Saturday, February 8, 2014

Anybody here buy IKEA kids furniture before?

The Jolly

I'm a little peeved now that I found out my sons convertible crib was recalled in April. :( Now I'm trying to find something quickly (and cheap) until I find a bedroom set I really like.

Any experience with IKEA childrens furniture? I was thinking he would like this because I could flip it upside down and make it like a little bed cave for him lol (he loves tents)
Oh god no... I don't sound like a popsicle mom do I? lol

I just don't want to deal with this right now... I'm getting sick, the kid is getting sick and now I worry about putting him in that bed. Ugh.

Do it do it do it

Here it is playhouse-d up:

Most of my house is Ikea; it is perfect for kids -- looks okay, cheap enough so its getting trashed is not a tragedy.

I spent my childhood pleading for their little loft beds each year when the catalogue came out. Every effing year: "No, because you'll outgrow it in no time. You'll think it's babyish and then we'd have to go out and buy you a new bed." Every year!!

Which meant that in my _twenties_ I had to go out and buy something like this:

because of all that deprivation in my childhood. Be kind and let him get "loft bed" out of his system now, so he doesn't embarrass himself later.

We have a bit of kiddie Ikea here and it's great -- this in particular is wonderful; I would've adored a chair like that as a kid. My daughter uses it as both play spot and as relaxation hideaway.

Where can I buy a Alexander tent bed with slide? PLEASE HELP?


My son has been wanting this bed for awhile. Its a kids loft bed thats not very big with a tent underneath and a slide w/ladder attached to bed. Ive been looking for this all over the internet and found it on lots of sites but everyone ive come to says SORRY OUT OF STOCK!! Ive emailed every company asking when they will get more but no response. No one seems to have this product and my son would love to have it. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!

it might not be the exact brand but have you checked Ikea?

if they have one in your area, you should go look-they have some cute beds w/slides there and they are reasonably priced.

craiglist is also a great place-we got my daughter's loft bed off of our craigslist for 50 bucks.

ebay-great place to find beds here is a link for one

same bed ebay link above has

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