Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Need some indoor play ideas for kids ages 3 & 4?


We haven't been able to go outside to play for almost two weeks because of heavy rain, and I'm running out of indoor ideas. My kids were in preschool for two days a week and that helps, but the "school-year" ended earlier this week, and now we're all stuck inside with nothing in the immediate future to look forward to go and do.

Here's what we've been doing:
Coloring--we started with 48 new crayons and now only have 4-5 that are an inch long
Watched movies (with popcorn, and a makeshift tent)
Sang songs and danced around
Attempted duck duck goose (the 3 y/o doesn't really understand so they just chase each other around in circles for about 15 minutes)
Fed and named, all of our fish
Learned how to do some of the chores (they can now put all their sheets on their beds, including the fitted sheet)
Played with play-doh
Made a loaf of homemade bread together
Little puzzles
Flashed alphabet cards
Worked on writing their names

I'm not very creative, so I've run out of things to do with them. They love to go outside and usually spend much of the day starting in April until October outside playing in the sandbox, swings, bikes etc. but this being inside is starting to take its toll.

Can anyone give me any other ideas of things I can do with them inside (I can't take them anywhere because my husband and I share a car, and he takes it to work, if I want it we have to drop him off, and pick him up, so I only use it when absolutely necessary).

I play flashlight find. Hide little objects around a room (like an egg hunt). Turn off the lights and give each kid a flashlight, then have the "detectives" find the hidden loot. Building a fort is a lot of fun. If they are super creative they can also create signs for their fort, maybe even "decorate" by stringing up holiday lights etc. This is more exciting for girls but, we would make our own paper dolls by drawing a girl and then drawing out dressing for them, cutting them out etc. You can make those little paper fortune tellers (instructions online) by folding them out of paper and play that game. Have a picnic indoors- pop popcorn, cut up fruit, sing songs like teddy bears' picnic etc. Pack a basket even and "go on your picnic" in the living room. Have a talent competition, set up a little stage and have everyone take turns showing off talents like joke telling etc. Make sock puppets and put on a show from behind the couch. Have fun!

What is a good indoor tent?

Riley Asht

Im trying to find a good indoor tent on amazon that can house at least 4 people. But I cant find anything good. Anyone have an idea on what kind of tent I should get?

You may not be getting answers because of the confusion around indoor. I can think of two indoor reasons, kids play in, or to set up in an auditorium in an emergency disaster. Other?

You may consider rephrasing your question with what is a good summer tent, one season.

I'm not an expert on tents; I have a couple good ones. I would think something made by Coleman or Kelty would fit your needs. REI would be the next level. Maybe detail what you mean by good.

Hope it helps.

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