having him sleep with you, I think this is the issue.

Anyways, in my opinion, if you move him into a bed, you will be providing him with an easier venue to get out and he'll probably do it even more. 20 months is still young. I would try getting one of those crib tents that is a mesh tent that goes over the top of the crib and prevents them from climbing out. You can get them at Babies R Us. You may have to let him "cry it out" a couple of nights but my rule of thumb is if they were a good sleeper to begin with, they always go back to being a good sleeper. Sometimes they can get out of whack for a bit after being sick, etc.

You may also want to talk to your pediatrician, or ask for suggestions here, for help on how to help your son cope with your and your husband's separation. ALthough I will say kids are really so durable and really adjust well to anything. My husband and I are together, but he travels Mon-Fri as well, every week. It was a little tough in the beginning, but honestly my kids are totally fine with it now and know that come Friday, daddy will be back. Its just a way of life. I hope this helps!

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Im babysitting! KID GETS BORD EASY!?


im babysitting a kid and she is 8 and almost 9. i take her to the pool every nice day but i want to know some new things to do. we do fun stuff but after this whole summer the games we play together to pass time get old. what are some fresh new ideas for outside on sunny days. but most importantly fun things to do on stormy and windy days!!!

P.S. please dont say take her to the pool, ialready inderstand that. also think of activities for the state of ohio.

I've worked with kids for a while. Here are some ideas that kids like.

1. Make bird feeders to hang outside. Coat a pine cone with peanut butter, roll in birdseed, and hang from a tree. Birds love them, and it's a good way to spend an hour.

2. Make a mini-golf course to use inside. Use plastic cups for holes, paper towel tubes for tunnels, and a box and pinwheel for a windmill. Better yet, have her help you make it and let her decorate the setup. You can buy toy clubs and balls at any store.

3. Scrapbooking. Get the kid a disposable camera and let her take pictures about her life or on a trip with you. Then, you and she can crop and put together pages and make her very own scrapbook.

4. If you're near a zoo, go to the zoo. Kids love animals! Again, take a camera and let her take her own pictures.

5. Teach her card games like Go Fish or 500. Try clock solitaire. Get a book of card tricks from the library and work on them together.

6. While we're on the subject...LIBRARY! Never underestimate the power of the library! She can browse the kids' books, some libraries have computer games for kids to play, sections with toys, and most places I know have videos and DVDs for you to check out.

7. Living History museum. If there's one in your area, then ten to one she'll love it. You get to dress as a person from the time period the museum is about, try little projects, and make souvenirs.

8. Paper Dolls. There are printables available on the internet, and all you have to do is glue them to card stock, give her the clothes to color, cut them out, and you have paper dolls. Or, you can make your own from magazines.

9. Make a castle. Drape a sheet or two over a table after moving the chairs away, and you have a castle/fort/hideaway/tent, etc. You can "camp out" and have a lunch in your tent or a feast in your castle. Take the fun even further and dress up as princesses with crowns and dresses and jewelry.

10. Print coloring pages from the internet. They beat coloring books hands down, and even more fun for the kid is to let her choose her own.

Basically, all you have to do is use your imagination. Be creative. Good luck.

activities for kids...?


Hi Ya'll,
I babysit 3 girls ages 1, 3 and 5. Mainly it's the 3 & 5 year old for an 8 hour period and then the 1 yr old for 4 hours. They are really active (always going going going!) and I was trying to think of some activites for them to do while inside? Being outside is fine but there parents don't want them out for an excessive amount of time due to heat/sun so when they are inside I need something amusing to do for at least an hour or two at a time. Anyways, they usually don't sit still for movies very long but I did just buy playdoh, a coloring book, chalk (sidewalk), and a playdoh activity kit which I hope will keep them amused. Any other ideas...?


PS The girls do have there own toys to play with, but they usually get bored within 10 min. (just aren't "cool" anymore) so please dont suggest that. It never works! haha. :o)

I love children.. I highly sujest getting a babysitting bag together. Most children are not interested in their toys because no one has really sat down with them and show them how to play with the toys.. Get your self on a schedule play time with them. Since you are the one person that is around them the most a schedule is the best. And they really respond to order..
Children at this age Love Love 3 and 5
Story Time (make different voices to fit characters)
Puppet Time
Dress Up
Make a tent out of the kitchen table or in living room..Or in the bedroom..
The five year old should really be into playing mommy and the three year old is just starting in this area. So playing house. Which leads to play time in the world of imagination..
Pretend Cooking, Baby care, cleaning, Rest rant, This activity will and can go on for hours and they like to play it almost daily.
Playdoh is a great activity I agree make sure to cover the floor if it is on carpet..Be ready to have the colors mixed. The three year old will love to mix the colors and the older one will want them kept separate. So maybe their very own play doe for play doe time. Stinging big beads on a shoe lace../Ball time play..each needs own ball and also together time. rolling it on the ground.learning to catch.. the five year old should like tossing the ball up in the air..
Five Year Olds:
Teach sack-walking and "twist-em," "statue," or "freeze" games to provide an outlet for their drive for physical activity.
Play games that can teach right and left directions, like "Hokey-Pokey," "Looby-Loo," and "Simon Says."
Ask 5-year-olds to tell you a story. Write it down and post it on the wall or refrigerator
Three Year Old
Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in the Dell.Also they love to jump and hop.. show them "how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.Box play and anything they can hide in.. Making silly faces..
One year old..
will love play doe too.. All will love bubbles..ball play too..called "Roll it to me"

Have Fun.. Hope this helps. ^^

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Games to play out side with 2 school aged kids?

Linda Lou

I am now babysitting a 1st and 4th grader for a few hours after school. today was my first day and I had the 1st grader go down the slide head first smash into a wall and bleed everywhere decided a playground/swingset in the backyard is prlly better to just look at lol

any ideas that I can do with them?

hide and seek.
board games (*checkers,charades,tick tack toe,connect 4.)

Never leave the kids alone. They might draw on walls or get into something they shouldn't be in. Keep them occupied and bring lots of fun games.Don't ever leave the child alone. They will pour soap down the potty and make bubbles.
Make a Fun Bag. In the fun bag you could have candy (if they are allowed), movies, coloring pages, stickers, books, games, and crafts, as well as various things for you when the kids go to sleep. The things in the Fun bag should consider the age of the children you are babysitting, as very young children will appreciate different things to older children.
When the kids start to get fussy or antsy, ask them if they want to color / do a project / play a game. They say yes and, voila! Fun bag!
Play with the children. They won't like it if you don't play. So, take out the thing they want to do. If you are doing a project or coloring and you have messy toddlers, let them help put down newspaper or a plastic mat to protect floors and tables. Have fun and they will be able to tell and enjoy your presence more.
For projects; when making things if you can make it edible it's good. Some finger painting recipies are edible. (Vanilla yogurt with food coloring)
Little kids also love doing things for themselves. Let them pour or stir their own drinks, make their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or help you make cookies. It helps pass the time while teaching them skills, and they will feel more involved and grown up instead of you taking over everything.
Put a chair by the sink for the kids to stand on, and let them help you wash the dishes. (Take out sharp objects like forks hiding in the suds so they don't get poked accidentally.) Being allowed to help you wash the dishes can be a reward for young children.
Be patient with the children if they start getting bored or miserable, show them the things they have brought and encourage them to play. If they don't want to do something in particular, find something else for them to do!
Take them outside! Ride bikes, go to the park, walk the dog, anything outdoors will run their energy out! Make sure to be very careful because the outdoors also has many hazards.
Play fun age appropriate games. Don't do something that is to old for the kids because you want parents to want you to come back. Also, when playing with the child, be sure to not be rough with them especially when you have a younger age group. This may turn them off and somebody could get hurt.
Make or buy play-dough. If you have a recipe that doesn't involve cooking on the stove, you can have the kids help make it. If you don't have the materials needed for play-dough, you can make something called Ooblek with simply water and cornstarch. This is especially good because it doesn't involve dangerous, hot ovens or sharp objects. Do this outside of course, as it is extremely messy, but that's the fun of it!
Pick a movie appropriate for the age group you're babysitting. Pop some popcorn and put the popcorn in individual bowls for each child (if they are young). Give each child a ticket awhile before the movie. Be the ticket-taker at the door to the room, and give each child a bowl of popcorn. Then turn off the lights and start the movie!
Make a tent! Use chairs and big blankets. Fill the inside with pillows and blankets. After it's made, you can tell (or read!) stories. If it's possible, make it over a TV, so the TV is inside, and you have a movie theater! If the children are 4 or older (and less likely to make a mess), pop some popcorn to get the great movie atmosphere!
Remember, toddlers love anything that keeps them active. If everyone's bored, take out some scarves, turn on the music, and dance! If you have a lot of children, play freeze tag, or a team game where EVERYONE needs to be involved.For most kids under the age of 5, hide and seek may have some hazards.
They might run and hide to far, not come out of their hiding spot and you may not be able to find them.

