Saturday, February 8, 2014

camping with my kids?

Amanda jan

my kids are on school holidays and thinking of getting a tent we have no means of travel because of no car
so we are thinking of pitching our tent in our large garden question is how could i make camping in the garden more fun for my kids what things could we do would really appreciate the help

Do you have some kind of Christmas lights that you could string up---on a shrub, tree branches, pine tree---just anything to attach them too. A small campfire is great too---fix hot dogs and smores over the campfire and tell some stories suitable for the age of your children. Be sure you have some type of light out in the garden as you never know when you might need a light and It is comforting for children in the wee hrs of morning and great in an emergency---it could dogs and cats before morning came. If they have sleeping bags that is fun and if not an old blanket. My mother use to tell us stories of her childhood when we use to camp out on the living room floor because of the zero weather. We love remembering those days now. It will be a blast for you all.

What battery for small lights?

Haziq N

Hey guys, I'm trying to install 2 lights for my cousins cubbyhouse cause he wants to have sleepovers out there at night, but it's too far from the house to hookup to the houses electricity. I'm thinking about hooking them up to batteries that are rechargable, and then hooking those up to a switch so he can turn them on and off. Would a DIY job be dangerous at all? I don't want the kids cubbyhouse to burndown or anything haha. Also, what batteries and lights should I use? Is there another way of powering these lights without hooking them up to the house?

Just go to a local store that sells camping supplies. They have small battery operated lights that hang from tops of tents. Much easier. Go for LED lights if u can find them. No heat + battery lasts much longer.

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