Thursday, February 6, 2014

How do you keep your kids from jumping out of their crib?

sxenerdx <

My son is 21 months old and learned how to jump out of his crib. He use to be really easy to put to bed. Just lay him down and he would go to bed. Now he jumps out and plays in his room. I took all of his toys out thinking it would help but it doesn't. It takes me an hour and a half or more to get him to go to sleep. I know he's tried because sometimes I go in, and he is laying on the floor playing with his toys or holding his animals and just lays there. But the second I lay him down he jumps right back out. I'm at a loss at to what to do.
I need HELP! I work nights and so the only time I can sleep is when he sleeps. He usually takes two naps a day and yesterday I had to fight for him to take one. I'm loosing it but he just won't sleep. His dad told me that he kept jumping out of his crib at 3am. He is fed, changed, and nothing is wrong except that he likes to jump out of his crib. Please help!!!
Oh I'm not playful AT ALL! I'm very stern with him and have been from the start. I can not handle no sleep all week long. I usually let him play for 15 minutes before going in and putting him back in.
With the toddler bed, I know he will just do the exact same thing. But it's easier for him to get out of a toddler bed. That's why I haven't switched him yet. I see this being worse if he were in a toddler bed. How do you keep them in toddler beds?

Most do switch to a toddler bed once their child can get out of the crib, but they do make a "crib tent" which clips on over the crib so that little ones can't get out (or in the case of the family cat, get in). Here's one example:

Instead of letting him play for 15 minutes, promptly go put him back in his crib (or toddler bed). By allowing him to play for 15 minutes you've taught him that if he climbs out he can play for quite some time (and usually become more awake) before you put him back in the crib. This may mean you're sitting right outside his door for a few nights until he falls asleep, but he will get it.

Other than "Tots in Mind," is there any other company that makes a crib tent?

Beth G

The "Tots in Mind" crib tent doesn't have great reviews and I can't find a competitor. Any suggestions are great!

We used the crib tent, the Tots in Mind one, and I'm surprised that it got low reviews. It was great. At first, we just wanted to keep the cat out of the crib before my first child was born then to protect him from the cat if it happened to sneak in during a night feeding etc. Later, we used it to keep my son from climbing out of the crib (he started at 14 months, a little too young for us to really want to move him to a toddler bed).

I loved it. The only down sides were that the zipper was noisy and after awhile the netting started to separate from the sides because it was so tight and we used our lift up/down cribside a lot.

I was going to use it again for my second child but realized we didn't need to -- the cat would run miles before jumping in the crib with the kids as they scare him to death. But, once my daughter was a little older, I quickly found out that my daughter's pacifiers were constantly falling to the ground and it would wake her up. So, I was constantly feeling around on the floor in her dark room in the middle of the night with a screaming child. This was never a problem with the crib tent as it kept them inside.

I debated putting up the old one but decided it was too "used," there were a couple holes along the zipper, so I'd have to buy another one to be safe. But, spending all that money just for dropped pacis seemed ridiculous, so I settled on the crib shield -- no tent part, just netting around the sides. It's four pieces instead of one, holes on each corner, and she kept pulling apart the velcro. I can't tell you how many times I wondered why it wasn't made like the crib tent, which goes around everything (under the mattress, up the sides, attaches to the rails VERY securely, and then the tent part). I even debated making one exactly the same just minus the tent part and becoming a millionaire. ;)

Anyway, depending on what you need it for, I think the crib tent is a good choice. Keeps cats out, climbing kids in, pacifiers within reach of the child etc. The zipper part was a bit of a pain, but at some point, the child does become used to the noise. I haven't ever seen any other brands of crib tent type things. The closest I was able to find was the crib shield by breathable baby.

ETA: Just realized I should add...we used Cloud and Stars QuickZip sheets (link below) not regular crib sheets. This probably added a lot of benefit to the tent as I can see how using regular crib sheets would be really frustrating with the crib tent as it's very hard to take the mattress out. But, with the QuickZip sheets, if you have an accident, you just zip off the top part and zip on a fresh one. You still need to change the whole set, which is a pain, but not as often as you would have to if you use regular sheets.

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