[edit] TipsMany things that adults think of as drudgery is fun for young children. Find ways to let them help you and make them feel important. Thank them for helping.
Play with the children. They'll like it when you get involved and will ask for you as their babysitter. Neither parents nor kids like lazy babysitters who stay on the phone all day.
Don't make a mess. Leave the house as clean or cleaner than you found it.
Always clean up after an activity. But don't do it alone. Have the kids help, too. You can sing this song: "Clean up, clean up. Everybody do their share. Clean up, clean up. Everybody, everywhere," You can make up your own melody.
Don't just sit down and watch a movie. Keep the kids active. If it is a nice day, go outside play with a ball or your dog or your trampoline.
If it is dark encourage NOT to go outside =)
Also try to play games that are educational but still fun
Clean up

What are some good activities or games to play at a birthday party?


My birthday party is coming up, we're planning to have a sleepover campout in tents if the weather's alright, what are some fun games or activities to play to pass the time and what supplies might I need for the games/ activities?

Check out the complete list of 70 games http://www.partygameideas.com/kids-games/games-list.php or see if these outdoor party games will work for your event.

You might also want to check out Halloween games - the story telling ones might be interesting. http://partygameideas.com/halloween-games/games-list.php

They had a good mix here, that should help you keep everyone entertained.


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How could i build a cheap playhouse out of something other than wood?


See i really want a playhouse sooo bad!!! And its too much to buy one or to build on out of wood. See i was wondering if you knew what i could build i playhouse out of other than any kind of wood? If you have an idea please help me!!!

When I was a kid, I used to set my little tent up outside or play under our deck. You can build a tent in your room with chairs and blankets too.

Is a play tent with balls a good idea for three year olds?


I teach Sunday School and my class is three year olds. I have about 10 kids every Sunday, they seem to get bored with puzzles and coloring. Is a play tent with the little balls a good idea or no? What else could i do to entertain them? They only play for 30 min. Then i do story time, snack time and craft time. I have my class from 9:30am to 11am. I don't need alot of toys since they play for 30 min but i thought a play tent will be good for them.

Thank u and I'm open to any Suggestions.

I think that it is a great idea as long as you can easily find a place to put it away when it is done and it is big enough that more than just a few kids can play with it at a time. For 3 year olds, sharing is not a concept that they have fully grasped onto yet so if it is too small then they might have a hard time letting others play with it after a designate time. The other thing, making sure that you can put it away, is a hard one because if they get to play with it for a while and then are taken out of it, it could cause some tantrums. If these criteria are met than it could be a super fun toy for them to play with! Other suggestions that I have would be a plastic playhouse (make sure it has a door to close when playtime is over), an area with big pillows to sit on and read books, a big cardboard box (like refrigerator sized), tunnels to crawl through (like this one http://www.amazon.com/Schylling-Zig-A-Zag-Tunnel/dp/B000JJHYBK/ref=sr_1_6?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1305837478&sr=1-6), or big legos or blocks, trucks with a road map rug() like this one http://www.amazon.com/Learning-Carpets-Giant-Road-Carpet/dp/B00001P4YD/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305837655&sr=8-1), or a kitchen set. Good luck with the little ones. God looks down on people like you and smiles!

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

fun crafts for kids with fabric?


i have 2 pieces of fabric wat can my kids do w/it?

Hey awesome i am a kid and this will be soooo easy because its in a childs perspective!!!!!
-make a table cloth
-design barbie or g i joe clothes
-fold it up and cut out small shapes
-make a bedding for a cage
-make a tent(drap it over some trees and stick in dirt)
-but either cotton or rip open an old toy and get out the stuffing use a needle and thread to close the sides and a bottom part then stuff it an you have a cushion or a small pillow
-color on it and hang it in room or camper or tent
-make a blankie
-color it fold it like a triangle and cut a circle out top and you have a poncho or a shawl!
I really hope I helped :)))))

traveling with kids?


we're going to be camping in Colorado for a family vacation with my husbands siblings/dad/etc...there will be a 14 month old and my baby who is 3 months...what are some ideas for activities?

14 mo old - We bought a child carrier backpack for my first son and that sures makes nature oriented stuff easier. My son loved the pack, and so if we went on a hike he just road along in the pack, the sites alone will keep them entertained for the most part.

At 3 months you can get a front carrier, and tote that one along.

Wherever you camp, scout out the area very well before you let the 14 mo old wander around, make sure there are not any dangerous critters or bushes or whatnot. Have a big tent so they can also just use the tent as a playarea.

Buy a few new toys (don't go overboard) and give them a new toy when you first get there, when they bore of that one, give them another new toy.... depends on the attention span of your child how long this will or if it will work at all. (my 16 mo old this would never work, his attention span is like 3 minutes.)

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Camping packing question?


This weekend I'm going camping with my family and my best friend what should I pack to do at nights and stuff and what clothes it's gonna be a low of 56 all weekend and a high of 78 ?

for camping:
tent, tarp (for under the tent), hammer or mallet to pound in stakes, sleeping bag or blankets, air mattress, tent patch kit.
Lighters and newspaper to start fires, portable stove with enough gas, cooking pots/utensils/hot pad,kettle or pot to boil water.
Hand sanitizer, baby wipes, sunscreen, bug spray, first aid kit, flashlights and/or lantern, extra batteries. Paper towels and extra toilet paper.
Towels, wash cloth, dish cloth. Dish soap. possibly small plastic basin for washing.
Dishes and utensils, mugs to hold hot liquid, food (up to you!), any condiments or spices such as butter/salt,etc, instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant hot chocolate. Wine in a box is good! Make sure you have food you can eat even if you cant cook outside (if it rains) such as cheese and crackers, etc
A sharp knife or multi-tool with can opener etc.
Large (full) water container and water bottles (especially for at night in the tent)
Trash bags
spade and a hatchet (depends on how much you are roughing it!)
small broom or somethign to help sweep out the tent.
Remember to store all food and personal hygiene products (including lotions/toothpaste,etc) in the car or a bear bag overnight to avoid bear visits!
Clothing in layers and slip on shoes for midnight bathroom runs.
Dont forget stuff for s'mores!
Remember you wont get much cel service in most remote areas, and dont expect there will be resources to plug in rechargable stuff.
Clothes and personal hygiene products- remember to bring a portable mirror!

have fun XD

How to choose a camping tent?


I am planing my first camping trip. I want to know how to choose a suitable camping tent. I will go camping with my family. There are four of us altogether.

