Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cheap/Good Camping tent/items?


Family of four. Little ones are 5 and almost 3. We went last year camping once and loved it - Used borrowed items. We are looking to buy our own tent and things this year..But cant spend alot of money but want something that wont be crap.
Walmart? Target?

Wal-mart has some good deals on camping gear and won't cost alot either. I have been buying what i need a little at a time. One good idea for you is to get a plastic storage box to put your cooking gear in it so you won't have to get anything from the house.They also make good containers for putting the kids toys in. And also your camping gear so everything will be packed and ready to go camping the next time you want to.

campgrounds for kids only?


you know that movie 'the parent trap"? well im trying to find a camp sort of like that where me and my friends can stay for a couple of days. please help!!! If you find some, remember i want something only in florida around Orlando area!! thnx!!!!!

Legally I think kids or teenagers would have to have supervision on any campgrounds, kids or only. What I suggest is you take a map of the forests, find an area that can be reached by a short walking distance from a road, and camp down. Most national parks would allow you to camp legally on federal land, so just find a plot a little off of a campground. I would not suggest going without a weapon, some animals (Like raccoons) with rabies could be dangerous, a good shovel or bat might work.

Sadly, I do not live anywhere close to Florida so I wouldn't be able to find a kid's only camp.

It's pretty easy to set up a camp, dig a pit for a latrine (With a shovel or hands), set up a tent (Or sleep in a pit you made big enough for yourself), and you can even build structures out of dead trees and vines.

For a campground with structures, I highly doubt you would find one. Here all we can find is flattened out dirt areas, or fields, they even said straight out there would be no tables, chairs, bathrooms, houses, or otherwise. Though, I'm in Colorado.

Your best bet to find a camp like in the Parent Trap would be going to a literal, "Camp" or to an abandoned camp.

Once again, I would suggest taking a weapon (If you know how to use one without maiming yourself, I for one know how) if you are going without a parent or adult.

There's a section on these forums labeled, "Orlando" you'd get more answers there.

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