Sunday, February 2, 2014

activities for kids?

loni lolo

hi i do daycare and im wondering what are some good activities for a two year old,one year old,and two three year olds?hanks!:)

Dancing is good. Also have them try different activities following you like jumping, standing on one foot, turning around, putting hands in air. Act like different animals.
Finger paint on large sheets of paper, or use shaving cream to paint the table. (Watch to make sure they don't eat it.)
Stack blocks. Play with cars. Play with a beach ball. Make a tent using a table and climb in it, or find a large box to play in.
Make musical instruments using empty plastic bottles with rice or dry beans.
Read. Teach them short rhymes and finger plays.
Hopefully you have a fenced in area to let them play outside.

A rainy weekend with 2 kids?


I need some ideas on what to do with my 7 year old daughter and my 4 year old stepson this weekend. It's supposed to be storming all weekend and they will be bored and driving us nuts if we don't get them out of the house and do something fun.

We don't have lots of money and it's hard to find stuff that they're both interested in. Any ideas?
Oh, and I live in the St. Louis area

Libraries can be fun for the right kids - my older two could spend hours there.

Check the local paper - many high schools do performances this time of year and the cost is usually just a few dollars.

Go to the mall to just walk around or have a snack.

Visit a local pet center like PetsMart - my kids love the fish tanks there!

Have a lunch picnic on the floor of a living room, bedroom or somewhere they don't usually eat. Spread out a blanket, pack the lunch, the works.

Make a tent by draping blankets over the dining or kitchen table. Let them use their imagination.

Get some empty boxes, all sizes and let them decorate and use them any way they wish. My kids will ask us to cut doors in them to make 'cars' for their stuffed animals or if they are big, for themselves!

Make a scavenger hunt in the house with prizes.

Bake cookies (always a hit)

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