I go camping a lot, often with a group, and see most people using tents that are far too large and difficult to setup for their needs. They get a huge cabin tent for eight or more people, tall enough to stand upright and walk around, and then only put 4 people inside.

When they get to camp it takes 2 people almost an hour to get the tent set-up and all their gear arranged inside. Once this is done they spend all their awake time on outdoors activities or sitting around the campfire, and just go inside to sleep. All that space, time and effort is wasted, because you're never inside a tent unless you're ready to sleep. Even if its raining or snowing, I'd rather be outside with my family or friends under a tarp or ez-up gazebo so I can see the outdoors than stare at the blank walls inside a tent.

I prefer to take the smallest size tent I can comfortably use. There's enough room for the appropriate number of sleeping bags with a little space leftover to stack our bags. Headspace isn't a concern, I don't need to pace circles inside my tent. As long as I can sit-up on the ground without hitting my head on the ceiling I'm good.

So priorities for me are a) Weather resistance, including wind and rain; b) ventilation, to avoid a build-up of humidity that leads to condensation and for cooling on hot nights; c) adequate floor space for sleeping bags and minimal gear, with the rest stowed in the vehicle; d) easy setup and pack-up. I prefer a tent with a full rain fly for weather protection and a vestibule to stow muddy boots outside but under shelter.

Determining adequate floor space can be a challenge. Most manufacturers allow 24x78" of floor space per person, which I feel is inadequate. I prefer to use 30"x80" per person, plus allow for one additional person's worth of space for minimal gear storage. By this measure a 10'x9' tent (120"x108") allows four people to sleep side-by-side with enough space at the head of each sleeping space for a bag containing clean clothing and toiletries. According to most manufacturer's specifications, this would indicate a 6-person tent would be the best selection.

On the lower-price end of the scale, the Coleman Sundome 6 fits the bill, though I'm not much impressed with the rain fly and lack of vestibules. But its hard to find fault with its $99 price tag, as long as you're not expecting bad weather.

The Coleman Instant-Tent 6 is a popular model because of it's quick and easy setup. This cabin tent also provides stand-up interior height. Unfortunately it has no rain fly whatsoever, so one would need to bring an extra tarp for rain protection if bad weather was forecast. And, of course, with no rain fly it also has no vestibule. The Instant-Tent 6 can also be a packing nightmare with its 48" long packed size, so make sure it will fit into your vehicle.

The Kelty Buttress 6 looks to me to be the perfect tent, with adequate floor space, a good fly and vestibule setup and reasonable price. If I was going to buy a tent today to sleep a family of 4, this would likely be my top choice.

If money is no object and you want the ultimate family tent that is still weather proof, easy to setup and reasonably compact to pack, look at the REI Kingdom 6 with the optional Connect Tech Vestibule or Garage. But be prepared to spend over $500 on the complete setup.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

camping while pregnant and four kids ?

Q. ok so in august i am taking my batch of four to a lovely campsite in cornwall uk
i will be 6 months pregnant - so pretty big
portable toilets - the campsite does have loo's but as i'm pregnant and have a 3 and 4 yr old boys
are they good, has anyone used them , are they easy to empty ?
camping in my condition - has anybody else camped pregnant ?
airbeds - are they comfy i got ones for the whole family ?
any tips on how to keep warm ? for anyone that lives or has been to cornwall - you'll know that even in summer weather temperamental)
and because my badgering me to do it after some bloke in the pub told him about it - tent sex, we have a 12 man tent so it would not be in front of the kids - there once there asleep , there asleep kinda kids - has anyone done it, is it alright ?

Camping in your condition? YOU KNOW--- listen to your body--you can do just about anything you want! Toilets? Plumbing is great, but sometimes we don't have it. Just take lots of paper to keep clean and don't be afraid of your waste products, it's not that big of a deal. Air beds? YES--comfortable,, remember not to inflate them all the way, go about 3/4, and to KEEP WARM-- be sure to put blankets UNDER you as well as on top. As for having sex in the tent with the kids nearby, I can kind of see it both ways--to some it seems a little uncool, but I remember when my kids were that age--hell, you could drop a bomb in their shorts and they wouldn't wake up! I say---if you keep it just a little quieter than normal, go for it and have fun! Camping Sex in a tent is great and very memorable! A nice little spinoff, no worries about getting pregnant....

any dog friendly holidays? (UK only)?


there's loads, you can rent a dog friendly caravan or a cottage by the sea then take your dog to the beach, let him swim or have a paddle in the sea, throw him a ball on the beach, meeting other dogs, give him a walk on the beach, buy an ice cream and give him a bit, or have a bbq and give him a burger and a sausage =]

or your dog camping, i took mine, we got him a dog tent and a dog sleeping bag although he didn't like his sleeping bag zipped up so he was in it, we had a bbq and gave him a burger, sausage and chicken wing, we also let him join in in our activities, he came on a hike with us, he came swimming with us in the lake and he even came cycling, i brought a little trailer what you add to the back of your bike what little kids sit in and he went in there xD

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

what are good sites in central Illinois for tent camping with kids, 5 and 8?


I want to take my niece and nephew, along with my sister and brother in law, tent camping. the kids have done backyard camp outs in a little tent last summer, my sister is not real big on camping and the kids are little. so I need a place with real toilets and showers a playground and possibly a pool or lake for swimming. The problem is so many of the more commercial campgrounds that offer these amenities are geared more towards rv's and aren't particularly tent friendly.I live in Peoria and My sister lives in Bloomington. so that is the region we are looking at

Shawnee national forest


In Missouri, if you're ever down here, Lake Wappapello has FREE tent camping :) no showers & such (there ARE showers & running water for paid tent campers however)

try some of your local parks, too, because a lot of them you can camp in!

kids and camping????

Q. if there is a posibility there will be bears at night when camping is the camp ground ok for kids

Yes! As long as the kids know not to take food into your tent and what to do if they do see a bear.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

theme for kids party?


I'm planing to do a BDAY party for my son, I was thinking of doing spiderman theme.
So, how can I decorate the place, from candy bags to table decoration?
I will really appreciate the help ((:

The color theme for this party is red and black. Cover your table with a white sheet for easy cleaning. Then run some red and black streamers down the center of the table. Make a centerpiece with a Spiderman toy, the birthday cake, or a bouquet of balloons placed inside a Spiderman gift bag. Scatter some toy spiders around the table. Add matching plates, napkins and cups. Hang a few Spiderman posters, balloons and matching streamers. For a fun effect use black streamers to create a web hanging from your ceiling.

You can also make fun "spider treats"...one way is to melt chocolate and add chow mein noodles and remove using 2 forks to grab the clump...add 2 mini M&M's for eyes and let dry on wax paper or foil.

Another way is to use Oreo cookies: add pieces of cut skinny licorice for legs on each side poked into cookie cream...."paste" 2 Mini M&M's for eyes on with frosting.

I'm sure there must be gift bags in Spiderman theme at party goods store. Fill with tattoos, candies, a toy like a mini Slinky--hand out coloring books of Spiderman or whatever you can find in the stores.As the big treat, guest gets a Spiderman book or a Spiderman tooth brush. Each bag has Spiderman fruit snacks, Spiderman Cheese Snacks, Spiderman stickers, Spiderman fruit roll-ups, and a Spiderman CD filled with Spidey songs....are some ideas.

A Spiderman Pinata is another idea for activity to do.

Play a Spidey Game:

Spiderman Web Walk
To Make: On black construction paper draw webs with Elmers Glue. Then sprinkle glitter on the webs. Let the webs dry. Once they have dried, cut off the excess black area. Laminate the webs. Tape bad characters on all the webs, except one. Place spiderman on one of the webs.

