Saturday, February 22, 2014

Should I move to America Fromm the UK?


I am terrified at the thought of snakes and poisonous spiders as even things like earwigs make me shiver in the UK. I really want to go to university/college in the USA. Are there any reassurances or views from Americans which will ease my mind. I actually don't mind the thought of bears or wolves, it's just like snakes and insects. I went to Florida for two weeks and was scared of the ghekos which were everywhere. I just don't know what to do. It has been my dream for a long time to move to America but in Florida, I was on edge all the time. Help please. Thank you xx
I I got an ESTA in July 11 for Florida, I think that is a 2 year one. Not sure. My grandads sister lives in Ohio and my NAND niece lives in Canada. Have I got any hope in moving? Answers are appreciated xx

Not all areas of the U.S. have poisonous snakes and spiders. You'll have more of a problem with that if you live in the southeast or southwest part of the country. I have lived in the Midwest and northeast (New England), and while there are plenty of spiders, they are harmless. They aren't extremely attractive, but they get rid of the little bugs that scare my kids. So now I leave the spiders in my house alone! Also, a few people mentioned gun laws. I agree that some of them are crazy, but keep in mind that not every state has the same gun laws. States like California, Connecticut, and Colorado are much more strict. I have never seen a gun (except on a police officer) or been a victim of a crime in all my 34 years of life here. You're worried about bears and wolves? Animals like that are supposed to be fairly common in Ohio, where I am, but I have never seen one outside of a zoo. The worst I have seen is a coyote and raccoon. Unless you'll be living in a tent in the wilderness, this should not be a concern.

You have more important things to consider if you want to live in the USA. Visa? It's hard to get! You can come here as a student easiest. A lot of people also think that living some where warmer or with beaches is the best thing, but that's not necessarily true. This is a truly diverse country (people, weather, and landscapes) so don't limit yourself to what TV makes you believe it's like.

Looking for a campsite in southwest UK, dog & child friendly, on a beach, near a train station?


I'm looking for the above for a family camping holiday (tent not caravan) in August. Any recommendations would be fab. A campsite with a kids play area would be marvelous!!

dorset has a family friendly one dont know if they allow dogs its on a beach dont know if near train station


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