Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tent Camping...State Park/Private...Year Round campers?


We are wanting to go camping soon...Ive checked online at private and state park campgrounds. How will "year round" campers treat us? It seems the private campgrounds have more socialable things to do, for the kids. But they also seem to have more RV campers, How will everyong be with us tent campers?

"Year round" campers will treat you just fine as long as you are friendly and courteous to them. Campers, as a whole, are a friendly and helpful group. I can't begin to count the times I have seen complete strangers offer to help put up a tent or dining canopy, give helpful tips on starting a campfire, local sites to visit, etc.

RV campers do not look down on tent campers. Personally, I know tent campers who look down on RVer's!! LOL

You are correct in saying that private campgrounds usually have more socialable things to do: pot luck dinners, game nights, hay rides, and the list goes on and on.

When did your kid leave the crib for a big kid bed?


My DD Jade is 2 years and 5 months old. Just an hour ago she was yelling for her dad and tried to climb out of the crib, which she would have had I not stopped her. She had no problem getting her leg up and over and swinging the other one over, relying Solly on her arms and me to keep her from going over, lol she's freakishly strong.

Should I just get a crib canopy/tent thingy to keep her in or she we convert her crib to a toddler bed? If we put her in the toddler bed I don't want her climbing out and banging on the door for our attention. She used to do that when we co-slept which is one of the reason I put her in her crib.
We share a room. I won't put a gate up out of fear she'll break thur it and tumble down the stairs. I watch her thur a monitor so I see that she wakes up sometimes at night and goes back to sleep within a minute or two. I'm afraid that if she can just climb out of the bed she will but for safety reasons it seems I have no choice but to convert her crib.

1 1/2 a colorful kid friendly bed will make her wanna sleep in her own bed, lots of encouragement and a fun routine. but then again there are kids who'd rather stick with you during bedtime. and there are those who regress. see what's best for you and your child.

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