How to play:
Each player stands on web. music begins and all players walk on the web. When the music stops, draw a character. Person standing on that character must sit down. Keep playing till all characters have been drawn. The last person standing will be standing on Spiderman and is the winner. Play again!

As an activity: Buy some cheap shower curtains from dollar store...have kids decorate them as capes to wear during the party....Have children decorate a mask to make their own superhero mask. Use stickers, stamps, crayons, and markers.

Spiderman Catch a Bad Guy Relay
Split players into two teams. Each player must put on the cape, go through the spider cave (tunnel), shoot a bad guy with silly string, and into the Spiderhut (a pop-up Spiderman tent). Each tent has pictures of bad guys in it. Each player must grab a bad guy, go back through the spidercave, and then take off the cape and give it to the next person. Repeat till each team member has had a turn.

Another game idea: 1.) Play Sandman, Sandman - He or she sits in a chair with their back to the group. A Spiderman doll or picture is placed under the chosen personâs chair. Then everyone would sing: Sandman, Sandman where has Spiderman gone? Somebody's saved him and he has swung home. Then Sandman has three chances to guess who took Spiderman. If Sandman guesses right then he gets to do it again. If Sandman guesses wrong than the person who had Spiderman gets a turn as the sandman.

Get a poster from Walmart...cut out Spiderman and attach to sturdy cardstock to post on mailbox so guests know where party is.

Im babysitting! KID GETS BORD EASY!?


im babysitting a kid and she is 8 and almost 9. i take her to the pool every nice day but i want to know some new things to do. we do fun stuff but after this whole summer the games we play together to pass time get old. what are some fresh new ideas for outside on sunny days. but most importantly fun things to do on stormy and windy days!!!

P.S. please dont say take her to the pool, ialready inderstand that. also think of activities for the state of ohio.

I've worked with kids for a while. Here are some ideas that kids like.

1. Make bird feeders to hang outside. Coat a pine cone with peanut butter, roll in birdseed, and hang from a tree. Birds love them, and it's a good way to spend an hour.

2. Make a mini-golf course to use inside. Use plastic cups for holes, paper towel tubes for tunnels, and a box and pinwheel for a windmill. Better yet, have her help you make it and let her decorate the setup. You can buy toy clubs and balls at any store.

3. Scrapbooking. Get the kid a disposable camera and let her take pictures about her life or on a trip with you. Then, you and she can crop and put together pages and make her very own scrapbook.

4. If you're near a zoo, go to the zoo. Kids love animals! Again, take a camera and let her take her own pictures.

5. Teach her card games like Go Fish or 500. Try clock solitaire. Get a book of card tricks from the library and work on them together.

6. While we're on the subject...LIBRARY! Never underestimate the power of the library! She can browse the kids' books, some libraries have computer games for kids to play, sections with toys, and most places I know have videos and DVDs for you to check out.

7. Living History museum. If there's one in your area, then ten to one she'll love it. You get to dress as a person from the time period the museum is about, try little projects, and make souvenirs.

8. Paper Dolls. There are printables available on the internet, and all you have to do is glue them to card stock, give her the clothes to color, cut them out, and you have paper dolls. Or, you can make your own from magazines.

9. Make a castle. Drape a sheet or two over a table after moving the chairs away, and you have a castle/fort/hideaway/tent, etc. You can "camp out" and have a lunch in your tent or a feast in your castle. Take the fun even further and dress up as princesses with crowns and dresses and jewelry.

10. Print coloring pages from the internet. They beat coloring books hands down, and even more fun for the kid is to let her choose her own.

Basically, all you have to do is use your imagination. Be creative. Good luck.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to assemble a big family camping tent?


I have ordered a 8 man family tent at an online store and I wonder how to assemble such a big tent? Will it cost too much time to setup?

1. Choose a level site that is free of rocks, sticks and other debris. Spread the tent out with the floor side down. Unzip all doors.

2. Extend the tent poles by pulling out each section and inserting it into the metal ferrules. Start in the middle of the pole to reduce tension on the internal string. Set the extended poles aside.

3. Locate the center hub on the center roof of the tent. If it is not already attached to your tent model, attach it with an "s" hook.

4. Take one tent pole and slide it through one of the sleeves on the tent wall. Insert the top of the pole into one of the openings in the center hub. Repeat with the remaining tent poles.

5. Enter the tent and lift the roof by raising the center hub. The roof and tent poles will be off of the ground. One adult stays in the tent while the other works outside. Flex one of the tent poles and place the free end into the metal pin at the base of the tent. The tent pole should follow the seam line of the tent. Repeat with the remaining tent poles.

6. Attach the tent to the tent pole frame. Clip the plastic clips that are sewn to the tent walls to the tent poles. If your tent has Velcro straps instead of clips, attach the Velcro straps to the tent pole frame.

7. Stake down the tent by inserting the tent stakes through the stake loops at each corner of the tent. Pull the tent floor even and tight. Hammer the stakes into the ground at a 45 degree angle.

8. Attach the rain fly. Place the rain fly over the tent. Attach the hooks on the corners of the rain fly to the metal rings on the tent corners. If your rain fly has an additional fly pole, slide it through the sleeve at the edge of the rain fly awning. Insert each pole end into the grommets on each side of the door.

which 2 person tent? please help?


need to buy a 2 person tent for some camping. Mainly car camping so not really backpacking. I am looking at one of these two:


which one would you prefer? Thanks in advance!
figured amazon link would be sufficient enough, but here they are:

Eureka Apex 2XT FG Backpacking Tent

Coleman Hooligan 2 Backpacking Tent

There is a big weight difference between these two, almost 4lbs. Also a 2 pole dome design verses a single pole both are 3 season tents the Coleman is a full mesh so for hot starry nights the better tent both have equvilant guarantees and reputations for me as a backpacker weight is criticle I would choose the Apex.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of tents for weekend car campers, Everest expeditions, and everything in-between. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Expect the Worst
In general, it's wise to choose a tent that's designed to withstand the worst possible conditions you think you'll face. For instance, if you're a summer car camper in a region where weather is predictable, an inexpensive family or all purpose tent will likely do the trick--especially if a vehicle is nearby and you can make a mad dash for safety when bad weather swoops in! If you're a backpacker, alpine climber or bike explorer, or if you like to car camp in all seasons, you'll want to take something designed to handle more adversity.

Three- and Four-Season Tents
For summer, early fall and late spring outings, choose a three-season tent. At minimum, a quality three season tent will have lightweight aluminum poles, a reinforced floor, durable stitching, and a quality rain-fly. Some three-season tents offer more open-air netting and are more specifically designed for summer backpacking and other activities. Many premium tents will feature pre-sealed, taped seams and a silicone-impregnated rain-fly for enhanced waterproofness.

For winter camping or alpine travel, go with a four season model. Because they typically feature more durable fabric coatings, as well as more poles, four-season tents are designed to handle heavy snowfall and high winds without collapsing. Of course, four-season tents exact a weight penalty of about 10 to 20 percent in trade for their strength and durability. They also tend to be more expensive.

Domes, Tunnels and Sacks
Tents are broadly categorized into two types, freestanding, which can stand up on their own, and those that must be staked down in order to stand upright. Freestanding tents often incorporate a dome-shaped design, and most four-season tents are constructed this way because a dome leaves no flat spots on the outer surface where snow can collect. Domes are also inherently stronger than any other design. Meanwhile, many three-season models employ a modified dome configuration called a tunnel. These are still freestanding, but they require fewer poles than a dome, use less fabric, and typically have a rectangular floor-plan that offers less storage space than a dome configuration. Many one and two-person tents are not freestanding, but they make up for it by being more lightweight. Because they use fewer poles, they can also be quicker to set up than a dome.

