Monday, February 3, 2014

What is this called? Tent Question? Want to make my own tent for the kids but...?

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What is this flexible wire called that is used for these kind of tents... and where do i find them. Thanks.

Hi Ryu, cool name btw

Those are widely known as playtents, igloo tents, or just childrens tents. You should be able to get them from any good toy store and some are sold with the tube and other accessories.

Here's a link to try to make your own [follow the highlighted link]:

Heres some more inspiration:

I dont know what country you're from but I''l try my best to show you where to buy them:

Try a google search for you own country:

Hope i helped a bit :)



how much is a month long trip to NZ going to run me?



i'm trying to get the price estimate of this:

getting from the top of the northern island down to the bottom of the southern island. staying at relativly cheap places, ad then food for a month. think, a college kid just trying to get around down there for a month?

any helpful price estimates?

"The North Island" and "The South Island". If you come the Immigration Dept say you must have $1000NZ ($600 US), which is $250 per week, but that would only be enough if you hitchhiked everywhere, which is still safe, transport is pretty expensive. A backpackers hostel will cost you $20-35NZ per night you can also camp for about $12-$25 per night. Motorcamps are always worth checking out they can offer cabins quite cheaply. Don't come in high season Nov-Late March, come in April its still quite warm or October, it might be starting to warm up again. There are places where you can freedom camp, and as long as you don't do any overpriced tourist activities and steer clear of places like Queenstown (go for half a day but stay somewhere else for the night) you can go on the cheap. Get to know the locals and someone might offer you a place to stay. Buy a small tent, you won't regret it, it will save you a lot of money.

I think, to be on the safe side you should bring $1000 US but if you are careful with your money, you might go home with change. In Wellington stay at Rowena's Lodge in Brougham St, you can pitch a tent out the back and its quite safe. Costs about $15 per night.

Buy your food only from Supermarkets or factory outlets (incl food). Look out for specials. You can always get a good meal that way. There's always enough available on special to get a good cheap meal.

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