Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ball pits for toddlers?

*Love My T

Does anybody have a ball pit for their toddlers? I just recently saw some online and I think there awesome. I'm thinking about getting one for my girls in a couple of months. I also read alot about people making their own, like with little pools. Just wondering what your thoughts are. If you have one where did you get it. How old is your baby, or how old when they started playing with it? Thoughts... Thanks.

I have 3 boys. We have had 2 inflatables, they didn't last long with my boys. I got a little round pool at the end of summer, it was 4 dollars. We bought the balls seperately. We also bought some turtle shaped bean bags and have them in there. We do not have a problem with the balls being everywhere. We use a Buzz lightyear pop up tent, that has two entrances, it fits exactly right over the pit. The kids love it. They started with them before 1, around 9 months. They are now 8, almost 4 (next month), and almost 3 (Nov. 1st), they still use it, everyday. All of them. I am not concerned about germs, its their germs. They do not go in with shoes on, and do not eat in the pit. Once every few months we take the pit outside, hose it down, alcohol the pool and spray the balls. We got both our inflatables at Toys R us. One was a fish bowl, the other a little house. The bean bag animals, we have several, pigs, turtles, rabbits, we got those off ebay for 1 dollar each. The sets are of 6. We have 4 sets of turtles, 2 rabbits, 2 pigs. Amazon carries them now, they are expensive now.
these are the turtles

We have 200 balls. We bought 1 ball pack of 100 for 10 dollars.

The pool is great, but a baby under 1 yr, at least mine could not get in and out themselves.

My pits had cost 32.99, and 26.97

The pool pit, the pop up tent was a gift, so nothing, the pool was 4 dollars, we bought 100 balls for 10, then we added the bean bag animals from ebay ascent-education-who hasn't sold in the past 6 months, the beanbags were 48. The other balls were left over from 2 other pits. The beanbags aren't necessary, but they make it more fun. So 14 dollars without the beanbags. Our pit is big, 42", and 8" deep
this looks like a good one, 24.76, good reviews, it looks a little small, but it says 47" long, that is 4 feet, so if the kids are pretty young, I'd go with something like this, then you can upgrade to a pool later. The balls, 16 dollars for 100, its a fair price, might be able to find better.

How do I keep baby out of the sun at the beach?

Sara S

Now that the baby summer stuff is going up for sale on ebay and local sales, I started thinking about the coming up summer (sigh). My baby is 4 months right now, and I've purchased a rash gaurd and baby sunscreen already, but I'm wondering if anyone out there knows of any great products that can help me keep the direct sun and bugs off of him when we go to thebeach this summer (we go alot, and I'm looking forward to getting outside with the baby) Or if you have any hints on bringing a baby to the beach, I'd appreciate them. I've seen little domed screen things that you can zip the baby in, they're kind of like a small play pen, but I think mine will be too big by the summer time.

I know I could get an umbrella, but that's not really doable in my area, they don't allow them on most beaches, and the shaded spots always fill up right away. I'm just thinking about all the new hazards (sand in eyes, sunburn, other kids, ahhhh can't wait)

I appreciate any advice from other parents, I will do a best answer as long as no one says "bring an umbrella" JK

Can you get a popup shelter? This may sound silly, but they have them for pets. It folds flat but then pops up into a cube. It might take some fiddling but you could cut the fabric on the sides so you can get to him but keep the top intact for shade. They're nylon so they're pretty sand and moisture proof.
Just found one for babies, here's the link to one on eBay so you can see it.
What do they allow on your beaches? Could you use two chairs and drape a beach towel between them as long as his fingers didn't get pinched.
The only other thing I'd suggest is make sure he keeps a hat on to shade his eyes.
Hope your little guy has fun.

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