Monday, February 17, 2014

Do kids born and raised in Hawaii realize how lucky they are compared to most mainland kids?


I know there are some crappy parts of the Hawaiian islands, but I mean kids who grew up in places like the north shore of Kauai with the magnificent, green mountains and the clear blue water and the hiking and exploring and surfing, etc...or the north shore of Oahu too... I know I know I know Hawaii has crappy public schools in general and a lot of smoking pot and a lot of poverty and everything at the stores are more expensive for them...but do the kids just recognize, or are they taught at a young age, that their hometown/island is where a lot of mainlanders dream to see one day? Are they grateful for how much they can do and explore on the island and in the water? Do they just kind of get used to the magnificent scenery and not appreciate it when they get older?
Plus they're exposed to great, deeply cultural food
Ok Ok..forget the food part

Hey, the "great, deeply cultural food" bout the only thing I agree with you bout kidz in Hawaii, ok? Can't forget that for sure, and what up with the otha posters, they got something against Spam? I mean, with fry rice, you can feed lotta hungry people onna can of spam, yeah?
Ok, joke ova, for sure the main problem I see hea Hawaii gotta be the lack of opportunity for kid to make a living, buy house, car, have family, just so spensive hea, and that lack of opportunity part of problem for kisz who born hea, oK? I mean, they see how poor economy is, and how low wages are, and how spensive housing and food is, they see the struggle of they family and friends, so even tho it nice and pretty hea, an we got beach and ocean, lotta part of Hawaii not too good for kidz, yeah? Education really suck hea, and mainly the problem is teachers union, can'tget rid of bad teacher so they can hire good one, and for sure teacher gotta change before education system improve, ok? So, kids do what they see they folks do, the do drug, alcohol, girl get pregnant, and problem jsut keep going with each generation...not too good for lotta people hea, even tho it pretty, not too good if you family living inna campground inna tent you gotta take down every day, then put up next nite, and you see adult fight, and divorce, and get drunk and get high, yeah? Big problem hea Hawaii, ok? Next time you visit, and stay ova inna resort corridor, remember, this not how vast majority of local people live, ok? Peace and aloha to you, and thank you for question, good one, ok?

Would you hire a male babysitter?


Are people prejudiced? I got a response (totally reasonable, well-written) to my babysitting ad from an (experienced 27 year old) guy. And he led by saying that he "totally understood" if I didn't want a male babysitter.

My situation is a little different, since with any potential babysitter, I'm just going to be in the house working. Partly I'm a little prejudiced in *favor* of a guy because my husband's male friends always seem to get really into playing with my son - sit down on the floor, set up the train tracks, etc. And partly because I assume that any guy who has experience babysitting is probably pretty good at it/likes it.

I guess the big fear is that the guy is a child molester? I guess if I'm honest, I would be more worried about a strange guy than a strange woman, but presumably my weirdo radar would work.

Anyway, I am curious - all other things being equal, would you have a problem with a male babysitter (not friend or relative), or prefer a female one? Do you have a reason or is it just a gut instinct thing?

Now that my son isn't a baby any more and enjoys lots of physical play, I really enjoy seeing him interact with our male friends. Daddy's boss, friend, my son's little girlfriend's Dad etc all are great at running around and wrestling and climbing and chasing and building and in general keeping up with his energy. My husband's friend even managed to fold all 6 foot plus of himself up and crawled inside my son's little play tent because he asked him to (which totally ruined my "I'm too big to fit inside with you sweetheart" excuse to not do so myself, but that's okay).

I think that male sitters and female sitters interact with kids a lot differently, but if your son and you are happy with a male sitter, that's great. I try not to worry too much about child molesters and whatnot since anyone can be a child molester and me actually being in the home with them would keep me aware (those mommy senses) if anything were wrong.

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