Size Matters
Ask yourself how many people you'd like to fit in your fabric hotel now and in the future. For soloists and minimalists, check out one-person tents. If you're a mega-minimalist, or if you have your eye on doing some big wall climbs, a waterproof-breathable bivy sack is the ticket. Some bivy sacks feature poles and stake points to give you a little more breathing room. Also, if you don't need bug protection and you want to save weight, check out open-air shelters.

Families who plan on car camping in good weather can choose from a wide range of jumbo-sized tents that will accommodate all your little ones with room to spare. A wide range of capacities is also available for three- and four-season backpacking and expedition tents. Remember, though, the bigger the tent you buy, the heavier it will be, although it's easy to break up the tent components among several people in your group. It's also helpful to compare the volume and floor-space measurements of models you're considering.

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How does the Book Water for Elephants end?

Q. I read most of it but haven't found time to finish it...i just want to know how it ends...i read up until Marlena left the train and was hiding out in the hotel room.

Marlena goes back to the circus....not to go back to August but to perform. And Jacob sneaks back and sees that a bunch of the fired/red-lighted workers have come back to sabatage the show. They free all the animals in the managerie and it causes a stampede. Jacob runs to Rosie's tent to find Marlena, who is cornered by August who is trying to ... strangle her I think...Rosie is there also and picks her stake up out of the groud and bashes Augusts head in. And Jacob and Marlena go to work for the Ringling Bros circus and have a bunch of kids...some of them grow up in the circus but they eventually stop travelling with the circus and get a home.

We know from the beginning of the story that Marlena dies before Jacob...and he's travelled across the street to the circus since his son forgot it was his day to hang out with him. It takes him so much time just to walk across the street that the circus is over but he ends up talking to one of the workers and tells him he worked on the Zambini Bros circus...the guy knows a lot of historical circuses and knows about the stampeded disaster and it's sort of unofficially decided that the man agrees to take the old Jacob alone on the circus.

Anybody have a tent for their cat?


Last weekend I went out to the Columbus Pet Expo here in Ohio. Among several toys and other things, I actually got a small tent for my cat! I think it's adorable (it looks like an elephant and is actually a kids' tent), and set it up in my living room. Here's a pic of the same tent I bought:


The back has a nice big opening, the two feet in front unzip into kitty-sized entrances, and the ear flaps on the sides roll up revealing two screened windows. I put some blankets and toys inside, and my cat loves it! It's her own little fort. It's safe and sets up anywhere with just 2 tent poles on the inside.

Has anybody else out there tried this or something similar with their cat or kitten?

Yeah! My kitty loves hers.. Well... Loves destroying it... And I also got her a little privacy curtain for her litterbox. She loves it.

(She carries around the tentpoles and leaves them in the closet)

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Monday, June 16, 2014

What is the best way to keep kids happy?


Keep them busy. Repeat after me....Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids.

The best part is that after all of their activity they usually are ready to wind down with a nap, a break for mom! Yay!

Busy activities - park, walk, play in sand, play in water, bath fun, videos, playdoh, craft projects, coloring, painting, baking cookies, cleaning projects, gardening projects, trip to ice cream parlor, sidewalk chalk, jump roap, bike ride, empty and rearrange kitchen cabinets (mine love playing w/ pots & pans and canned goods), McDonald's playland, cooking projects, play with pets, play with giant balls - use blanket like a parachute, have races & relays, play dress up, build tent in living room w/ blankets, camp out in back yard... The possibilities are endless.

Try to plan 2 activities a day and a nap. They should be happy!

How to get more customers to come to your tent?


I just got a job as a face painter at the zoo. I don't know if I can do my own designs or if I have to do certain designs they have already created. Anyway, I will be getting paid $8.35/hour OR 18% of my commission, whichever one is higher. Obviously, if I make more through commission, I can be making like $10.00/hour.

So, what can I do to make more business and attract more people to my tent (kids especially).

Serious answers, please. Thanks.
Whichever paycheck is higher in he end***

I thought "come to your tent" was a metaphore...

I assume the operators have done their part in setting up promotional aids, sample image boards, signs around the zoo if allowed.

One recommendation, if things are going slowly, give a couple away for free to who would act as walking billboards.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why are Christians against birth control, or any form of contraceptives?


This has puzzled me for the last few years. I understand that we are to procreate, but lets be "real".

I was watching local news, and they did a story about small family drug stores that don't sale contraceptives because of their religion.

Now picture this. I attend a fairly large church. There is an average of 3 kids per family. Do you see where I'm going? So the parents only had sex 3 times throughout their entire marriage? I highly doubt! They are using some form of BC, either it's withdrawal, plan B, etc.

To add to my confusion, I attended a camping trip with my preacher and his wife. I had a tent with the wife, and soon found out that she was indeed on birth control.

Someone please answer my question, and please don't use Genesis 38:10. Thanks in advance ;)
I know you don't get pregnant every time you have sex! That was an obvious, so I really didn't bother to state it! I'm talking about older people in church. i was in Sunday School one day (with the elders) and they talked about how they wanted to have a set amount of kids, and everyone said Amen! They were all trying to imply that they either got their tubes tided, or used BC.

Thanks for bringing up the Catholics, but the people in the news segment were not Catholic.

I think you are confusing Christians with one particular Christian denomination - namely the Catholics. And they manage to hang the prohibition off of one doubtful verse in the Old Testament.

Do you understand why I am so proud of the peoples in Sri Lanka?

The Real S

In a matter of a few weeks with minimal foreign assistance we have taken people who were camped in tents and driven from one end of the island to the other by a terrorist organization and have them in structured housing
The ratio of men and women is very similar and children are being schooled, persons are receiving job training, former LTTE are going through programs to reintegrate into society, residual LTTE elements are being traced, families are being reunited.
I am pleased to hear that South Korea is so happy with their development model but Sri Lanka's development model is different and I do not believe that it will take 60 years for us to reach a 20K median income. South Korea as every sovereign nation has its own limits but they differ greatly with those of Sri Lanka. I truly enjoy the warm and gracious hospitality of your peoples from both the north and south when I have visited and find that your security forces are very well behaved and maintained. But we are not interested in becoming a little Japan though Japan also has its own charms but admittedly South Korea and North Korea would have been on a much quicker economic development trajectory if not for Japan. We are not so interested in back ending a stream when we are the gateway to the Orient. A few world wars does not change the history of our countries and we always look forward to occasional visits from our distant neighbors but our tropical perspective and cultural ties predicate much of what our growth and development streams are, have been and will continue to be. We will never a large chemical manufacturor for we are more environmentally concerned, we chose when and who develops hospitality on our island for we try to limit those things that conflict with the great and vast spiritual nature of our island. Ship building is not a stream that we need to proceed with in the short term for their are other matters that take precedence and we are well on the way to IT development, We are much more focused on clean industry such as assembly rather than dirty industries such as manufacture. We believe in saving our carbon credits and can possibly offer some for sale as that would be much more along the lines of our future view than creating large carbon expenditures. We would never erode the monuments of our culture and civilization as we have a preservationist mentality.
Rudukumar should understand that at the end of the year means at the end of 365 days of no violence, no lies and conjecture in the media, no economic terrorism, no fraud, no drug dealing, no arms running, no Selveraj Pathamathan. That year does not begin until the Tamil diaspora SINCERELY apologizes for 30+ years of terror and havoc wreaked on Sri Lanka through diaspora and foreign elements. It also means turning in for prosecution ALL parties that have been conducting such either at home or abroad. The Tamil diaspora is nowhere near step one. I suggest that these terrorists find another country to accomodate them because the Tamils that were born and live in Sri Lanka are Sri Lankans first and foremost. The most that you can attempt is to speak for 800,000 people who collectively terrorised every community including their own at home and abroad. That is not much to stand for so I suggest that you revise your LTTE leanings and give up KP, Castro et al. You are the discriminators not us

wow, you did such a great job selling Sri Lanka im thinking of going there on vacation.

