Thursday, February 20, 2014

did you know canada terrorist trials get under way shocking?


Alleged Toronto terror plot detailed in court
A track leads through land in Ramara Township northeast of Orillia, where the accused men are said to have held a military-style training camp.


In a video, Person 1, shown sitting in the dark under what appears to be a tent, speaks to the group:

"We're here to kick it off man. We're here to get the rewards of everybody that's gonna come after us, God willing, if we don't (get) a victory, God willing, our kids will get it. If not them, their kids will get it, if not them, the(n) five generations down somebody will get it, God willing. This is the promise of Allah. . . .

Excerpts from a conversation in a car during

"Operation Badr," recorded covertly by police:

Person 3: "What happens, what happens at the Parliament?"

Person 1: "We go and kill everybody."

Person 3: "And then what?"

Informant: "And then read about it

Thanks for the info. I shall be following the story.

How to start living like a nomad(Rubber Tramp)?


Here's my situation;
I'm a 28 year old licensed electrician working in Toronto, Canada. I'm athletic, resourceful, good at working with my hands and I can think on my toes. This September my apartment lease expires and I've been sitting on a bit money and have been wondering what to do with it. I have no girlfriend, all of my friends are either leaving here or starting a life with their significant others. The only thing I'll have is my car.

After reading "Into The Wild" I've decided I want to live the life of a "Rubber Tramp" for a while. My plan is to head west come September, to B.C., Slum around there for a while. Then when it starts to get colder head south down the coast to California and then travel around the southern states for as long as I want.

Can anyone recommend any books or websites that could help someone get started. Something like a "Hitchhikers guide". I need to know what states should I watch out for, How can I sleep in my car/tent for free and avoid the authorities?, the certain mistakes you can't afford to make, stuff like that. Anythings helps.

Answer and have resources for beginners. The best advice I can give you is to just do it. All you really need to know is where to stand, how to get out of a big city, and which rides to decline (usually ones that are going to the middle of no where or people that make you feel uneasy). The best way to learn is to just get out there and do it, that's the way I learned. As far as where to avoid, most of the east coast can be pretty hard at times, but you'll get a ride eventually. Some places like Wyoming have outlawed hitchhiking, but it's still pretty easy to get a ride there. Other places like New Jersey or Virginia you'd be better off using public transportation. You'll run in to a lot of old tramps and traveling kids, most of them will offer you advice or a few pointers. Just remember when the police do pull you over (and they will), be polite (yes sir, no sir). Good luck

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