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What are some activities you do when babysitting?


I babysit alot the activities can be for any age of children. I'm just looking for a really long list of activities that are kind of time consuming and a lot of fun, for both me and the kids thanks!

-Make play dough! http://www.busybeekidscrafts.com/Salt-Dough-Recipe.html
You can even take a small food storage container (of yours) to have the kids decorate with stickers, etc. that will hold their play dough it.

-Decorate a pillow case/T-shirt/etc..
Bring your accessory that you are going to color on. Take some permanent markers for them to use, but make sure they don't write on anything else- include themselves.

-Go outside!
Play with chalk.
Blow bubbles. (you can even make them)
Take a walk/bike ride
Visit a park
Have a picnic
Bring some water guns
Do a scavenger hunt: Have them find a pink flower, a blue car, etc.

-Have a dance party!
Put some songs like: The Macerana, the twist, chicken dance, hokey pokey, electric slide, etc. on a CD or a playlist on your ipod. Turn off the lights, expect for some dimmed ones or a lamp. Try to get a diso ball. (glow sticks if the kids are above the age of 7) Freeze dance for the little ones!

-Play games!
Hide and seek
Go fish
Slap Jack
Candy Land
Bowling (use soup cans as pins, and a ball)

-For girls: Do a pedicure!
Take a large bowl, if you have one and put a towel under it. Fill it up with warm water and bubbles/soap. Let her sit on the coach with her feet in the bowl. Massage her feet, then paint her toes.

-Frost cookies!
Make the cookies at your house and take them with to avoid using their stove! Bring along some frosting and sprinkles. Have them decorate their own. Rice krispies also work but are quite messy!

You can take big poster boards and stamps, stickers, markers... Or you can print off coloring sheets, and have them make their own coloring book. Drawing contests for older kids are always fun!

-Build a "tent!"
Very fun in my opinion. Put chairs in a circle, and lay a big blanket on top! Crawl in and enjoy.
I love going "camping" with this idea. Set up the tent, roast marshmallows in the microwave, do a scavenger hunt, etc.

- Balloon games..
This is only good for kids older than about 5... The little ones can choke on broken balloon pieces. Play "keep it in the air" or do the game with the balloon tied to your ankle. Make sure to clean up!


-Movie "theater"
Bring 4-5 movies for them to pick from, make tickets, have a concession stand.
A fun idea with this topic is if you can bring some large cardboard boxes to make fake cars out of and have a pretend drive in movie.

Just be creative!!
For more ideas email me at jaide.babysitting@yahoo.com

This blog is great for babysitting advise!!! alittlebabysitting.blogspot.com

Any good Themes for sleepovers?

Soxy and L

My best friend and I have a sleepover every weekend,each week a different theme. Next week we are doing 70s, then valentines, then casino, baking and easter. But I need a theme for THIS weekend! HELP!!! We are 14, both girls, and already thought of spa and pink themes. 2 points anyone?

There are so many sites that offer sleepover ideas try one of these -- some may be birthday parties but you can still get theme ideas. There are enough here for the next couple of years ...

My own: pick a favorite star and throw a birthday party for him / her
Under the sea (hang fish balloons from ceiling, get a bubble machine, eat goldfish)
Rain forest (hang vines from the wall and tape rain forest animals to stuff)
Desert (eat Mexican food, buy some cactus, put sand on tables)
Winter (eat ice cream, watch snow dogs or something else)
Holidays (pick the closest holiday)
TV shows
Chocolate (eat chocolate, get chocolate scented stuff)
Sing and dance (have a dance competition or have Karaoke)
Around the world (have people bring food from different countries)
Spa Night (if u are a girl you could do makeovers and stuff)
Camping (you could make s-mores and sleep in a tent)
Sports (choose your favorite sport (mine is soccer) you could have a soccer ball cake, play that sport, etc

http://www.birthdaypartyideas.com/html/sleep_over.html dozens of links

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

camp counselor...?


Have you ever been a camp counselor for little kids? If so, did you sleep in cabins or tents? and what were the activities and stuff that you did? also does anyone know any sites about any camps and being a camp counselor?

this summer will be my 3rd summer as a camp counselor at a girl scout camp. We have girls from 6 to 17, mostly the 8-13 age though. However I really like the youngest kids and send most of my summer with them. We sleep in our own tent or cabin with the girls in the unit, during the week and have a staff house for the weekends. We have scheduals for the day that include swimming, arts and crafts, boating, hiking, we cook one meal out a week most weeks, and we do badge work along with other things that that girls might want to do.
there is a site called www.summercamps.com, or www.mysummers.com also www.acacamps.org is a really good website to find accredited camps. you can also look through girl scout council websites for camps and i am sure the same for boy scouts. hope this helps.

Cheap/Good Camping tent/items?


Family of four. Little ones are 5 and almost 3. We went last year camping once and loved it - Used borrowed items. We are looking to buy our own tent and things this year..But cant spend alot of money but want something that wont be crap.
Walmart? Target?

Wal-mart has some good deals on camping gear and won't cost alot either. I have been buying what i need a little at a time. One good idea for you is to get a plastic storage box to put your cooking gear in it so you won't have to get anything from the house.They also make good containers for putting the kids toys in. And also your camping gear so everything will be packed and ready to go camping the next time you want to.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Is this camping tent (description below) large enough for 2 people and 2 dogs?


My fiance and I want to take the dogs hiking this summer. He is 5'11" and 230-lbs, I am 5'3" and 155-lbs, we have a 34-lb adult Beagle, and a Bloodhound puppy who is currently 16-lbs BUT she could get as big as 100-lbs.

The tent is 9-feet wide X 4.3-feet High X 7-feet deep. It has pockets for side storage. It is only $44 on Ebay, which is a great deal.

Does anyone with camping experience think this will be a good size for us? Thank you.

Sorry, but any tent you can get on Ebay for $44 is NOT a "good deal". A tent at that price for that size is going to be substandard design and materials. It will most likely leak in rainy conditions and not be sturdy enough to withstand the rambunctious activity of a large puppy. In fact, some cheapo tents will collapse even in moderate use. If you are seriously planning to do this, spend a little more and get a good brand of tent. i would recommend getting a model that has a seperate vestibule at the entrance, kind of like a porch that has a rain fly over it but no floor and let the dogs stay out there. Dogs in a tent is a bad news situation. Their claws tend to damage the floor and they stink the place up with their breath and damp fur. They will be plenty cozy in a good vestibule and you can attach their leashes to ground pegs to keep them from wandering but still allow them to slip out and pee without having to get up and walk them.

Campmor.com has a huge variety of quality tents at all budget levels. Look at what they have and spend at least closer to $100 for a tent that will keep you dry and hold up to use.

what is the largest "alpine" tent you can buy and where might I go upon buying it ?

Q. Ok, basially I am new to camping. The camping that we do is not really camping. we pitch a tent in a clearing in the woods at my house. I am looking to buy a very large tent. the tent that we are using right now fit 8 people.Now what I have been looking for a tent with multiple rooms. what would be the largest Alpine tent that I can buy and where might I buy this large tent.




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Thursday, June 12, 2014

What does the average person spend on Christmas?


Specifically on children. We have two daughters (3 & 4 years old). I asked my husband, who is extremely frugal, and he said like $300 total. That doesn't seem like much to me. I budgeted, and figured we could afford around $800 total, or $400 per child. I don't want to be cheap with Christmas, but I don't want to overspend. I know this boils down to personal preference, but what does the average couple spend on Christmas per child? Thanks!
Also, what are some good gift ideas for kids around this age? I am terrible at buying gifts in general.

$400 is a really good price to stick with most parents go for $350 or $400. Some great gifts for 3 and 4 year old girls are baby dolls, loving family (fisher price) Anything Fisher price is an amazing toy for kids 3 and 4. Most kids 3 and 4 want a fisher price tent house or a toy kitchen. Also my little pony or my little pet shop and also little tikes is a great brand. Sand/water sets are also great gifts but there mainly for the summer. Picnic sets or those little scooters or also the little cars that run on the big red battery's are nice. Good places to by this stuff is at ToysRus and also Target and Kmart and many other places mainly the mall. If there in love with any one direction or Justin Bieber, (many kids love them even 3 and 4 year olds!) That would also be a wonderful gift for any singer or even a TV show! Hope this helped!

Gift ideas for a 9 months old...?

AIM+e plus

Ok, I know this is probably a pretty repetitive question right now, but I'm stumped.

My daughter will be 9 months when Christmas rolls around and I don't know what some good gift ideas would be. I've gotten some things for her, so I went to the store yesterday and all the toys just suck. She doesn't have a lot of toys so far, just a few things to occupy her, when she'll pay attention to them and for that reason I really don't feel it's necessary to get her a ton of toys she won't play with. Anyone have ideas about what I can get her other than the typical baby toy? We have tons of books for her plus a few more I've bought and wrapped. Any ideas?
Also, I have to add I'm not living near any Babies "R" us at the time, so basically the only stores we have are Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Walgreens...just to let you know....

1. Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home
"Fisher Price Learning Home"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
If you're looking for a baby toy that will be used for a long time, the Learning Home from Fisher Price's Laugh & Learn toy series is perfect. Baby can sit near the house-shaped toy and put the plastic balls down the rain spout, fit shapes in the door's built-in sorter, put mail in the mailbox and listen to music on the radio. Older babies and toddlers can get into pretend play, especially with friends, as this is a great toy for more than one child to share. We have one of these toys in our play room, and elementary school age kids still play with it!
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Baby Toys 9 MonthsBaby Toys 9 Months Online. Shop Target.com.www.Target.com

Best Toddler Toys 2008Read About the Top Toddler Toys. See Award-Winning Toys for ToddlersBestToysGuide.com/Toddler-Toys

Kmart® LayawayShop Kmart Layaway to Get What You Want. Download a $5 Off Coupon!www.Kmart.com
2. Manhattan Toy Big Top Sounds
"Manhattan Toy Big Top Sounds"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
This bright and colorful circus toy set incorporates learning with playtime for baby. When your baby puts the animals in the top of the circus tent, he or she hears the correct animal sound. When the animal is removed, baby hears the name of the animal. The Big Top Sounds set comes with a plush monkey, lion, seal and elephant. Babies of this age love to watch things hide and reappear, and the circus tent with its flap-front makes a great place for the animals to play peek-a-boo.
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3. Infantino Baby Magician
"Infantino Baby Magician"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
Who doesn't want to be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat? You and your baby can learn how to do that with Infantino's adorable Baby Magician toy. The soft hat has a plush bunny that hides inside until baby decides to make it appear. The magic wand has flowers at the end and makes a magical sound when baby waves it around. A fish with a teething tail hides inside a soft cup, and magical cards have fun, crinkling textures. You may enjoy playing with this toy as much as your baby does!
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4. Kushies Zolo Stacrobats
"Kushies Zolo Stacrobats"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
A colorful stage is the perfect place to arrange these cool magnetic acrobat toys from Kushies' Zolo line. Baby can see how many ways he or she can stack the five soft fabric acrobats. Three soft magnetic balls can be stacked, too. When it's time to take a nap, the stage becomes part of the zippered storage bag, and the acrobats all fit inside.
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5. Latitude Enfant Ma Pyramide Chat
"Latitude Enfant Cat Stacker"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
Latitude Enfant has created a pretty and engaging version of the popular stacker toy with the soft cat stacker. Lots of vivid colors, interesting textures and patterns and extra adornments make this stacker fun to look at and touch. When baby pushes on the cat's head, it meows. Other pieces of the stacker have rattles, bells, crinkles or squeakers. The lightweight, soft rings are great for younger babies, but durable enough for toddlers, too.
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6. HABA Klettinos Toy Set
"HABA Klettinos Set"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
The fourteen plush toy pieces in the Klettinos set can be combined to make all sorts of unique animals. Sure, you could make an elephant or octopus, but babies will love creating silly creatures with a head from one animal and a body from another. The animal pieces are made from cotton and can be spot cleaned or hand washed. The Klettinos set comes in a carrying case so it makes a nice travel toy, too.
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7. Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Baby Grand Piano
"Fisher Price Baby Grand Piano"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
It seems like babies are born with some kind of knowledge that piano keys are for banging, so it won't take long for your baby to figure out what to do with this toy. The piano keys light up and make all kinds of sounds, from notes to letters and numbers and full songs. Baby can turn the pages of a song book, and adjust slides and dials to create different sounds. There are plenty of options to hold baby's attention now and probably for a few years with this fun piano.
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8. Infantino Big Mouth Basket Toss
"Infantino Big Mouth Basket Toss"Photo courtesy of Pricegrabber.com. Used with permission.
Infantino's Big Mouth Basket Toss is a toy that will be enjoyed for many months. When baby is small, he or she can just put the beanbags into the critters' mouths and take them out again - a classic baby game for this age. Then, as baby grows and begins to develop hand-eye coordination, the toy becomes an actual beanbag toss. The safari-themed critters live up to their

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What toys should 1 year old get for bday? Baby Toddler?


This age is entering a whole new stage in life.....and will start needing new toys. Ive been asked by my family to make a B-Day list for my baby.

What toys or things did you get or wish you got for your 1 year olds B-Day? What would you reccomend? All the toys I have now are for under 1 year like teething rings and rattles.

when my daughter was one we asked for toys that said on the box 12+ or 18+ months and pretend play things like puppets and dolls, a play tent and a little tikes workbench. even though yours might not be quite ready to play with those things properly they are fun for them to bang arounf with and then after a few months when they catch on they will have the next stage of toys available to them. they seem to go though a stage around 12-18 months where they are too big for baby toys and too young for the next stage toys. my daughter at 18 months it really just starting to use the older kid toys. oh yea the one thing she loved when she got it at her first birthday was the FisherPrice Little People bus and farm. another great gift was toddler style musical instruments (if your sanity can handle it). anyhow hope that helps .

How many of these toys from the 50s and 60s do you remember having?


After finding out the name of "magic slate," I typed in toys from 50s and 60s, and this is the site that came up. To my surprise, there was the 'magic slate, listed as #21. Howza bout that?

I remember nearly all of them. Quite a few are still available in my area today.
What is not on there that we had as kids are a Davy Crockett tent we had in the back yard, a Roy Rogers gun and holster set, a many piece cowboy and indian set with the fort, horses, etc., and my roller skates which would slide to fit and used a key to secure.

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where can I find a free campsite near carolina beach or fort fisher in North Carolina?


We have a tent and not alot of money so we're looking for a nice site-seeing trip on a shoestring buget.
Also can you tell me of some places to visit there that the kids will enjoy that is free or doesn't cost alot? Thanks
Thank You!

I'm planing to go next Thurday and head back satuday morning. We're coming from the Asheboro area. * Home of the NC zoo*

the kids are my grandkids ages 7 to 14.

I'll be sure to get some of those donuts. I've tried them a few years back. YUM

Am I right that the hermit story was on PBS? I watched that.

I'll check out the Carolina Beach State Park.

Walk-in beach camping is free at Freeman Park (aka the north end). If you want to drive on the beach, you've got to have a 4WD and a permit ($10/day). A town parking lot nearby is $5/day. Be advised that the meter maids are vigilant.

Better camping at Carolina Beach State Park off of Dow Rd, $15/night but vehicle is free.

You can camp for free on Masonboro but you have to get there. You can drop a boat at the wildlife ramp on Spencer Farlow (free parking).

No camping at Fort Fisher.

You didn't mention your dates, length of stay, or ages of your children but here goes...

Depending on dates of travel, there are sometimes free movies at the lake, free concerts at the air force recreation area, and free fireworks. Check out the link from the Gazette. It's probably worth the $0.50 to buy one when you get there. You can find them everywhere.

Other things to do. Skateboard park on Dow Rd (free). Lake Park has paddle boats and a walking trail that goes around the lake. Fresh donuts at Britts at the boardwalk. Spectators on both piers are free. Fort Fisher is free and has a decent little indoor exhibit. There is a small free museum at the air force recreation area with military stuff. Aquarium recently remodeled; there's an admission charge but worth it if you've never been. Check their calendar of events for free or low cost things you can combine with your visit. Visit the hermit bunker and the basin behind the aquarium (free but take plenty of deet). 4.5 miles of drivable beach if you have a 4WD ($10/day charge).

If you are really adventurous, go down to Battery Buchanan and walk across the rocks to Zeke's Island (free but wear good shoes, go at low tide, and beware of slick wet rocks). Ferry to Southport is relatively cheap and Southport is a relatively nice place to just walk around.

In nearby Wilmington, check out Greenfield Lake or Hugh MacRae for a picnic.

Wander around the waterfront in downtown Wilmington.

The USS North Carolina is across the Cape Fear river. OK, if you're into that but haven't been there since I was 9 (I'm 53!).

If you want to go to the beach, go to Kure or the recreation area at Fort Fisher to avoid parking fees.


IMO, state park is your best bet. I'm not sure how full it gets this time of year. You may want to call ahead.

I added another link from the Gazette. During your time, Thursday night fireworks and band at the Gazebo, you'll miss Sunday night movie at the lake.

Yes, the Hermit's story was recently on PBS and re-airs from time-to-time. Of course, he enjoyed free camping for the 17 years he lived at Fort Fisher. May be part of the reason that it's prohibited today.. If your grandkids complain about the campsite, take them down there and let them imagine what it was like for him, especially in the winter time. They've added a boardwalk across the marsh and a lot of signage in the past couple of years. Don't forget the deet.

Best place to take a vacation with the family to see wild animals?

Arthur kad

We wanna go take a vacation to see wild animals like lions, tigers, buffalo, zebras, elephants, and other animals that live with them where would be the best place to see them wild in one of those jeeps you see on tv? I want it to be clean we're we live but able to see the wild life were gonna be with two family's so we need a big place. Please give me some reccomendations on where to go I'm thinking south Africa but I can be wrong thanks and could someone give me an estimate for 6 adults and three kids please thank you.

If you go to South Africa you are sure to see Lions, Buffalo, Zebra, Elephant and lots of other animals. If you want to see Tigers in their natural habitat, best bet is to go to India.

Rent a jeep from a car hiring place.

Accommodation places in National Parks are clean. You can book your accommodation to suit your whole party (like the size of bungalo or chalet you will stay in) with the National Park once you have decided on one. If you are more adventurous, and you want to get really close to nature, there are options to camp in tents as well in designated areas that is relatively safe from wild animals.

Kruger National Park is a good one, also Addo Elephant Park. But dont be limited to these. There really are lots to choose from.

If you are looking what its gonna cost you, contact your local travel agent.

Here is just extra information.


Dont forget to visit Cape Town with Table Mountain. It is one of the new Natural Wonders of the World.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How do you make an indoor tent?

Luigi fan

I wanna make an indoor tent with my bed cuz my real tent broke and my freind's coming over and we were ganna camp...
Please answer my question!

"Tents donât necessarily have to go outdoors. You can make a fun indoor tent thatâs collapsible and will give the kids hours of enjoyment. This tent doesnât need any stakes but you will have to have plenty of fabric.
How To Make A Collapsible Indoor TentSheets can be used to make curtains, tablecloths, and yes, even tents.

Consider sheets instead of other material, since theyâre inexpensive and easy to work with, for this project.

Five twin sheets will make an excellent tent. You can purchase fabric, though, in smaller yardage than the sheets, if youâd like a shorter or smaller tent. Working with sheets makes it easier, since you donât have to measure and cut each side of the tent.

Consider how much floor space you can spare for the tent. Remember that the tent is easily collapsible if it needs to be moved in a hurry. Measure out the amount of space youâre willing to give the tent, then cut a sheet or piece of fabric to that size, allowing a couple extra inches on each side for hemming, and making sure to cut the piece in a perfect square. If one end of the sheet is already hemmed, do not add the extra inches for that side.

The square piece, upon being completely hemmed, becomes the top of the tent. Each of the four remaining sheets will become a side of the tent. Stitch the first sheet onto one side of the tent, at the very top edge. Allow the edge of the tent top to barely hang over the top edge of the sheet. Continue this until you have three sides sewn onto the tent. For the fourth side of the tent, cut the sheet in half, lengthways, then hem the cut edges. Sew the sheet onto the tent, making the fourth side, including a doorway. Make tabs and sew one on the top section and one on the bottom section of each sheet edge. These are used to tie the sides shut.

In order to hang the collapsible tent insert four eye hooks into the ceiling. To make the tent collapse out of the way of guests, insert two of the eye hooks next to the top ceiling molding. The four hooks should align with the four corners of the tent top.
String wire through the tent at all four corners. Wad the wire into a ball shape at each end, inside the tent, to keep it from coming out when hung. String the wire up to the eye hooks, making sure to get the tent top level and even. Simply wrap the wire around the eye hook and itâll hang until ready to collapse.

To collapse the tent just undo the front two wires. To remove the tent completely, just remove all four wires from the eye hooks. The tent is easy to hang again, and the kids will have a blast when they play in it."


Madison B

Can i get those cute little kids camping sets a like wal mart? Or where else?
ones like these:
and also: it doesnt have to be all cutsey, just like a smaller sizze.
thanks in advance
also, are they like SUPER small? cause its for my 13 year old, she said she wanted a tiny, cozy and content one like that. (x
ALSO: cause i am pretty sure i have seen them in the wal mart stores but they are not online so i was a little worried.
thanks guys.

I bought a $30 tent from Wal-Mart that says it is good for 4 people. They must have meant 4 kids because it is nowhere near big enough for 4 adults. Nonetheless, it is a great tent for $30 that the kids would definitely enjoy.

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Any family tent camping groups in southern California?


Have a 4 and 5 year old who enjoy camping. I am wondering if there is a family oriented camping group in southern California.

The YMCA, Boys/girls club, Boy Scouts of America are all active family outdoor organizations at 4-5 that's on the young side for camping related activities with these groups but they do have family camps where the whole family can attend camp together. Calvary Chapel Costa mesa also has a family camping group and also has a family summer camp where they cater to young families such as yours as well. here is the info for that


What is a great family place to tent camp between Tulsa OK and Branson MO?

charlie w

Looking for a place to spend a couple of nights that is not overcrowded and can be enjoyed without spending a lot of cash.

"Withrow Springs State Park" (Tent sites start at $17) Nestled in shaded woods that reflect the seasonal beauty of the surrounding hardwood forest, the park's campground features 47 campsites [30 Class AAA (with water, up to 50 amp service, and sewer hookups) and 17 Class B (with water and 30 amp service)]. Each campsite can accommodate either an RV and/or a tent. The camping area also features a new, barrier-free bathhouse.
Withrow Springs State Park is located five miles north of Huntsville on Ark. 23; or 20 miles south of Eureka Springs on Ark. 23.

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